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Dogs Lovers

I now have a pedigree newfoundland. He is two and a half years old and weighs 135lbs and is still growing (lord help me) I have had 4 newfies is the past (all have been black but The Bear is brown) and he has the potential of being the largest yet. These ''gentle giants'' are love and joy with a wet nose lol. My favorite words are ''all dogs are good, just that some are better than others''

What kind of dog do you love?

Topic(s): Pets

diddler2004 74M

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Topics in Dogs Lovers
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PostAuthorViewsCommentsLast Update
We're back...........GREATdiddler200488  1  1/9/2009
My Best Friends and Family..........Need2bLovedNow11  0  5/5/2013
Lucky, my lovely dog.llegs201323  0  1/28/2013
ChihuahuasYvonne7506023  0  7/24/2008
dumb dogsartist27528  0  11/20/2007
Dogs Letters to GodDDDogboy28  1  5/27/2007
What I've learned from my dogs.........DDDogboy77  0  5/16/2007
dog loversdiddler2004526  7  3/16/2007
Horse updatetom886534  0  10/25/2006
saint bernards anyone???tom886532  1  10/24/2006
ever dreamed about you dog after they've passed on ??tom886541  0  10/20/2006
My E-Setterselisa44425  0  9/18/2006
my senior dogchaigal93  0  5/23/2006[View All]

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