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karinpepita 109 F
62  questions

This is a bit of cerebral humor

The Psychiatrist & T he Proctologist

Best friends graduated from medical school at the same time and decided that, in spite of two different specialties, they would open a practice together to share office space and personnel.

Dr. Smith was the psychiatrist and Dr. Jones was the proctologist; they put up a sign reading: ...

5 response(s), 9 votes
NancyL644 68 F
7  questions
I'm here to lay the rumors to rest. Yes, it's true Belle La Donna - 8/31/2011

I know some of you have heard rumors over the last few days regarding Belle. I'm here to tell you all they're true, every one of them, all true. Today is Belle's birthday.

So, have a happy one, my friend. Enjoy your day and please accept my wishes for many more happy days.

5 response(s), 6 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
Questions - 8/7/2011

Have you ever wondered, if both the Republicans and Democrats are against deficits, why do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politician's are against inflation and high taxes, why do we have inflation and high taxes?

Have you ever wondered why politician's are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them?

1 response(s), 3 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Where would your Camelot be? - 7/24/2011

In todays world of weather upsets, heat, rain, wind, tornadoes, cold, and violence like drug wars, mudrder, mayhem. Where would you like to live? Your close idea to Camelot where in legend, truth, goodness, beauty, and good weather was the norm? And for me no snakes.

6 response(s), 4 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions

I saw this word in a blog a couple of days ago, this has nothing to do with that blog of the writer as such, but the meaning of the word in it self. My mother used that word freely, if you did not come from a family that could show a pedigree going centuries back, you were of no good breeding. This used to make my toes curl, since most of the people habituating this world are not able to do this ...

12 response(s), 8 votes
Katey2000 68 F
1  question
Oxymoron or Not? - 7/14/2011

It has been only recently that I rejoined SFF after a few years break; with the specific purpose of online chat. And if lucky, to make a few genuine pen pals along the way.

As in everyday life, people come into our lives and people go. And It’s been great catching up with the chatters I knew from the past and lovely to meet the new ones in there as well. Sitting back watching and ...

14 response(s), 13 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
Iowa Democra - 6/29/2011

I was reading the Iowa Democrat Platform. Among the items they support is the return to the pre-1954 Pledge of Allegiance. Just what do they mean ? How many of you know what they have to do to the Pledge to make it pre-1954?

6 response(s), 6 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Can anyone do a Sun Dance, how about a sunny joke. - 6/18/2011

It has been three weeks of rain and cloud now, and at least another week of showers and cloud. So depressing, and people are in a bad mood. Cool? At 2pm it was 9C or 48.2F, the furnace has come on several times.

What we ( need is some one to do a sun dance or tell a few sunny side jokes to get us out of this blue funk.

Destiny, sooo nice to have you back. Now that is a real ...

4 response(s), 4 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions

There are many new illness that did not exist when I went to nursing school or even when I was working in Northern CA. there was some drug addictions, but seamed more heroin and later LSD and mushrooms ...At that time if you had a drinking problem it was pushed under the rug. In my family (my father's) we had some 'crazy' aunts that were living in one of the wings in the house, we never spoke ...

2 response(s), 8 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
Don"t mess with older women - 6/12/2011

One night an 87 year old woman came home from Bingo and found her 92 year old husband in bed with another woman. She became violent and ended up pushing him off the balcony of their 20th floor, assisted living apartment, killing him instantly.

Brought before the court on the charge of murder, the Judge asked her if she had anything in her defense. She began coolly, "Yes, your honor. I ...

2 response(s), 12 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
If You were running for Political Office? - 6/8/2011

So if you were a politician what political scandels would they be broadcasting about you? I am a nonpracticing alcoholic and tried Wacky Weed when I was 19. I confess, I inhaled. I have a 1982 "Disturbing the Peace" Criminal Conviction. I acquired a Speeding Ticket last year. My ...

5 response(s), 6 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
Credit Cards - 6/8/2011

I would bet most of us here have been getting or have gotten the you have Pre-Approved for a Master Card or Visa in the mail. Well this gave me an idea, lets all send the Congress and the Administration one that states they have been Pre-Declined. They seem to think money grows on trees, so lets show them it don't.

Anybody else like this idea?

3 response(s), 5 votes
Suzawanda 70 F
2  questions
I See A Pattern Here - 6/7/2011

I just joined this site not too long ago, and I've received emails from men which seem highly suspicious.

First of all, the men are usually above-average looking.

Second of all, when I read a particular man's profile, his English is impeccable. On the other hand, when the man writes me a personal email, his English is quite flawed.. For example, he might write, "I will love to ...

6 response(s), 11 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
All Those GREAT Responses!!!!!! - 6/6/2011

Upon checking my inbox Messages - I found two messages and both said

"System notice: subject has been removed for abuse"

I suspect it's because the poor unsuspecting guy tried to submit contact information. I wonder how they expect us to connect if we can't contact each other. Perhaps the SFF ...

5 response(s), 6 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
English Lesson ???? - 6/5/2011

No English Dictionary has been able to explain the difference between the two words COMPLETE and FINISHED, in a way that's easy to understand. Some people say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. I beg to differ because, there is.

When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE.

When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED!

And when the right ...

4 response(s), 11 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Got any warm weather to spare? - 6/4/2011

Here it is the 4th of June and it should be the time for putting bedding plants out. Well, except for frost and the threat of frost for the past four nights and the snow that fell this morning. It is 32F out there, and the furnace has kicked on a couple of times today. Talk about cool eh?

Suppose you all have your spring planting done by now, right?

5 response(s), 1 vote
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
Relay for Life, Cancer Survivors and Beyond - 5/29/2011

I've gotten involved with a Relay for Life Event for the American Cancer Society by being a Captain for a Relay Team for my Employer.

Since I am a Runner - It's a Perfect event for me to Captain although some folks including Cancer Survivors will be Walking it.

Most running events are fundraisers for a Cause but Cancer is one that touches all of us. If not personally, we all ...

3 response(s), 2 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
Why Star Can't Get A Date! LOL! - 5/29/2011

I sent this to about a dozen guys on the Fishing Site and only got two responses - both declining.

How is that for a first date. (Wicked Grin) NEXT weekend, I am participating in a Relay for Life Event for the American Cancer Society.

I am team captain for my employer's team. Since I am training for a Marathon, I thought is might be a good time to practice. It also raises ...

6 response(s), 5 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
Quote of the year - 5/29/2011

"Thanking Obama for killing bin Laden is like going into McDonalds and thanking Ronald McDonald for the hamburger. Its the guy cooking the burger that should get the credit, not the Clown."

3 response(s), 10 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
a most un-healthy and sinful breakfast - 5/21/2011

OMG this is soooo good. I am armed with a 16oz glass of ice cold milk and a spoon as I eat my breakfast of a big piece of Carmel Brownie Ganache Cake. A chocolate cake that has been cut in half and the center filled with milk chocolate whipped cream icing and chocolate fudge brownies. The cake is then covered with a mound of chocolate whipped cream icing, then topped with chocolate fudge ...

6 response(s), 4 votes
Suzawanda 70 F
2  questions
Separated? - 5/21/2011

I am new to SFF, and I was wondering about men who say they are "separated." This guy I was corresponding with told me he and his wife were separated, so I thought he was getting a divorce. We IM'd for a while and I liked his quick wit. He kept wanting to meet me during the day for coffee, which I thought was reasonable. We were IMing one evening, and, since we were supposed to meet in a couple ...

6 response(s), 6 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Got a summer project? - 5/14/2011

Ahhh summer, the time to relax, put your feet up, have a cool drink and enjoy the sun. Don't I wish.

Four weeks to go and back to looking after a 1, 200 person cadet camp for six weeks. In the mean time I just have a few projects to complete, like a 60 foot sidewalk to put in, 25 foot section of chainlink fence to replace, build a 5 foot by 5 foot ceramic tile pad on the lower deck for ...

8 response(s), 5 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
Defict or Debt - 5/12/2011

What with all the hoopla over the budget and raising the Debt Ceiling. I think its time to address this issue.

Suppose you spend more money than you make this month. This situation is called a budget deficit. So you borrow. The amount you borrowed is now called your debt. You have to pay interest on your debt. If next month you spend more than your income, another deficit, you have to ...

4 response(s), 1 vote
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
Mothers Day - 5/7/2011

Just wanting to wish all the mothers a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.

2 response(s), 0 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
Supporting the Capitalist Dream on a Religious Holiday - 4/25/2011

Sam's Club which is part of Wal-Mart actually had the Day off despite the fact that 90 percent of the Associates are non-Christians. So I had the day off. Yea Haw!

Ironically, Wal-Mart was open on Easter. So was Star Bucks and the Dollar Tree.

I had to wait for Monday to buy my One Hundred and Ten Dollar running shoes. Since I am training to run The Marine Corp Marathon in ...

3 response(s), 0 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
understanding - 4/18/2011

I am so worked up today. I get a phone call from a credit card company telling me we are behind over $250 dollars on our account. Of course it is one of those automated call where you punch numbers. I hate those with a passion. I get on line to the bank and check all the past three months records. Guess what Lynn had sent all the payments in on-line and the bank has a record of them. O K so I ...

3 response(s), 6 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Do you demand political correctness? - 4/17/2011

I am so sick of this crap being pushed down our throats. We are in free countries, lets act free, not governed by mambee pambees who do not want to hurt the feelings of new immigrants. What about my feelings.

So I will climb on board yet another slight of Christianity, (by those who want to politically correct) and wish you all a Happy Bunny and Spring Sphere season. Maybe just Happy ...

10 response(s), 2 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
anyone else tired of this crazy weather? - 4/17/2011

Here it is the 17th of April and -2C out side, snowing on top of the foot that is already down, and more to come.

Sure, it has not snowed steady, BUT, the snow started the first week of Sept and we have had frequent snow every month for the past 8 months. It is time to stop and get on with spring.

When you stop to think of the tornados in the Southern States over the past couple ...

3 response(s), 1 vote
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
anyone else tired of this crazy weah - 4/17/2011

Here it is the 17th of April and -2C out side

3 response(s), 0 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
Have You Ever Met An Angel? - 4/13/2011

I have been reading about the experience of people who say they have encountered angels.

I recently learned about the Demise of the Other Woman and was talking to my Higher Power, telling him that I would REALLY like to meet an Angel.

Last Night, I had intense dreams about confronting this Other Woman who is now in the SpiritWorld. Suddenly I heard Banging in the House. The ...

5 response(s), 6 votes