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Advice Lines Question by bigblock
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
another federal lawsuit? - 8/4/2010

missouri voters on tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a key provision of obama-care. with about 70% of the vote counted late tuesday, about 75% voters approved proposition c that would prohibit the feds

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
political correctness - 7/14/2010

i received this via e-mail yesterday and i believe it is as good a definition of political correctness as i have ever read. "a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promot

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
praise for a job well done - 7/12/2010

what with this politically correct, law suit crazy, and hustle buss world we live in today. i often wonder just how many of us take the time to praise someone for a job well done. during my recent sta

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
bad weekend - 7/8/2010

boy i tell you folks, this was weekend from he)). it started off well enoughwe had planned a week end of staying home and getting the garage ready enough for the new arrival. well thats what lynn call

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
good weekend - 6/20/2010

well it sorta a good weekend. we went to a koa campground with my two and both of the grand-. out side i ate to much and a late night storm last night, it was a fun weekend. i bought ice cream bars f

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
lack of respect or is it just me - 6/8/2010

about two weeks ago my sons mother-in-law passed away after a lengthy illness. out of respect to him and my -in-law we attended the services. i was shocked at the way others were dressed. her own loo

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
two questions - 5/26/2010

how many of you remember when we used to laugh at old people?

now for the most important question, do you remember what we were laughing at?

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
good times - 5/24/2010

hey everyone how about a nonpolitical, non complaining, and non bitching post for a change? i was at work thursday when one of the guys asked me if i wanted to buy his race tickets for the newton race

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
social security tweaks - 5/20/2010

senator herb kohl of wisconsin recently gave a list of tweaks to "repair our social security system". out of the ten things he listed six of them increased taxes. two of them reduced benefits, and the

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
wishes - 5/8/2010


2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
arizona immigration law and government failure - 5/7/2010

the controversial Arizona immigration law has a common characteristic, the failure of Washington. now before anyone criticizes the citizens of Arizona who are worried about their lives and safety. the

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
and obesity - 4/5/2010

our first lady michelle obama was recently on the mike huckabee show. yes its on fox news channel. as with most of our first ladies she has taken on her pet project which is childhood obesity and as w

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
bill to be introduced - 3/26/2010

senator charles grassley(r-iowa)will introduce a bill in the senate requiring the president, vice-president, cabinet members, top white house staff, and the congressional staff who drafted the measure

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
new tax - 3/26/2010

i have heard that "smiling bob" is now "frowning bob". it seems that the federal government is going to start taxing men on the size of "well you know that certain part of the male anatomy." he is con

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
loss of doctors - 3/18/2010

according to a recent article in the new england journal of medicine about half of the nations doctors will leave the profession if obama-care is passed. approximately 63% of doctors polled feel that

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
dumbest statement ? - 3/12/2010

while over in blog land, i ran across this post by sleekbeauty1. i hope she dont mind i brought the subject over here for all to see. no she did not make the statement. the speaker of the house nancy(

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
for your information - 3/9/2010

the reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days when the engines were pulled by horses. the horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured how to walk up straight staircases.

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
history lesson - 3/3/2010

on this date march 3, 1931 the star spangled banner was made the official national anthem of the united states. it was by congressional resolution and signed by president herbert hoover. on this date

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
explanation - 2/18/2010

first off let me assure you that it was not my intent on my last post to start debate over health care nor is it here. who better to ask about the other systems than the people who are receiving the b

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
follow up question - 2/14/2010

as most all people know former president clinton was recently hospitalized with chest pains. he received an angiogram followed by an angioplasty. these procedures were done within hours of his first c

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
questions - 2/9/2010

due to the recent posts here about the health care system in canada and so many conflicting responses i am left confused as to what is the true state of canadas health care system. i understand that o

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
cabin fever - 2/2/2010

boy oh boy do i ever have a case of cabin fever. this has been a nastier winter than we have had for a few years. i guess the milder ones spoiled me for this one has been hard on this old guy. we have

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
unsustainable spending - 2/1/2010

as most of you have read by now, the president has sent his budget to congress. its $3.8 trillion dollars($3, 800, 000, 000, 000.00)of which over half will be added to the debt. i put the numbers in j

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
state of the union speech - 1/27/2010

facing a divided congress and a dissatisfied nation, the president is to make his annual state of the union address to a joint session of congress and the american people.

what would you like

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
our wastful congress - 1/13/2010

at the recent summit in copenhagen, our congress people led by speaker pelosi and house majority leader hoyer took a group of representatives and senators to show support for the summit. of course thi

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
safety tip - 1/12/2010

as most of us know the country is experiencing a nasty old winter, with a few exceptions of course. i found a article in our local newspaper that i think is worth passing on. keep your natural gas met

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
research your medicnes - 1/8/2010

about 6 months ago my diabetes doctor had me start taking another pill to lower my triglycerides. it is rather high priced so they gave me samples and told me when i ran out to come back and they woul

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
brrr its cold out there - 1/7/2010

i just got thru moving the latest installation of global warming from my drive and the neighbors drive. and to top that off its colder than a witches boobie. wheres al gore? i bet with all the hot air

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
new arrival - 12/28/2009

nickolas allen weighed in a 7 lbs 11 oz and is 21 inches long. he arrived at 2:33 this afternoon. the new baby is the newest grandson to MR AND MRS JOE. lets all congratulate them on a job well done.

2 response(s), 15 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
ho-ho-ho - 12/25/2009

its christmas morning and all is well here inside the the bigblocks house. outside is a different story. mother nature in her infinite wisdom sent us 6 inches of new snow which i could have done witho

2 response(s), 15 votes