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Life on Life's TErms

What kind of Mud would they find to sling If YOU were running for President????
Posted:Nov 3, 2008 8:49 am
Last Updated:Nov 12, 2008 7:35 am

If I were running for President my opponents would bring to LIGHT

1. I am a nonpracticing alcoholic and I did more than inhale when I tried Left Handed Wacky Weed.

2. I have paternal relatives who fought on the Nazi side of WWII.

3. My Maternal Jewish Grandfather spent time in Prison. He was a convicted Felon.

4. I have a 1983 Misdemeanor "Disturbing the Peace" conviction. while working on a job that doesn't go on my current day resume, I pleaded down the original charge for community service.

5. I have been known to play with married men but usually with the consent AND participation of the wife. I also have been known to play with married WOMEN with the consent AND participation of the husband.

6. I belonged to a Church with a gay minister who was arrested because Ireland wanted him extradited and tried for practicing Euthanasia in. West Virginia did not extradite him so he was freed. He also supports same sex marriage.

7. I have explored religions other than Christianity.

8. I dated a member of the Klu Klux Klan three times. We went out to dinner in Roanoke the first time. The Second time, we went out to Pizza. We went to see a presentation of Messiah in a Baptist Church the third time.

If YOU were running for President????

Would the opponent discover that you are pure as New Driven Snow or Would they find some really good dirt to make into mud pies to sling at you?

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Recipe for a Love Spell, Ad Infintum
Posted:Oct 27, 2008 7:59 am
Last Updated:Oct 28, 2008 6:57 pm

So.........You go to the Dollar Store and buy yourself a Red Candle, A Pink Candle and a Deep Burgundy Candle. Across the STreet is Krogers, so you buy yourself a can of Cinnamon.

You get home, and place those candles in an old hub cap along with some crystals and pretty rocks. Light the Candles and sprinkle cinnamon on them.

Chant: Spirit of Passion. Make my True Love's ........... Swell and Grow as He thinks of ME. If he's hiding under this bed, I hope that he hears every word I said, climbs on top and says

"Marry Me!!!!!"

Do Ya Think.....The Cosmos are going to bring the "Great Him" to your doorstep. Naw! God does not work outside the laws of Nature and neither does Magick.

It might be a bit helpful to put the candles and crystals on the Web Cam and wait for the guys to start proposing. Magickal is actually very logical. It's all about affirmations and Visualizations. You Say it, You see It and make it happen.

Mother Gaea Hear My Plea
Make me the size I wish to Be
The Size I am is way too big
Lucky 13 is Right For Me.

Of course Mother Gaea isn't going to do too much Good if you immediately drive over to Food Lions and get a carton of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. You might have to go to Porky's Anonymous Meetings or talk to a Nutritionist.

Faith without Works is Dead. On the other hand Magick without the Footwork is No FiretrUCKING Good.

Grandfather Creator:
Find the Perfect Job for Me.
Lots of $$$$$$
Lots of Bennies
Everyone Love Me
Especially the Bosses

Of course Grandfather Creator might want you to put out Resumes and be an agreeable person at Work.

AND there is always the Schmuck that broke your heart
Your alternatives ARE.............

Make a Voodoo Doll and stick pins in his......
Go to a Catholic Church and light a candle to St. Jude for his Redemption
PRAY for him every day for two weeks
(For God's Sake, Don't do a Spell to get him back. You might not LIKE it if you get him back)

You can also do what I do. - Stick on a Prayer List or two and let OTHERS pray for him.
Ponderings on 12 Step Recovery
Posted:Oct 27, 2008 7:15 am
Last Updated:Nov 8, 2008 6:08 am

I had turned 21 and was FINALLY old enough to legally drink. I was at my Girlfriend's House - reading the Big Book that she acquired while drinking a glass of wine. Most of the time, I drank Vodka stright out of the bottle.

My girlfriend thought that she might be an Alcoholic and WOULD I be willing to give her support by going to meetings with her. Nancy, a woman at the Beauty College that Sharon and I were both attending - talked to Becky who obiviously need help about A.A. My friend Sharon overheard the message and invited me to go along. I went to meetings with Sharon. Sharon decided that she wasn't an Alcoholic after all. I quickly concluded that I was an Alcoholic and Stayed.

I started going to meetings and discovered that the boyfriend that I met in a bar was in AA. I also concluded the Country Singer was a controlling abusive schmuck and dumped him. He was just looking for an easy bootie call. Alcoholism is not a sin but that doesn't mean sobriety is a virtue. That guy was a drunk schmuck who turned into a sober schmuck.

So............. I was old enough to LEGALLY Start Drinking but Opted to STOP Drinking instead. Granted, I was a Mickey Mouse Drunk compared to other folks. I had enough close calls due to alcohol to conclude that that Path I walking was not a good path.

So by choosing a life of sobriety - I've avoided Legal Problems, Family Problems, Health Problems and premature aging. Sobriety is not instant Sainthood. I've made some stupid choices but at least I have the tools to learn from those stupid choices and do better the next time.

The Love of my Life was Pyscho with all his Harleys and Black Leather. He was President of the Los Angeles Fifth Chapter Biker Club. This was a Biker Group for 12 Steppers. So I didn't have to be Ms. Goodie Two Shoes just because I sobered up. Yea Ha!

I even found out that I could be a Hoochie Kooctcy Dancer Sober. I DID get busted for it and had to do Community Service.

I DIDN'T Marry Pyscho and the two marriage that I did have eventually went South. Life on Life's Terms.

Alcoholism is not a sin but it certainly can make us a menance to society and our family. Sobriety is a not virtue but it does take work to find recovery.

It means taking responsibility for our own screw-ups, acknowledging our shortcomings and when wrong promptly admitting it. Blaming others is not an option. Recovery means reaching out for something stronger than we are. A Power greater than ourselves. Yahweh, Yeshua, God, Jesus, Buddah, Grandfather Creator, Mother Gaia - Electricity, Nature, Ad Infintum.
Close Call At Work!!!!!
Posted:Oct 22, 2008 7:48 pm
Last Updated:Oct 24, 2008 5:46 pm
So................It was the end of the Shift and time to count the Cash Register. Fifteen Thousand plus some change. It turned out that it was One Hundred Dollars Short.

Not only No But NO FiretrUCKING Way did I make a Hundred Dollar Mistake!!!!!!

I recounted it with the same results so I spoke to the accountant and asked her to recount it. I figured they screwed up when they took out some cash earlier that day.

Oh My God! Did you take out a loan, Did somebody else work your Cash Register? Yada Yada Yada!!!!!

I repeated to her what I told myself earlier. Absolutely
Not only No But No FiretrUCKING Way did I make a Hundred Dollar Mistake!!!!!!

She finally goes and checks the Take-Out Log. Lo and Behold! The log was listed as 2200 when it should have been listed 2300.

Thus I was only 30Cents off. Perfection would have been better but 30Cents off is better than One Hundred Dollars.

A few weeks ago, I would have been totally rattled but When I am Right, I'm Right and that's Life on Life's Terms.

My Job is safe for another day.

Tarot, Astrology, Dreamcatchers , Teddy Bears and the Bay
Posted:Oct 21, 2008 11:46 am
Last Updated:Sep 11, 2023 6:08 pm
I was in Ojai, California looking at the Bulletin Board at the local Alano Club. I noted that there was a Fly-er from the Forest Service. They were looking donations of Teddy Bears that are used for Calming during Rescue Work.

12 Step Groups are traditionally not connected to outside causes - HOWEVER................ I just happened to be an Officer for Parents Without Partners and We were looking for a Community Service Project.

The Brainstorm!!!!!
Why not hold Psychic Parties for the Various Chapters and do Reading in EXCHANGE for TEDDY BEARS!

I called the woman at the Forest Department who organized the Teddy Bear Project and presented her with my idea. She liked the idea and we arranged to have Smoky Bear appear at the Regional Event at Lake Cachuma in Santa Barbara County where we would present the Forest Department
with the Teddy Bears.

Thus, I did Tarot Card readings for Chapter Parties in Los Angeles, Kern, Santa Barbara and Ventura County. We acquired close to Teddy Bears. These Teddy Bears went to Forestry Stations all over the United States.

Grumpy would do computerized Astrology Charts but would send folks in my Direction to have them Read.

So Now I'm selling Dreamcatchers and Horary Astrology on the Bay. I used to go Sweatlodging at Charo Grande in the Matillija Mountains. This was also the Abode of a Native American Community. There were women who wanted readings but financial realites was a factor. So we bartered. One woman offered a Dreamcatcher. I told her that I would rather that she TEACH me to make a Dreamcatcher. She asked if I would TEACH her to read Cards. Sure, It's only a matter of learning to tap into God Given Intuition. We all have God-Given Intuition.

My Interest in Astrology started when I was a . Saturn in a Chart indicated Challenges while the Sun tell where to Shine. Saturn and the Sun are both in my Third House which is Communication. I am challenged because I have a Hearing Disability. I shine with the Written Word. I was unpopular as a youngster. I became a teenage Astrology, the came to me and I started Writing about it. The Cosmos have to be explained in layman's terms. My Challenge became my Place to Shine.

It's amazing how I am tapping into these experiences and making them into my VERY OWN BUSINESS.

What A Difference A Year Makes!
Posted:Oct 19, 2008 11:46 pm
Last Updated:Oct 25, 2008 5:55 am
It is amazing looking at Last Year's Blogs and seeing how far I've come.

Last year, My Heart had been broken to Smittereens. I did not think it would ever stop hurting. The only thought I could cling to was


I didn't Find Love in TEXAS but I did find WallyWorld - I kept going West and ended up in BUMFiretrUCK NEVADA!!!! where my cOOkies kept going Flat. Summer of Last Year, I took the Grayhound to ARKANSAS where my Brother Died.

October of last year, I found myself in West Forgotten By Santa Virginity but moved over the boarder to Virginia the following month.

I stayed at a Women's Shelter for awhile and Next to a Friend's Sofa until I found my ShoeBox Apartment on Main Street. When my Gay Neighbor moved out, I took over his Apartment. I loved my job and I loved my humble abode on Main Street. I figured - Hey! Alone is okay. I don't have to worry about someone lying to me and breaking my heart. I started to Heal!

SFF was fine for blogging and on-line friends but A LOVE CONNECTION????? Reality Check!!!!! Yeah Sure!!!!!!!!

In the Latter Part of July - I got a message from Mr. Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon and GEMINI RISING!!!!!!!!

Taurus Sun means His Word is Trustworthy. Capricorn Moon means that he is very practical in matters of the heart.


So I requested a Transfer to the Charlottesville Area and by September - I am a Cashier at Sam's Club.
and cohabitating with Mr. Gemini Rising. There is no guarantee that any relationship will be long term. All we have is one day at a time. However.......... My worse day with Mr. Gemini Rising is a way better than the Best Day that I ever had with that Texas BIG Mistake.

1 comment
Thoughts on Racism and Yo Mama Jokes!!!!
Posted:Oct 19, 2008 7:23 pm
Last Updated:Oct 21, 2008 9:40 am
Piggy Back Blog Here It Comes..............

I inadvertly dated a Member of the Klan that I met when I was working for the West Virginia DOT. He asked me out on a date and I said, "Sure!"

We met and he asked, "Where do you want to go?" My answer; "I want to go to Monticello where Thomas Jefferson Slept with Sally Hemmings."

"Thomas Jefferson NEVER slept with a Darkie!" he replied.

"Gee not only did Thomas Jefferson sleep with a Darkie but he slept with his late wife's half sister because Thomas Jefferson's father-in-law ALSO slept with a Darkie," I advised him.

Next we were debating religion and the three crosses along the road. "The only thing the KKK ever got right is burning those darn instruments of torture!" I told him.

"We don't burn those crosses. We LIGHT Them!" he informed me. Next I learned the History of the KKK. It's really a Fraternity of WHITE Law Abidding Christian Men and the White Sheets represent the Ghost of Confederate Soldiers. The KKK was just a reaction to Civil War Reconstruction.... Yada Yada Yada!

We never did go to Monticello but I did order the Most Expensive Items on the Dinner Menu. Surf and Turf Steak. Lobster, New York Cheese Cake with Expresso. Yum!

We were heading home and he commented, "You are a very pleasant person. You'll make a good wife after you get rid of some of your strange ideas." He changed his mind after I told him my Mother's Maiden Name.

My youngest always had a group of friends. Several of his friends including a bi-racial girl and her brother were in the back yard roasting hotdogs on a bonfire. They were just part of the group.

The Drunken Neighbor started yelling at my about keeping company with a little nigger girl. The Teenagers started telling "Yo Mama Jokes!" The Drunken Neighbor called the Law.

The Cop lectured the teenagers about playing the radio too loud. He also told the Drunken Neighbor that if he tried to pull that kind of stunt in Los Angeles that he would be contending with more than just a few Yo Mama Jokes.

A week later, several police cars arrived at the Drunken Neighbor's House. He was carted off to Southern Regional Jail for Domestic Violence. Jail is a good place for that Bigot.

A Matter of Prospective on The Devil and Hades
Posted:Oct 17, 2008 7:22 pm
Last Updated:Oct 19, 2008 6:19 am
Years ago, a young woman came into work upset and saying that she pulled two Tarot Cards - Death and the Devil meaning that she was going to Die and Go to Hades. Actually........... The Death Card represents the End and the Devil represents Negativity. So................What the Cards meant was that Negativity was going TERMINUS! That is Good.

A Year later, I was working in Home Health Care. I was taking care of a Lady who watched religious programs on Television and cried all the time. Her Husband was in a Nursing Home with Alzheimer's. She told me that her husband was going to Hell because he never got SAVED. It was too late.

"So................ Was your husband a drinking man? Did he beat you? Did he not support his family?" I asked her.

"No, he was a good husband, a good father, and a good provider for his family," she told me.

"Well..................We don't see everything there is to see. Do you think that there might be some angels right now that only your husband can see because of his Alzheimer's. Those Angels Might Be Telling him all about Jesus Right Now.

Maybe you should call that Preacher on the Television right now - Bennie Something or other - And have him pray for your husband." I suggested to her.

The funny thing is that she DID Call Preacher Bennie on the Television and he told her the exact same thing that I did.

This Morning - I decide to pull a Tarot Card just for the heck of it. Some Folks think they are EVIL but the Cards are just a way to tap into intuition which is God-Given Therefore Good.

So...............I pulled out that old Devil Card. Yikes! What kind of Day am I going to have at work today. I pulled a few more cards for Clarification. Five of Hearts and Ten of Hearts. OKAY.................So it's not work related.

Next I checked my phone messages and there it was. Old Grumpy wanted to borrow Money AGAIN! My ex-hubby may not be Evil Incarnate but he certainly can be a negetive pain in the Gluteous Maximus.

Ha! Ha! Ha! It's not so easy for him to drive over the boarder to ask me for Money now.

So.............. I Had a fantastic day at work and DID not loan Grumpy any Money.

Old Scorch Go Away and Be Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Seven Deadly Sins - Which One Is Your Favorite
Posted:Oct 14, 2008 5:13 pm
Last Updated:Oct 22, 2008 6:34 pm

and Which One would you like to get rid of?
PRIDE - Excess Belief In One's Self Importance -VANITY - CONCEIT
ENVY - Desire for other's Traits, Status, Ability or Situation.
GLUTTONY - inordinate desire to consume more that is required.
LUST-Inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body
ANGER- manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury.
GREED- desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual
SLOTH-avoidance of physical or spiritual work
1 comment , 37 votes
Thoughts on the 12 Step Community
Posted:Oct 13, 2008 8:27 pm
Last Updated:Oct 27, 2008 6:30 am
This is in response to SFF Member's response to one of my Questions in the Magazine and her perceptions of the 12 Step Community.

I suppose you call this a Piggy Back Blog.

*FISH Quotes Religion is the opiate of the masses.....I also classify the 12 step programs under the heading of religion. I have a friend who has been an AA leader for 27 years, .

SW replies "What the HECK is an AA Leader? There are no bosses in A.A. Granted Folks who acquire Time in Sobriety are RESPECTED and will Guide the NewComers so that they can acheive recovery

*FISH Quotes They go to at least 2 meetings a week, and AA and NA events are almost their whole social life, including their holiday and travel destinations.

SW Replies I bet when they were new in recovery they went to a lot more than 2 meetings a week. If a person is struggling with Cancer, you can bet that person devotes a lot of time getting well.

"There are always communities within communities. The Christian Community, the Jewish Community, The Pagan Community, The Naturalist Community, The Gay Community, the Deaf Community and Oh Yes EVEN the TWELVE STEP COMMUNITY. Birds of a Feather flock together and socialize with each other. Is that such a Bad Thing?

*FISH quotes "I am one of her few non AA friends, she has attempted to lure me to meetings, even
though I have never had a drinking or drug problem, and have
been allergic to alcohol for 10 years, so don't drink
at all."

SW Replies, "She wants to LURE you to a Meeting? Luring is what you do to a Fish. If a Friend INVITES me to her Church but that's an invite not a LURE

SF quotes "She says one doesn't need to have a problem in order to go to AA...everyone is welcome."

SW replies "There ARE some Open Meetings where non-alcoholics are welcome but there are ALSO Closed Meetings for Alcoholics Only.

*FISH quotes Well, I have attended
some meetings, birthdays etc....and spending my time
listening to long winded, dysfunctional addiction stories
sure isn't my idea of a good time.

SW Replies, Listening to someone's Story on Recovery is a lot more interesting than sitting in a bar listening to a bunch of disfunctional drunks.

*Fish Quotes Don't get me wrong,
I think it is a wonderful organization that has done a lot
of good for a lot of people, but I think it can replace the
original even meets the widely accepted
8 criteria for a mind-control cult.

The quickest way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. It's better to go to a 12 Step Meeting instead of going to a Tavern. It's better to go out to coffee with a bunch of sober friends than to staying at home alone on the pity pot looking for a excuse to get the brown bottle flu. It's better to pick up the phone and call a friend than to pick up a drink. If helping other people is an addiction, it's better than the alternative.

*Fish Quotes "My friend who has been sober for 27 years, has a 26 year old , who she is terrified will inherit her addiction, as she comes from alcoholic parents,"

SW Replies, "Dah! Hearing Disabilities also run in my family. I was CONCERNED rather than Terrified that my sons would inherit my Hearing Disability and My Younger DID. It's good that my CONCERN enabled me to observe and pick up on it so that we could do something about it. So he started wearing Hearing Aids when he was three years old. He went to a School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing until he was mainstreamed into regular school.

My also had issues with addiction but chose to take responsibility for it. Being an Alcoholic is not a personal choice but we can chose to take responsibilty for it. Being a member of the 12 Step Community is alot better than the alternative.


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