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un·a·pol·o·get·ically STAR!!!

Life on Life's TErms

Thoughts About Anti-Vaxers
Posted:Aug 4, 2021 12:36 pm
Last Updated:Aug 27, 2021 4:43 am
I have a neighbor who is extremely germophobic thus keeps a distance which is fine with me. However she has reached to by leaving notes on the door and one point left a bag of quinoa, brown rice, and seaweed. Brown Rice is on my no-no list and I used the seaweed to make special water for my container herb gardens.

I wrote her a note gifting her with Green Soup, another soup with bone broth and pineapple. She walks up and down the sidewalk of the apartment building. Thus I stepped outside to greet her. She told me that she is allergic to coconut milk and chicken but can totally do pineapple. She also mentioned that she did not get the covid-19 vaccine because she doesn't believe in vaccinations.

Dah! This lady was recently hospitalized for congestive heart failure. The one time she rode in my car - she requested that we all wear masks and keep all the car windows down. This was in winter. This woman is terrified of germs but more afraid of the vaccine than she is the Covid-19 Virus. This is a woman who would be in serious trouble if she caught the virus.

I try not to be judgmental but found myself feeling annoyed.

The West Virginia State Fair was cancelled last year. It will be open this year but we are required to wear masks when working indoors. Masks are a nightmare for those of us who depend on lip reading for communication. As a result, I will be working in a booth by myself for the entire fair. Dang, part of the fun of working at the Fair is the companionship of the women I work with every year.

People like this neighbor are the reason why we still have to live a restricted lifestyle despite the vaccine. Granted there is a risk with the vaccine but there is also a risk without it. I would rather take the risk and spend the rest of my life being free to go out and about in the community. Life on life's terms.

Photo Friday - L for Lobbying
Posted:Jul 30, 2021 12:19 am
Last Updated:Jul 31, 2021 10:46 pm
I was at a Quaker Fall Gathering when we asked if anyone would like to join the West Virginia team of Lobbyist for the November FCNL event. Roger was our fearless leader. The following year, Roger opted not to do it but the Charleston Meeting would sponsor anyone would take the lead. I volunteered unless they more qualified and experienced to do it. Yeah Right! That really worked out well.

I travelled to Washington D.C. and met my lobbying partner. Kristen is far more knowledgeable about foreign affairs. We were lobbying about the Atrocity Prevention Bill which was signed into law in 2019. Kristen focused on the happenings in foreign countries while I focused on the accomplishments of Syrian refuges that have come into this country. I am personally acquainted with the grandson (now a lawyer), his family history, (his father a military officer) and the grandfather who came to the United States, worked as a chauffer and eventually started his own chauffeuring business.

Usually Lobbying is done by staff however we did get a message that West Virginia Senator Manchin wanted to meet us personally and he was available on a Tuesday. Kristen was leaving that weekend and we already had been in Manchin's office. However I had plans to stay the following week. I contacted the FCNL and suggested that we keep that appointment and lobby on another subject. I was working in drug rehabilitation at the time and could cover the drug problem in West Virginia. I was teamed up with beautiful Mavis who is now in Medical School. Bravo! She presented a Sentencing Reform Bill which Manchin did end up co-sponsoring.

Throw Back Thursday - Homely As F?!
Posted:Jul 29, 2021 1:37 am
Last Updated:Jul 30, 2021 11:05 pm
I bet you didn't make any money stripping either. I mean, look at you. You're homely AF. quotes CP3

It is not the first time I have been called "homely as F" I remember being in f0urth grade and overhearing a b0y say, there is a new GlRL in class and she's even uglier than.........

It was soooooooo much fun being the most unpopular GlRL in school but it did result in me becoming VERY anti-establishment as a woman. I am not afraid stand against the crowd because I don't need their approval nor do I give a FiretrUCK what they think. If they head on a path, I am perfectly fine exploring the one in the other direction.

We are not a paper doll society and that's okay.

I had a biker BF named "Pyscho" who was fond of what he called the houchy kouchy bars. We were at the Palomino in Las Vegas watching an Am*A*TEUR Dance contest. Psycho was critiquing the dancers. I took heed his assessment and decided to get on stage myself. After winning for the second time. I decided to go professional. I eventually quit my job at the hospital and danced.

The Advantage of being an exotic dancer - is that the money is actually pretty decent - I could eat anything I want - and stay in shape. I was know as Wicked Bonessa.

It was exhilarating going to my Xth year High sch00L reunion. My date was a movie agent and I had on a very sexy outfit. Homely As F was Homely AS F no more.

Posted:Jul 28, 2021 10:33 pm
Last Updated:Jul 29, 2021 4:34 pm
Last week, I woke up with severe pain in the upper shin. I've have been awaken with leg cramps before. I usually walk it off and go back to sleep. The pain stayed and the leg was swollen. My thought was cellulitis. It's not something to fool around with.

It took me back to memories of Grumpy when he was having leg pains. A femerol bypass gave him another year before the pain came back again. Another femerol bypass was done, he went to rehab, caught pneumonia, came back home to hospice and died.

We had conversations. He knew that he was in his last days. He said. "he didn't want to die a piece at a time." Unfortunately the last few years were torment. It was REALLY hard to watch. After his death, I was talking to his doctor. His doctor told me that he knew that death was close because once that stuff starts happening with his legs, it's inevitable.

What the FiretrUCK!!!! Why didn't he tell Grumpy this. It would have made a difference in the medical decisions that he made.

My thought while driving to Med-Express. IF that doctor suggests a femoral bypass, we are talking palliative care. Fortunately he prescribed an antibiotic and lasix. He advised taking the lasix in the daytime or I would be up all night. I am usually up all night anyway - so I am taking it at night.

We may be talking palliative care some day but not today. So afterwards, I drove to the fairgrounds for an orientation. I've worked at the WV State Fair for years and it's always the same group of women along with a few new ones. It is like a reunion.

This will finance my trip to Biloxi. Hopefully, I will be frolicking in the Gulf of Mexico and communing with some awesome folks. I might do some Geocaching. Afterwards, I will head to Atlanta, see the adorable grandson, and go zip-lining with my .

Crazy Lady Drama, Trolls, and Hypocrisy
Posted:Jul 27, 2021 10:42 pm
Last Updated:Aug 5, 2021 2:06 am
I was frequently ridiculed as a youngster because of being Hard of Hearing and speaking "differently." My usual strategy has been to ignore the bullies versus giving the satisfaction of knowing how hurtful they were being. They enjoy seeing the torment that they cause others.

My hope was always that the bullies would mature, progress, and become more functional compassionate people. It happens but sometimes they just become internet trolls. There are such unfortunates - maybe born that way - and not at fault. They are naturally incapable of grasping the concept honesty and compassion. Maybe in another lifetime - they will get it.

As a result of the haters who never progressed to become nicer folks . There has emerged on SFF "The Crazy Lady Drama Club" There are a few men who auxiliary members.

Yeah! Yeah! I know about "Don't Feed the Trolls." I've spend a lifetime of ignoring them and pretending that they don't exist. There is also an amends step that doesn't mean "I'm sorry." It can be airing grievances in a respectful way. When the other party is incapable of being respectful - it is necessary to set boundaries and using the tools necessary to enforce those boundaries.

So............ in the name of boundaries - the word hypocrite seems to be the "to go" slur toward anyone of faith especially Christianity. Is it really appropriate? Granted there was the Inquisition, the burning times in Europe, and the Salem Witch Trails.

Nevertheless, do the happenings in Arab and some African countries justify Islamophobia.?

It has been my observation that local churches and other faith groups are the ones organizing food pantries, providing resources to folks in troubling times, and opening thier doors during natural disasters. I volunteered with a group of churches that provided shelter for homeless people during the winter.

Also what in Hades is a GQP'er magat?! Should I assume that all Democrats are members of Antifa - a violent left wing group? There are two main political parties in the United States. Most people belong to one or the other. Some are Independent or something else. Most are law-abiding citizens who try to be the best that they can. No one is perfect but we can all do better.

CP3 claims that I was diddling Republican men , trying to seduce a troll, and made very little money as a stripper because I am homely as F.

Does she diddle every man that she dates or tries to seduce every one she has a conservation with in the blogs? Granted, I don't have the same level of beauty that I did four decades ago when I was an exotic dancer. I am fine with pushing seventy and looking like a swamp witch. I am sure that I am going to look even more like one in future decades if I make it that far. Life on life's terms.

EccentricNeighbors,FoodPantries&WashingtonDC ADVENTURES!!!
Posted:Jul 27, 2021 6:38 am
Last Updated:Jul 30, 2021 4:03 pm
I am sure by some folk's standards, I am the eccentric neighbor but long as I don't get in trouble with the law, I don't worry about it.

My next door neighbors on both sides frequently change. I have a current neighbor who is a germophobic which is a form of OCD. I am the opposite. I don't live in squander contrary to gossip that CP3 tries to generate. Nevertheless, I am not a domestic Goddess. This is not an ideal neighbor to buddy up with.

A few weeks ago, she left a note on my door. I shouldn't think she's rude because she didn't respond to my "Hi" the other day. I responded with another note - No, I don't thinks she's rude. I figure she's a private person. I am from California. We are used to not talking to our neighbors.

So yesterday, I found a bag with quinoa, brown rice, and sea weed on on door. The note said if I didn't want it to toss it or give it back to her and she would donate it to the food pantry in front of the Baptist Church. This is a girl scout project where folks can take what they need or add food items into the pantry.

It is ironic because I frequently add items to the pantry. Two eccentric neighbors on the same page.

This same scenerio happened a few years ago when my Quaker girlfriend and I travelled separately to Washington D.C. for a FERC Protest. I was at the Union Station and brought a meal for a young man before meeting my friend at Judicial Square. She had purchased a meal for a homeless man at the same time. We were on the same wave length. The next day, we were escorted out of the FERC Building by the Secret Police and headed over to the Senate Buildings for Lobbying Adventures. This year, we are lobbying together on ZOOM!!!

So I will return my neighbor's kindness by leaving her a bag full of food items which may end up in the Food Pantry by the Baptist Church or NOT!!!

Quinoa, I can probably use. Brown rice can problematic with my health issues but I can perhaps used it for our Book Club Potluc The Seaweed?! Yuck! It taste like green stale fish when I tried it. I am not sure I want to do that to West Virginians and place it in the Baptist Church Food Pantry. I think I am going to crumble it up and give it back to Mother Earth.

To ManyProfiles on Heaven & Hades
Posted:Jul 24, 2021 5:19 pm
Last Updated:Jul 30, 2021 7:58 pm
“Why doesn't the pope convert Calvinism? Why doesn't the Dalai Lama, convert Christianity, why doesn't Billy Graham convert Islam, Why doesn't the Ayatollahs convert to Buddhism, Why isn't Buddhism swept away? Religious leaders know that all religions are equal; they know that no one of them has the monopoly to the knowledge of God. They know that each religion is trying to find the hidden God and that no one religion can claim to have found him beyond doubt. That's why they remain where they are and respect each other.”
― Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

So many names implies that my late husband rejected God all his life therefore is someplace other than heaven. What nonsense!!!!

ACTUALLY............Grumpy grew up Catholic, and went to Catholic School where he endured abuse at the hands of "Sister Natalie." He punched the judge's grandson and was expelled from Catholic School. He was much happier in a more secular public school.

A few years ago, there was a court case where a y0ung GlRL was expelled from her private Christian School for a FB Post where her mother posted a photo of her celebrating her solar return with a birthday cake of assorted colors while wearing a t-shirt with a rainbow.. She was much happier in a public secular school.

Grumpy had a Catholic wedding for his first marriage. His second wife was Episcopalian. I was wife number III and we were married at nudist resort. I have been an avid church goer most of my life but I would never send my to a school that sanctions the abuse of a school b0y or shames a young female who MIGHT be a Lesbian.

So How DARE - ManyProfiles imply that my late husband is not in heaven. Does she get to dictate who goes to heaven or hell? Is she really qualified to define someone else's spirituality. I think not.

When I met him, he felt the churches betrayed him and he was turned off on any concept of organized religions. He still had the Christian beliefs but no real relationship with a Higher Power. That CHANGED when I started going to NA Sweat Lodge Ceremonies and studying Early European Spirituality. Understand God by studying nature. He learned to read the signs of nature. He has a rich Celtic/Irish heritage and he was a natural.

A few night after he died. I was having a very rough time. Crying in my pillow. I sensed my father even smelling his cigar smoke. I heard him say, "Don't worry, we care taking care of your grumpy azzzzzzzzzzz husband. He fits right in with our family. He has been cracking jokes with the rest of the gang.

I don't know the details of what happens on the other side but I do know that not only is Grumpy okay on the other side. He is more than OKAY!

Why Grumpy was called Grumpy!!!
Posted:Jul 23, 2021 10:04 pm
Last Updated:Jul 25, 2021 2:12 pm
Actually his birth name was Michael and I was born on St. Michael's Day. I wore a Saint Michael's medallion for years. My girlfriend and I went Goddess Festival in 2001. We drove up and down the California Coast stopping at all the Missions to light candles for all the lady saints. I made sure to light a candle for St. Miguel when we stopped at his mission.

So..............CP3 tried to imply that my second husband Michael aka Grumpy was called Grumpy because he was married to me. Nope, NOT TRUE! It's in his chart and happen long before we met and married.

Grumpy was a Capricorn with Scorpio Rising. The Scorpio nature can carry a grudge forever and never let go of it. Most of his planets are in Capricorn and Aries. Capricorns can be very structured and rigid. Aries is the universal Infant. When needs are not being met, they cry and scream. Mars is usually a good indication the degree of a person's temper. Jupiter expands and magnifies.

Aries Mars in conjunction with Aries Jupiter = Big Mega Temper
Aries plus Capricorn - a very Grumpy man and he wore that nickname with pride.

All of his personal planets are on the lower half of the chart indicating someone who operated under the radar.

All of his outer planets are in retrograde on the upper half of his chart. Retrograde indicates ancestral memories. A revolutionary who experienced religious persecution with possible incarceration. He was Irish and his people fled Ireland and came to United States to find the American Dream. They quickly became a part of the Underground Railroad to help others find Freedom.

Sooooooooooooo......... Is Star responsible for Grumpy being Grumpy? Nope. She is the Aquarian Venus that help him to find Liberation. He is soaring in the heavens and on a mission in the other world.

PhotoFriday- The Letter "K"
Posted:Jul 22, 2021 9:48 pm
Last Updated:Jul 24, 2021 8:04 am
My elder s0n is kind of a Dragon Con - Comic Book - Super Hero type Nerd. He wanted name his s0n Ka-el which has a superman connection. His wife wouldn't go for it so Ka-el became the middle name. Meanwhile the K1D has an abundance of Superman outfits along with other super heroes.

When my b0ys were y0unger, I took them hiking quite a bit. Now my elder s0n takes his b0y hiking quite often.

Several years ago, there was a trend where SFF were posting b*tt shots. I posted mine, and it brought to a mind a song called "Kiss This!"

Nileyears Chart
Posted:Jul 22, 2021 6:42 pm
Last Updated:Jul 23, 2021 10:10 pm
Libra Sun - Scorpio Rising Sagittarius Moon keeping Company with Mars. Mostly Eastside planetary placements indicating an independent spirit. The Sun shows where you Shine and Saturn shows your challenge keeping company with Mercury (Communications) in the 11th House - Friends, Social Groups and Clubs. You are a bright spot in your community and luckily Saturn is an exalted planet in Libra. This enables you to take those challenges in your community and turn it around for good.

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