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un·a·pol·o·get·ically STAR!!!

Life on Life's TErms

Grumpy, West Virginia, and Karmic Debts
Posted:Oct 11, 2008 7:14 pm
Last Updated:Oct 12, 2008 5:49 pm
I had an interesting conversation with Grumpy, ex-hubby today. He keeps insisting that I should be a WITNESS at his wedding. I told him that it would compromise my relationship with Gemini Rising. So Grumpy suggests, "Invite Mr. Joe Too! I would really like to meet him as a fellow IBEW Electrician. We could talk shop"

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! That would be a really interesting scene. Mr. Joe became management. He and Grumpy have opposite attitudes about Unions. Mr. Joe is a Widower and has never been divorced. He may not understand that Parting Spouses don't have to hate each other or have a desire to jump back into each other's arms.

So I suggested to Grumpy, "You and I had a Karmic Relationship. We fixed the Karma now it's time to move on." Grumpy wants a younger woman. This Gal needs a way off the streets. He's her best ticket to Stability. I really wish them well. However.......... I DON"T WANT TO GO TO THEIR WEDDING!!!!!

So......................Some folks are actually afraid to attempt a healing of their primary relationship because they think that if it were healed then they wouldn't have an excuse to get out of it. They need someone to blame for the relationship breaking up.

In fact, before incarnating, we make agreements with many individuals to resolve old karmic hang ups, or simply to learn more about self empowerment through our relationship with them. We may have a strong intuitive insight that this is not the person we contracted with to be a life-long partner. But we don't need the excuse of a bad relationship in order to move on.


The Divorce was by mutual agreement. I told him that I didn't want to mudsling or character assassinate. I took care of him after he had a heart attack and stroke after we divorce. I put my life on hold. A few months ago, he had a third heart attack and she took off in his firebird. I had to drive to West Virginia to take care of the animals and pick him up at the hospital. I had to listen to him talk about her as he puffed on a cigarette while driving him back to West Virginia.

Our function is to transform our relationships, not to fix them. We work only on ourselves, not the other person. When we are willing to play our relationship games by new rules, then they will be transformed. The new rules begin with, "what happened yesterday is irrelevant." If we insist that we know how a person will behave tomorrow because we know how they behaved yesterday, we are insisting that our reality not change.

One of the Best Moves I made was getting the HADES out of West Virginia. I have GOT to be Karmically Linked to that place. I've had nothing but Bad Luck there. There was nothing but Minimal Wage Jobs From Hades with Employers who seek to Character Assassinate and Destroy.

Not Quite Heaven - West Virginia
Country Road - Take Me Away From the Place
Where I don't Belong
Rearview Mirror is where I wanna see
West Virginia!!!!!!!!

I must have in a Past Life in West Virginia where I was on the politically incorrect side of the War Between the States. West Virginia couldn't decide which side it wanted to be on so.........No Wonder I was confused.

How do I make Amends to the State of West Virginia for being a Spy or perhaps a Scallywager? Well.............I DID help vitalize the Twelve Step Community and create a safe haven where women could find recovery.

I must not have been too evil because the Commonwealth of Virginia seems to welcome me with open arms. I DID recently walk into a Virginia 12 Step Meeting with ALL MEN. That's happened to me many times before. This means that I will have to help some women find recovery and that's Good.

When we refuse to repeat old patterns, when we refuse to attack or defend, when we would rather be happy than right, then other people change. Our relationships transform. If we have been true to our understanding of these principles of self creation, then we will not have to make an ego based decision to continue a relationship or dissolve it. That will take care of itself. The relationship will transform or disappear. The universe always moves us right along to the next experience when we have learned what the last one had to teach. per gOOgle RESEARCH

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A Blog on Other People's Religions and Civil Liberties
Posted:Oct 9, 2008 8:34 am
Last Updated:Oct 9, 2008 7:51 pm
But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. ]-Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782
"So...............It does me no injury for my fellow blogger to blog about Christianity, Paganism or even Atheism. It neither empties my bank account or breaks my bones." Thomas Jefferson Quote shamelessly Plagerized and Paraphased by StarWoman

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State.
-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Danbury Baptist Association, CT., Jan. 1, 1802
There ought be no rules enforced by the SFF Police Prohibiting DANDEE from Blogging about his Religious Beliefs nor should STARPHIS be prohibited from C&Ping Acticles Calling Pat Robertson a Shmuck. AND......... if 60Minute Man wants to Hi Five ^5 - Rush Limbrough - that is his right too. Live and Let Live is the Mode. However............. if a Member Blog that Jerry Fartwell has Whoopee with his Mother in an Outhouse, that person might get SUED
Thomas Jefferson Quote shamelessly Plagerized and Paraphased by StarWoman

MECCA MECCA MECCA!!!! = Monticello - Historical Abode Where Thomas Jefferson SLEPT and engaged in Mind Boggling Sensual Gratifcation with Sally
Hemings who was the half sister of his Late Wife Martha with whom he also engaged in Mind Boggling Sensual Gratification.

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So Many Men? Where are the Women?
Posted:Oct 6, 2008 6:56 pm
Last Updated:Oct 9, 2008 8:35 am
It happened to me AGAIN!!!!! I walked into a 12 Step Meeting. LO and Behold, I was the only female in the meeting.

This happened to me last year when I went to a meeting in BumFiretrUCK - Nevada

So..............I started making cOOkies for the Guys. I think I'll let Sam's Club bake them this time. At least I won't have to worry about FLAT Cookies because of the High Elevation.

When I moved to West Forgotten By Santa Virginity, there were very few women in recovery. Now that group has all kinds of women getting well. It happened there and it will happen here.

I was looking forward to finding a girlfriend to go to Montecello with. It looks like I might have help one sober up first. Life on Life's Terms.

Mother Gaea - Get Me Out of This Dream Right NOW!!!!
Posted:Oct 6, 2008 2:25 pm
Last Updated:Oct 8, 2008 5:00 am
This Morning Joe had to go to work and I was off for the day.
I gazed upon his masculine Spendor as he dressed, and thought to myself. Ho Ho Ho! I'm going back to sleep to finish this dream. So I drifted back to sleep.

Eventually, I thought to myself - Darn, I don't want to get up but Nature calls - so I got my butt out of bed and headed for the Closet. The Closet was a Bedroom with a stairway that lead to the basement. I found another stairway in the basement which lead up to a bathroom where a lady was blow drying her hair.

Heck Darn Blast! I think I astroprojected to SOMEBODY'S ELSE's House. So I headed for the Living Room and a man I've never met before was on his computer. I went back to the bedroom and check the Bathroom which was now a stairway leading to the Basement.

Dang! I'm still dreaming, I finally concluded. Am I going to end up in the crazy place because I can't get out of this dream.

"Mother Gaea! Get me out of this Dream Right Now!" I started yelling at the top of my lungs. "Now Mr. Joe is going to really think I'm bonkers, I'm talking in my sleep,"

"Mother Gaea! Get me out of this Dream Right Now!" Suddenly my eyes snapped open and I found myself at Mr. Joe's Abode and warm in his bed. "Geeze! What a strange dream," I said to myself as I rose from the bed in heading for the bathroom.

Hear Now! Very Expensive Retail Therapy!!!!!
Posted:Oct 5, 2008 10:17 am
Last Updated:Oct 5, 2008 8:39 pm
The first hearing aid I ever purchased was $150. I climbed on the back of a Harley Davidson right after leaving the Audiologist's Office. I was 27 years old and it took time to get used to so much noise. Boy was that ever a shocker!

My youngest acquired hearing aids just before he turned 3. We were at the Audiologist Office in DownTown Ventura, California. My transportation was a bicycle with an infant seat. The Audiologist advised me not to shield him from the noise. So we rode through Downtown Ventura to the Bike Path by the Beach and finally Home by the AVENUE!!!!

This year, my hearing aids spent more time in the repair shop than they did in my ears. I started my job at Wal-Mart with both hearing aids in the repair shop. That is not good at all but I managed to survive. If I had to do that as a Cashier at Sam's Club. That would be almost impossible.

Just before moving to Charlottesville, I picked up the left hearing aid in West Virginia but decided to get the right hearing repaired in Virginia. It costed $145. to get it repaired in West Virginia so I was surprised that I am charged $295 in Charlottesville. It comes with a one year guarantee so maybe they will fix it right so it doesn't have to go back again.

So now I have two working hearing aids - Yippee!!!! This is a unique experience. I hope it stays that way for awhile.

After picking up the Hearing Aids, I went to get the Oil Change in my car. I used to go to Wal-Mart in West Virginia and it would cost 20-Some Dollars. Alas, there is no such place in Charlottesville so I found a Oil Changing Place around the block from the Audiologist's Place. Well, your car needs this and it needs that - oh and we'll flush the radiator for an extra 140 some dollars. Dang! I need my car to be in good shape so lets go for this and that but forget the Radiator Flush for now. $128. However - We'll give you this Discount, that discount - and EVEN though we know you are NOT....We'll even include a SENIOR Discount. The final Total is $80 - some dollars.

Down the Road was my Favorite - Fast Food Place......... Taco Bell. The Cashier's named was Carol. We talked about our mutual lives in California and how we landed in Virginia.

I order a Volcano Taco and a Healthy Burrito. Carol advised me that that Healthy Burritos had no cheese, no sauce, and no sour creme. Boo! How positively boring. I'll take the unhealthy one. She winks and says, I can't tell by the color of your hair, but I think you qualify for a Complimentary Senior Drink.

She hands me a reciept telling me that there is an 800 number for a survey and a change to win a 1000 dollars. I was enjoying my lunch, got out my cell phone and completed the survey. "Sorry you did not win the 1000 dollars but if you would like to leave a message for the manager of the store please push # and do so...

Sure, so I told the Manager of the Store, "Carol is such an excellent - outstanding - wonderful asset to your store. You really need to give her a significant pay increase. Thank you for listening to my message and have a nice day"

So...........Most of my Paycheck is gone but both my ears are working and my Car has New Oil. Life is Good!!!!

Sorry L.osAngeles is a Virtuous City: Try the Palomino in Vegas if You want.......................
Posted:Oct 3, 2008 10:08 pm
Last Updated:Oct 4, 2008 11:49 am
I interviewed for Wal-Mart -When I was asked if I had ever been convicted of a misdemeanor. There is my 1982 Disturbing the Peace Conviction. Chances are a record search would not reveal it. On the other hand, if I lied about it and got caught - I would be out of a job regardless. So I told the truth. Yep! There are SOME jobs that don't go on my current day resume. It's more information than my WallyWorld bosses need to know.

It all Began at the Palomino Club in Las Vegas. My Boyfriend was named Psycho and he drove a great big Harley. He was President of the Fifth Chapter Biker Club. We were on a run to a 12 StepConvention in Beaver, Utah. We stopped in Vegas along the way. Psycho loved what he called the Hoochy Kootchy Dancers so of course we stopped at the Palomino in Las Vegas.

There was an amateur Dancing Contest. Psycho would critique the dancers. I took heed his insight, got on stage on won the contest. I was advised that I was actually the only amateur on the stage. The second time - we went to Vegas, I got on Stage again. I won again. I was working as an Emergency Room Receptionist at the time. I had a week's vacation so I auditioned for a Dancing Job in Los Angeles County. The Club Manager told me to grab a tray and go to work right after the audition. I quit the job at the Hospital and danced full time.

I made good money and stayed in great physical shape no matter what I ate. Alas, the Olympics came to Los Angeles - thus all the Hoochy Kootcy Joints got busted. The Politicians wanted the Foreigner to believe that Los Angeles was a virtuous city. Yeah Sure! All the European Women were running around on the beaches topless. The Oriental men wanted to know where the Massage Parlors - Sorry Guys - Ya All have to go to Vegas to find those. Try the Palomino if you want to see Dancing Women. Los Angeles is a Virtuous City.

Getting Busted was not too bad. They gave me 50 hours of Community Service that I served at My own Church. "Dearie, we know you don't drink. We've seen going to those meetings at the church. What was the nature of your crime?"

So I went to College, got a two year degree, Survived the marriage of Hades and went to work for Social Services...........
and Life goes on.
Political Mudslinging and Other Nonsense!!!!!!
Posted:Oct 3, 2008 7:36 am
Last Updated:Oct 3, 2008 1:29 pm
Personally, I don't heed much attention to it. This Election will have Historical Significance no matter who becomes President. We will have problems with War, the Economy and Health Care no matter who becomes President. I will be paying taxes no matter who becomes President. The Price of Gas will increase no matter who becomes President.

I don't care if Obama's Paster is a Dinosaur with Dinosaur attitudes or the fact that McCain's potential Vice President shot a Moose. I just hope that Congress doesn't have to spend billions of dollars - if one of them opts to get an ill-gotten orally pleasant experience.

The Two Men are Competing for the Same Job. One will get it and one won't. Both Obama and McCain are Good Men but Human. Neither one is totally Evil.

I think it's sad that Grown Men who want to be our leaders have to throw mud at each other and point out how bad the other guy is instead of focusing on how good they are. I suppose that is what competition is all about.

The man who supports issues more to my liking gets my vote and all that mud that they sling cas get tossed into a compost pile and used to grow a Rose Garden.

Just My Not So Humble Opinion.
Thank the American Soldier
Posted:Oct 2, 2008 8:44 am
Last Updated:Oct 2, 2008 8:04 pm

It was my Father, Husband (now ex#1) and boyfriends that got sent to War in my youth. Now it's my and Niece. The of my Youth.

The Soldiers of my era were treated with less than respect. We need not make that same mistake with our .

My Sister called me on the phone crying when she found out that her joined the Army. My Niece was sent to Bosnia and later Iraq. I was not surprise when my opted to join the Navy. He wanted to be a Nuclear Tech so he had to enlist for six years. My Niece's went to live with his grandmother because both his parents were sent to War. My was in the Persian Gulf at least twice. My looked at the Navy as a Door to his Educational Goals. He wanted to go to Berkley University. He fell in love with a Peach so he's going to Georgia Tech instead.

Yesterday, a Young Woman and a Young Man both in Uniform came into the store. I rang up thier purchases and Thanked them for the their service to Our Country. The United States would be screwed without a strong defense.
Solar Return with Gemini Rising and No Senior Discount!!!!!!
Posted:Sep 30, 2008 1:41 pm
Last Updated:Oct 1, 2008 6:03 pm
So............. Thursday was my 55th Solar Return (Birthday in Layman's Terms) - It started out like most of my birthdays in the past years. I went to work. The previous day was a setback but Thursday was much much better.

I often find myself rescuing bottles of wine rolling along on the escalator belt toward the Cash Register. Those bottles have a tendency to roll right off the belt and onto the floor. Smashed bottles and the aroma of Wine filling up the store would NOT be a good thing.

I am a long term teetotaler 12 Stepping non-practicing Alkie. I was taught that we don't have to shield ourselves from Alcohol if we have a legitimate reason be near it. I prefer not to be around it most of the time. It's just not apart of my lifestyle. I was taught that we would eventually recoil from it like poison. I could care less about beer. Hard Liqueur is Yuck! I remember drinking Vodka string out of the bottle and hugging the porcelain throne.

Beer is usually at the bottom of the cart so I scan it quickly so I don't have to look at the obnoxious stuff. Wine is a different story.

When I carefully place the wine in the cart. I tell the customer that we have to take care of the precious cargo. Wine bottles are pretty. They bring images of sophistication and class. Moderate Wine Drinking is actually Healthy for Normies. But Alas, Star is NOT a Normie. Life on Life's Terms.

I drove home from work - pleased that my Cash Register balanced out. I was pondering on if I should stop and buy some lime juice for cooking dinner tonight. The Heck with It, I don't feel like stopping at the store. I'm going Home.

I get a great big happy birthday hug from Mr. Gemini Rising and the suggestion that we go out to dinner.

Wow! This is a change from the usual. We were driving to the Restaurant - I got a phone message from my friend Jan who wanted me to Speak at a 12 Step Meeting in West Virginia. Next I get a call from my girlfriend Joannie in West Virginia. I shared with Joannie about my thought about all that fine wine at Sam's Club. "Dang, I can't drink that stuff." Joannie replies, "Sure you can, so can I - we just choose not to."

Pomegranate Juice looks just as pretty in a glass and is just as healthy minus the alcohol.

Dinner was a buffet which can be dangerous to my waistline. I behaved myself and loaded the plate with Veggies. Indeed, we can make healthy choices.

Mr. Gemini Rising presented me with a pretty pink bag with PRESENTS!!! Wow! Priscilla McCall's Lingerie Gifts where Fun and Fantasy Meet. A Black Amethyst Scented Candle. Strawberry Flavored SEX Fifth Avenue - The Millionaire's Sex Formula - A Silky Body Cream that enhances sensuality while it delights the taste. The Pleasure Comapy Sex Rocks Candy designed to thrill your partner to new heights of sensual pleasure. Also there was a present that goes "BUZZ" in the night.

The Waiter asked if either of us were Seniors. Mr. Gemini Rising asked, "What's Senior?" 60 or older is Senior. Nope, we are not senior at the Sizzlin Skillet even if we did meet on SSF. Who needs wine when I can have.........

1 comment
I am sooooooooooooooo Fired
Posted:Sep 28, 2008 8:45 am
Last Updated:Oct 12, 2008 7:50 pm
or Maybe Not!!!!!!!!!!

The Beauty of Working for WallyWorld is that you can transfer to a different store every six month.

So.............When Gemini Rising asked me to relocate to his Abode - the closest WallyWorld SuperCenter is 33 miles away thus I request a transfer to Sam's Club.

My thought was that they would put me back in the Meat Department or perhaps the Bakery where I've worked before.

They made me a Cashier instead. It means lots and lot of People with lots and lots of Money. Both of these factors are out of my comfort zone so my choice is to cry a river, build a bridge, get over it and think positive.

It is my experience that my Higher Power tend to put me exactly where I am suppose to be most of the time so..........

The second week I was called on the carpet for an $18. shortage, a unpaid for Pizza, Ad Infinitum.........

If this job is not meant to be, that's cool. Nevertheless I would like to leave on good terms epecially since my evaluation at the WallyWorld Meat Market was outstanding. I did go to college and worked in Social Services but I still like the concept of not sitting on my butt all day. Nobody sits on their butt all day at Sam's Club - not even the Managers.

Thus my from my Old Union Steward Days - The Power of documentation and my teachings of the Power of Postitve AFFirmations.

Luna, Luna - Polished Bright
Clear My Mind, My Soul, My Sight
Let a Flame of Brilliance Grow
All is Clear, I see, I know

I started tallying Cash Transactions - Cash Alert! Cash Alert!
and documenting the count at the end of the day.
Day One - Minus 1.32
Day Two - Minus 0.67
Day Three - Plus 0.11
Day Four - PERFECTION!!!!!!!

I did get a slip because a customer walked out with the wrong brand of beer. Heck! Darn Blast and other words to that effect! It's not like I am an expert on Beer. If the Bar Code says Blue Moon by any other name. It's still beer! Life's on Life's Terms! Progress Not Perfection is still the Mode.


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