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starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
The Big Peach and Culture Shock - 4/12/2013

I am currently visiting my in Atlanta. We moved to West Virginia from Ojai, California in 1999 and bought a house.

There is a Redneck Culture in West Virginia but I was able to find the Alternative Communities on the outskirts. I've learned to deal with the Snow and find this part of West Virginia doable.

The Big Peach is often called the New York of the South. There are ...

1 response(s), 2 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions

n my youth, about 30 years ago (maybe it was 130)I was a pretty good driver, heck I used to race cars, actually it was Rallycross, we did it in England, Holland but mostly in the South of France, I have scared the crapola out of many a little Frenchman with my super-duper Porsche...

So, when I got into a rental car the other day, while my car was at the doctors having some bumps, ...

7 response(s), 8 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions
I REMEMBER NOW - 4/8/2013

I was just remembering why I stopped posting in the 'Mag' there would always be a negative person or two (or three)....Now I don't care if a member disagrees with me politically, or with my food, but writing about my blond hair escapes also offends somebody?? Give me a break!!!!I thought they had left, it kind of takes the fun out of participating doesn't it ...Now please understand, I am not ...

9 response(s), 9 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
I needs some cheering up - 3/27/2013

As I sit here looking at my Gonzaga B-ball hoodie I could use a cheery word or a hug. Seems Wichita ousted #1 seed team Gonzaga from the NCAA tournament. We finished the season with a 31-2 record. Oh well, maybe next year.

2 response(s), 1 vote
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Advice, be careful what you wish for. - 3/26/2013

A man wanted to attract women, so he wished his penni$ would touch the floor. Then his legs fell off.

2 response(s), 1 vote
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Pampered pooches - 3/24/2013

Our chihuahuas are really part of our family and we look after them like one of our . Chloe has a back problem and has been seen by our Vet several times for it. Some times she gets snappy when we touch the wrong spot on her. Well, the Vet has recommended acupuncture. Today mrsdinty took Chloe to her first appointment with a veterinary acupuncturist. Know what? It works.

This ...

2 response(s), 3 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
What a job. - 3/22/2013

Oh my Lord I didn't know the porch could get into such a mess. The chairs are so dusty, it took Mrs Joe and Nancy L the biggest part of the morning to get them all dusted off. The porch itself was a first class mess what not being cleaned up for so long. Kurtis and I along with Dinty got the porch in tip top shape. We are ready for the first meeting. Karin has volunteered to bring the coffee and ...

2 response(s), 3 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Play it forward - 3/20/2013

Play it forward is where a person does something nice for another person, then this person (may) do something nice for someone else. Mainly it is played at a drive thru window (like Tim Horton's coffee shop, Dairy Queen, etc). It does not have to be played forward right away but some time during the day and it can be anything, like cutting someones grass, shoveling off a sidewalk, helping some ...

2 response(s), 4 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Where is JKH's stuff? - 3/17/2013

I cant seem to find any of Kurts posting any where. How did that happen? Can a person delete all the stuff they have posted? Just strange I say.

Any how, hope you are all having a good Christmas and that Santa was good to you. He was very nice to me (and I was not that good this year, ROFLMB.

The place where my works, gives turkeys to the staff every year. In the past it was ...

4 response(s), 5 votes
kurtis1954 69 M
32  questions
Do indecisive women drive you nuts!!? - 2/12/2013

have some fun with this, I can take it .

20 response(s), 5 votes
kurtis1954 69 M
32  questions
What kind of fool? - 2/12/2013

"What kind of fool, what kind of fool do you think I am? <br> Have fun !

15 response(s), 6 votes
kurtis1954 69 M
32  questions
Have you read some of the re-post from the last 3 days? - 2/12/2013

You might want to take a look if you get time . There are some interesting and hilarious things being said and going on . It's what makes this magazine great . "How great thou art" and "Great day in the morning"

8 response(s), 3 votes
kurtis1954 69 M
32  questions
Will you help me find a woman ? My name ````` - 2/12/2013

I am from Palermo, Sicily . My name is Cialis Levitra Viagra. Please help me, will you ?

11 response(s), 6 votes
kurtis1954 69 M
32  questions
"Do you know where your man is tonight? - 2/12/2013

Yea , it's a Pam Tillis tune . Do you ?

19 response(s), 3 votes
kurtis1954 69 M
32  questions
Would some one help me in the kitchen ? - 2/12/2013

I destroyed the stove last night making macaroni and cheese . "The horror, the horror". "Apocalypse Now"

13 response(s), 6 votes
kurtis1954 69 M
32  questions
What's the use? - 2/12/2013

Just what good use is it to be on a free site such as this and not be able to e-mail any one ? I apologize to the ladies who have e-mail me , sent winks to me and have put me in their hot list. I am unable to contact you because I'm not popular enough . I'm not a cheapskate because I've blown more money than 100 hardworking people have made their entire life . I think this site itself ...

11 response(s), 15 votes
kurtis1954 69 M
32  questions
"She's a good hearted woman " - 2/12/2013

same thing , second verse . "In love with a``````

11 response(s), 2 votes
raregoldeclectic 75 F
7  questions
Getting Started - 2/11/2013

I am very new to the SFF site. I'm really not sure how to get started. I found this wonderful area to ask questions and there are so many people just like me that are just looking for friends or Pen Pals. <br> It is such a relief to read the questions and responses and to realize I am not alone. <br> Is it important to invite somebody into a network--or is it more ...

4 response(s), 0 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions

As I was watching TV the other evening a commercial from a spine clinic here in the valley, it went something like this: If you have daily backache, headaches due to a problem back painful feet, you are not alone, now there is a new cure. The first 100 callers will get a free doctors consultation and a treatment, then the phone # XXXXX …..

I jumped to the phone and was one of the 100 ...

6 response(s), 4 votes
228  questions
Puerto Rico Statehood? - 12/9/2012

For the first time, majority vote in Puerto Rico favors statehood with USA.

What are your thoughts about Puerto Rico statehood?

Kassr 11/15/2012

3 response(s), 2 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions
I HAVE A FOLLOWER - 10/21/2012

I have a follower here on this site, I have noticed that whatever comment I make where you can click on agree/not agree on blogs and in the Mag. he/she will click on the do not agree, even in my own blog here, lol. It must take a lot of time to keep am eye on me so much, I feel quite flattered with all that attention . Obviously somebody is really upset with me, has this happened to you too??

2 response(s), 4 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions

I have been on another site, trying to see if there was a nice guy out there that would be a companion and join in with my interest in classical music, the outdoors and have sort of the same education background and values... Like here they don't read your profile, they pounce on the picture, only to be 20 years younger, with a main interest in bowling...Actually I did meet with a couple of ...

6 response(s), 8 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
Don't even get to censor my received e-mail - 10/3/2012

Yesterday I got an e-mail so I go to the in-box to read it. It was already removed for abuse. Golly gee whiz I would like to make that judgment myself. SFF took all the fun out of it. Whats your opinion?

3 response(s), 0 votes
avefenix510 75 M
14  questions
It sounds weird,but it's true !!! - 9/24/2012

It's funny, People spend money, (before they have it), , to buy things, (they don't need) just to impress people (they hate)......

1 response(s), 4 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
State of Emergency in West Virginia - 9/16/2012

It is a mess here right now. I ran into an exhaused Barehunter at Wal-Mart. Fred lives in the area where one of the Tornados hit. He's been at the Volunteer Fire Department helping out the masses plus he has a mess at his home. No Power, No Water.

We were without power over the weekend. It came back on Monday. We were more fortunate than others. I was worried because I am a ...

1 response(s), 2 votes
bigblock 77 M
251  questions
New Owners - 9/12/2012

I got the strangest phone call the other day. It was from the fraud division of our bank. They told me that there had been some strange activity on my bank card. Well with my hearing deviancy and my natural suspicious nature I waited until Lynn got home to hear the message before any action. In the meantime I e-mailed her with what I already knew. She went to checking and she had received e-mails ...

0 response(s), 2 votes
2biguyz_UK 59 M
1  question
Does sex improve with age - 9/5/2012

I have found that i have become far more adventurous and openminded as the years have progressed, suddenly got this urge to try new things, is this what some would call the mid life crisis or is it the same for everyone.

10 response(s), 7 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Berry pickin Saskatoons - 8/30/2012

Saskatoon pie! Man it was good, topped with soft serve ice cream from DQ.

Yesterday mrsdinty and I were in the back yard picking Saskatoon berries for pies. Leanne was on the ladder and I was in between the shed and the bushes. We were chatting about going berry picking with our parents when we were young. That jam, peanut butter, lard can or small pail tied around your neck to put the ...

2 response(s), 0 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Search party or Treasure hunt? - 8/24/2012

About three months ago I showed my wife and the few ounces of gold I wanted to trade in so I could fix up the kitchen, buy new windows for the house and repair the upper deck. I put the gold in a hiding place until I could cash it in. Now I do not know where I hid it. For the past month and a half, we have hunted high and low for the damn stuff.

My says I put it outside in one of the ...

3 response(s), 3 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
Public Displays of Affection - 8/18/2012

Today at work, A fellow associate - a young man who happens to be gay - confided in me about being pulled into the office with his partner who also works there. They were reprimanded because a customer complained about display of affection between the two of them during their lunch break.

This can be a touchy situation. I frequently hug women and even a few male friends when they ...

5 response(s), 4 votes