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Life on Life's TErms

A drug by any name can still be mispronounced
Posted:Oct 27, 2022 10:16 pm
Last Updated:Jan 25, 2023 9:12 pm
Earlier this week, I had to go to Charleston, West Virginia for Pre-Operative Pre-Admission Testing. My plan was to take the train and uber it to the Charleston Surgical Hospital.

A 12 Step Girlfriend offered to drive me up there and accompany me through the process, I had no idea that it would be as extensive as it was. Electrocardiograph, Chest X-Ray, blood work, medical history and that always - Do you smoke? No! Do you drink alcohol? No! What about marijuana and illegal drugs? Nope but would I admit it if it were true! Essentially, I lead a boring lifestyle. No major vices. The nurse needed a list of medications. I had the two bottles with me. I didn[t bring the aspirin bottle with me. I can never pronounce the medications. One I pronounced "Metro LOL! Pro" properly pronounced "muh-tow-pruh-lah" My 12 Step friend's eyes widen when I mispronounced Diltiazem as "Diazepam." Fortunately the nurse looked at the bottle and pronounced it correctly. duhl-tia.zem. Both these medications are used to treat arrythmia. While Diazepam is a potential problem for drug addicts.

I asked my 12 Step Girlfriend what Diazepam was. She said that it was like Valium. Back in the days, vodka was my drug of choice but once in a while I put a little bit of valium in the mix. I really don't have a whole lot of drug savvy.

Later on I gOOgle searche Diazepam and found out that it is the generic name for Valium. Interesting?!

It's good to be a teetotaller with my boring lifestyle. Yeah Sure!

Dreams and the Nightmare Before Christmas
Posted:Oct 3, 2022 4:46 pm
Last Updated:Oct 18, 2022 3:21 pm
It is ironic how I tend to focus on the haters when I should really be putting my energy into those who genuinely care about me.

Last week was my slxtynlnth solar return. I walked into a XII Step Meeting. One of my friends was celebrating XXV years of sobriety. I remember a time when she and I were the only women in the meeting. She was about V years at the time. It's been fun watching her blossom, grow, and help a lot of women who are struggling with alcoholism.

I mentioned in the meeting that it was my slxty-nlnth Solar Return. I will turn f0rtyflve next month. The Group sang "Happy Birthday" to both of us. There was cake, cheese, crackers, veggies, coffee and herbal tea.
A girlfriend gifted me with a handmade dreamcatcher from South Dakota. It was sent to her but she said that it belongs with me.

Meanwhile, a woman that I thought was a friend moved from Nebraska to the apartment next door to me. She would get mad at me for the most trivial reasons.
Why would somebody inject themselves into my space and life just to bring difficulties.

She opted to end our friendship. It's her issues not mine and I can't fix them anymore than I can fix what is wrong with ManyProfiles. Que Sera Sera. Meanwhile, she has been sending negative energy in my direction and telling people that I have dementia. . It's not a problem because I am pretty good at deflecting bad energy. People who really know me know better.

So, I found the PERFECT place for the dreamcatcher.

Crescent Moon,Sushi,&ConversationWithMr.SemperFi
Posted:Sep 29, 2022 2:07 pm
Last Updated:Sep 30, 2022 2:43 pm

A friend and I decided to have a Roof Top Sushi Adventure for Solar Return #SlXTY-NlNE. It's was cool but there was a beautiful Waxing Moon - barely into Libra getting ready for Scorpio. By the time it reaches the Full Moon, it will be in Aries.

A conversation with Mr. Semper Fi at the Schoolhouse Hotel.

There is a restaurant on the rooftop with a Sushi/Wine buffet and a restaurant downstairs with a regular menu.

We were getting ready to leave when I encountered Mr. Semper Fi who was in his wheelchair.

"Where were you at, I didn't know that you were here" he asked.

"I was on the rooftop enjoying sushi and salad" I replied.

He responded with, "Ewwwwwww! I was downstairs having steak and lots of potatoes with Bourbon?!."

I explained to him that Sushi is raw fish like bait dipped in wasabi to lure passion. Just think Mr. Semper Fi, if you ate Sushi, you would be doing a Menage a Trois tonight.

His companions were laughing.

Don't worry I told the disgruntled Vietnam Veteran, wait for a warmer day when there are a dozen women. You will get Menage a Bunch instead.

Casper, CRYSTALS, HeArTErs DO NOT determine the Road to Heaven
Posted:Sep 12, 2022 5:18 pm
Last Updated:Sep 14, 2022 3:23 pm
I tend to name my cars. There was Helga One and Helga Two. There was the Colorado Cruiser (Cop Car). I also had what I simply called the CopMobile which was a WV Cop Car. There was VanGogh, Delilia, Monticello Blue, and Mozart. My newest car is Casper W. I have a several times Great Grandfather who migrated to the United States from Germany in the early 1800's who was Casper Winterstein.

Last week, I was at Food Lion using the riding cart for shopping because of the problematic hip. It was raining and I really didn't want to ride the cart in the rain thus the plan was to transfer the groceries to a shopping cart and take it to my car.

A young man who works at the store asked me if I needed help. "That would be lovely I replied" He noted that I have a new car. I mentioned that it's a Stick Shift which is going to be a real challenge when I get my new hip in November.

His response was, "At least you don't have to worry about young people trying to steal it because they don't know how to drive it." That was my chuckle for the week.

The first car that I ever bought was a stick shift. I made a deal with the car salesman that he would teach me how to drive it if I bought it. We went into a parking lot and he showed me the basics. I did get it stalled on the freeway on my way home. The guy behind me came out and gave me some quick directions and I eventually figured it out.

God Shots among the cha·ot·ic
Posted:Sep 7, 2022 7:11 pm
Last Updated:Sep 12, 2022 4:48 pm
Life is not a Twenty f0ur hour 0rganlsm Human life is not always easy even for those of us on a SPIRITUAL path. God is not Santa Claus?!?

The past few months have been frustrating yet the God Shots keep happening in spite of it all. Last month, I took my Twenty Plus year 0ld Buick to the local dealer for an oil change and inspection. I knew that Mozart the Buick was ready to be replaced but kept nursing him along due to financial realities.

The mechanic advised me that Mozart needed +hree thousand $$$$$ of brake related repairs and placed a big rejection sticker on him. My plan was to go to another car lot that could deal with my financial realities and trade Mozart in.

Mozart was drivable when I brought him in but totally brakeless when I tried to drive him out. I had no choice but to park the Buick and go talk to the dealer. I am sure that I was being scammed by the mechanics.

I ended up trading Mozart with a +hree th0usand $$$$$ trade in and drove off with a 2o15 Chevy Spark that I named Casper wondering how I was going to pay for it. A few days later, I received a call from the dealer. The lender changed the terms of the contract with a lower cost and a lower percentage rate which is more within my financial realities.

The last day of the West Virginia State Fair, I deliberately left early because I knew it was going to be cha·ot·ic. Indeed it was, there was an accident involving a car, ambulance, and utility pole with power line down. I was only 45 minutes late for my ticket selling job which is great compared to some of the other fair employees are were two or more hours late.

I thanked my Higher Power for Casper because Mozart would have probably died in the traffic gridlock. A definite God Shot!!

Posted:Jul 21, 2022 9:25 pm
Last Updated:Jul 3, 2023 9:02 am
It will be my Flfth year of working at the West Virginia State Fair. It would have been Slx+h but the Fair was cancelled in 2o2o courtesy of Covid.

My Animal Activist GF who relocated to WV from Nebraska also applied for work at the State Fair. The application gives a choice of +hree jobs. One of hers was taking care of rabbits. I really didn't want to handle cash but once personnel found out about my WalMart experience, that is where they placed me. That fine with me.

So last week GF called to tell me that she got the job at the State Fair. What I heard is that she would be with CHICKENS but expressed concern about the heat.

Oh no, I told her. You are going to LOVE that place. I frequently went there on my breaks because it was air conditioned. I rambled on about how she is going to love working there.

I finally put on my hearing aids. It wasn't chickens, it was tickets. She will be outside collecting tickets while I will be inside a booth selling them. She called her boss and requested to work nights. That works great for me because I work nights because I am not an early morning person. We can carpool.

It's not the first time that I misheard something and it won't be the last time.

We are going to take one night off to go see Foreign. Yea Haw.

SFF Keyboard Evangelists "Unborn Again" or Otherwise?!
Posted:May 25, 2022 7:23 am
Last Updated:Sep 7, 2022 6:37 pm
Most of my life, I have belonged to some type of Spiritual Community. My family life and school life as a was very dysfunctional and attending and being active in a church brought a sense of stability and hope.

Years later, I found myself as a mother of two boys and my marriage went south. The neighborhood that I could afford to live was not all that great. I took the boys to the local church down the street. It was a sight better than what some of the neighborhood were experiencing with parents using drugs in the household and eventually the being tossed into the Foster Care System. One young man was bragging about going to Juvenile Hall and eventually graduated to Big Boy Penitentiaries.

I stayed active in the Church, taught Sunday School, and help organize the Food Pantries. My always ate. I don't always see eye to eye with the all doctrines of some churches but it's a whole lot better than the alternative.

A few years later, I met my future second husband through Parents Without Partners and we moved out of that neighborhood. My best friend and I had a falling out. She didn't like my husband. She said that he was too old, bald, and not attractive. There was a serious betrayal and she started "rebuking me" in the name of Jesus Christ. Dang, I was the one who had to drag her drunk azzzzz out of bars and keep her out of trouble. Suddenly, I am the heretic and sinful one. Whatever.

The friendship ended and ultimately resulted in an "Unborn Again" experience. I started exploring other spiritual paths. I started going to Sweat Lodges, Drumming Circles, Psychic Fairs, and joined a" Dianic Coven." Dianic Covens are usually all female and my husband wanted to play so I had to start our own coven.

I became a part of the local Unitarian/Universalist Fellowship because they allow me to keep my crystals. So do the Quakers. I worked with the local churches to run a homeless shelter for the homeless in the winter. We even help a few of the homeless get off the street and back on their feet.

Later my husband and I relocated to West Virginia. Welcome to the Bible Belt. A Church on every corner. There are four churches down the road from my abode. Baptist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and Catholic. I have been told that the Catholic Church is not mainstream. I've attended the Episcopal Church which is run by a lesbian couple. I was active with the Unitarian/Universalist Fellowship (Gay Minister) and eventually the Quakers. Our Clerk is a bible banging Christian. A retired history professor who is very interesting to listen to. They let me keep my crystals and don't object when I attend GOP events with my pink hair. I was attracted to the Quakers because of the activism.

The local faith community runs food pantries, clothing and furniture banks. They are frequently helping out flood victims. Floods happen a lot in West Virginia.

There is a focus on similarities versus differences with the common goal of making the community a better place. Most of the local Church People are nothing like the SFF Keyboard Evangelists like ManyProfiles ,Ad Infinium or even my ex best friend . They inspire folks to become "Unborn Again.

Posted:May 22, 2022 7:31 pm
Last Updated:Jun 12, 2022 3:58 pm
“Because no People can be truly happy, though under the greatest Enjoyment of Civil Liberties, if abridged of the Freedom of their Consciences, … I do hereby grant and declare, That no Person or Persons, inhabiting in this Province or Territories, who shall confess and acknowledge One almighty God, the Creator, Upholder and Ruler of the World; and profess him or themselves obliged to live quietly under the Civil Government, shall be in any Case molested or prejudiced, in his or their Person or Estate, because of his or their conscientious Persuasion or Practice, nor be compelled to frequent or maintain any religious Worship, Place or Ministry, contrary to his or their Mind, or to do or suffer any other Act or Thing, contrary to their religious Persuasion.”

William Penn, Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges, 1701

So, a religious hypocrite is, by definition, a non-believer, since he is only pretending to be an adherent of the faith. A hypocrite is NOT a person who commits some sins on occasion (all people commit sin occasionally), but someone who practices those sins on a routine basis. The truth of the matter is that hypocrisy has been a problem for those who claim to follow God for a very long time. I per gOOgle Research

1. Both political parties go to church or DON'T
There’s a Christian Left and, perhaps even less well-known, there’s a secular Right. Larry T. Decker is a lobbyist and head of the Secular Coalition for America. He’s an “unaffiliated Christian,” but his entire job is devoted to keeping religion out of the U.S. government. Party lines are drawn in chalk, and they’re not hard to cross. The Church must be engaged in politics, but it must not be defined by the arbitrary lines in politics.

Posted:May 20, 2022 8:39 pm
Last Updated:May 24, 2022 7:54 am
Photo Friday

Sometimes Mercury Retrograde Works In Our Favour
Posted:May 18, 2022 7:31 pm
Last Updated:May 21, 2022 2:46 pm
Mercury Retrograde happens about +hree times a year. Mercury Retrograde #tw0 started on May XIV and will end June III. To those of us who practice astrology, these times miscommunications, confusion, delay, frustrations, email blunders, undelivered love letters and frazzled travel plans.

Thus far, I was a poll worker on May XIV - There were district changes and lots of confusion. There were times when members of the same household ended up in different districts. Thankfully, the voting polls for the districts in my town all operate in the same building. This was not the case for many of the voting places in our county. Some voters would go to the place that they always went to vote only to be sent someplace else across the county.

I ordered books in April that still have not arrived. I contacted the seller and now they have to do a lost package inquiry. I hope I have time to read the books in time for our Book Club on June III, the last day of the Retrograde.

I have been on a weight loss adventure since Winter Solstice in order to qualify for hip replacement surgery. I am now within 12 lbs of the goal to qualify for the surgery. So today was one of those days when I was REALLY tired of my own cooking.

I called my girlfriend and told her that I had a coupon for two burgers and asked if she wanted one of them. I drove to Hardees and ordered the burgers. I paid for them in the drive though with cash. I noticed that the cashier gave me the wrong amount of change. I opted to let it slide. I noted that there was a woman with a carload of behind me. I told the man at the window that I wanted to pick up her tab and paid for it with my card.

When I got home, I noticed that there were several containers of fries, chicken nuggets, and apple pies. I immediately headed back and pointed out that I picked up the wrong order. The woman was parked outside away from the window obviously waiting for the right order. I hope they let her keep the burgers. They let me keep the bag with the wrong orders. Most of the food in the bag is on my "no no" list. I ate a half container of fries on the drive home. I haven't eaten fries in several months.

When I got to my girlfriends home, she helped herself to one of the apple pies while we pondered on what to do with the rest of the food. I finally contacted my who was at work. He has been having a rough time financially to the point where I've had to put together a couple of care packages for him. I let him know the situation and let him know that I would be delivering him some food.

I stopped by Hardees and picked up a prime rib sandwich for him. Mama NEVER lets her baby go hungry. The gentleman at the window commented that I was their best customer that day since I had been there +hree times that day.


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