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Me:Ja it?
Posted:Mar 6, 2007 1:45 am
Last Updated:Apr 30, 2007 7:28 pm

`When I was just a little girl ,I asked my mama...'a very old song...did you notice that girl and others too do not stop asking just because they were grown up now.
Asking questions and cannot stopped wondering and being scared of what's in store for us in the future...sometimes I wonder who among us lucky enough to escape this...not many certainly.
If you are among those lucky share your secrets with me because I certainly like to escape this feeling...scared of the future...yukkk
some time soon...
Posted:Mar 4, 2007 6:11 am
Last Updated:Apr 30, 2007 7:45 pm

I didn't notice that I haven't post any blog here for quite sometimes...must had been sleeping while awake...that most probably it.
Yes...I had a long sleep...sometimes and some people say `sleep is the best medicine'...we are so tired, melancholic and what's not may be because of the problem we are having at the moment, but many a time it is so because we are running in circle...chewing more than we can bite...and no stopping us, therefore nature way of saying `take five' is sleep.
I am lethargic and lost these few months...finding my bearing and adapting to life of no specific work. I guess it is going to take some time for this is no easy task it seem managing your own time...
Before retirement I was so looking forward to this time, now that I am here...I understand better the difficulty of being in this special zone...bear with me...bear with me...I'll tow the line soon...hopefully !!!
1 comment
Posted:Dec 29, 2006 4:45 pm
Last Updated:Mar 4, 2007 5:50 am

Yes 2007 is coming and soon...

SO to all of you out there


Me personally is very excited with the coming of 2007 because it's going to bring me great changes...good or bad only time will tell, but I had every intention of making it a good one...of course I had to work hard to achieve it but `hard work will not kill you" isn't it? with open heart I welcome thee 2007...
May 2007 bring good luck to me and to you ...YES !!!
1 comment
Posted:Dec 5, 2006 8:04 pm
Last Updated:Dec 24, 2006 3:04 am

It's scares me...getting and feeling like that...but my effort pay off...
That day I had run out of ideas on how to entertain me...then I came across an old packet of dye...this is good !!
Today I had five colors on me: white, gray, orange, mahogany and dark brown...I am happy...beautiful me( the best thing is all those came from one packet only).
Does color influence us that much? Sure it does,
but in my case, or in any given case...many other factors contribute to how we feel...outside factors as well as inside us...some for just a short while, others may be longer, sometimes it could be forever.
Whatever...I am happy that time had passed.
Happy holiday everybody and merry christmas to all of you who celebrate it.Happy new year too.
Posted:Dec 4, 2006 2:45 am
Last Updated:Mar 3, 2007 2:36 am

I wish I had someone to talk nonsense to...
I wish I had someone to be naughty with...
I wish I had someone to clown around...
I wish I had a lot to do I had no time to get bored...
but then there were a lot of work to do, a lot of time to do it, but sadly the fire that burn is not strong to drive anything, specially one as bored stiff as me.
just like some who seldom get sick,once they get it...they really are sick...just like me now...seldom get the feeling of wanting to fly out of the window...feeling like driving somewhere real fast...feeling like sleeping and not having to wake up until I am fed up with sleeping itself...what choice do I have...gritted my teeth(luckily I STILL HAVE SOME)...and bear it.
PSon't get mad people !!! I am only trying to
pass some of my boredom to you. THANK YOU.
Posted:Nov 13, 2006 5:18 am
Last Updated:Mar 3, 2007 2:35 am

The angel came and asked me " Do you want to be young again?" Surprised !! I just looked at her...never seriously think about it before, no point thinking of the impossible. Again she asked me " Don't you want to be young again?".
"You are serious...I really can be young again?"
" Yes".
" Do you mean young physically ie body only...I can go on with the rest as is, or I had to be young in body and I had to go through being young all over again like before ?".She said
"The whole set".................................
"No !! no never the whole set"
"No, thanks "
"You're sure?" the angel asked again
"Though I am sad,feeling like the life had pass me by,like the world nowadays are for the young and the beantiful, I am thankful that I had manage to come this far. I wouldn't want to go through the torture of being young again...with the struggle...the uncertainty...the heartache...
Thanks. God !! I don't want to be there again...

2 answer u
Posted:Nov 10, 2006 1:12 am
Last Updated:Nov 12, 2006 4:01 am

I had written before but since I am not good or don't know how to edit the blog gone missing...never mind, I'll write again cause like I said before I enjoy writing. That answered your question 'big and strong', beside I am looking for fun too. I am 100% positive that the word fun meant the same in the dictionary real life it means are many as many as there are people on the earth.
Of course being connected to each other means we are moving more toward each other, in due course more people are behaving like each other, dressed the same, the same food and fun too.
Whatever constituded fun to them is way way different to mine, because what we want out of this life and where we aspire to go to determine the fun we're looking and having.
To all of you...have fun and take care.
[ it is fun too if I can contect other members without having to be a paid member...LOL ]
Posted:Nov 1, 2006 6:02 am
Last Updated:Nov 10, 2006 12:40 am

Want to hear about my hari raya? Yes, it's very tiring, though they all were very helpful...the fact remained that I was the host...I like them all to have a good time...yes they seemed to like it very much.
As usual we all were "bloated" after the first day cause we had been gorging ourselves with all the bad "food" you can find in the loaded with fat, sugar, name it...
It is ok when you were young, but courting trouble when you are my age...understandably I end up...bloated, dizzy and all my body sistems went on strike...sheer hell...cannot bend cannot stretch, just like that robot dancing in michael jackson video...
It make me realise that there is fairness in this life...u have more, u eat more, more chance for u to get all kind of sickness. Never heard of getting sick because of eating less...unless of course ur at the extreme end...
yES...MODERATION...had been drummed into our head since don't know when, but in the excitement of the celebration...alas ! we forgot (I console myself by promising not to forget the teaching next time...hopefully...after all I am only human right? )
let's celebrate !!!
Posted:Oct 17, 2006 8:16 am
Last Updated:Nov 1, 2006 5:16 am

The fasting month is about to end, with it come celebration : the aidil fitri or the hari raya in Malay.The first day of this new month nobody would fast because we were forbidden to fast on the first day of "syawal".After that most people will fast for another six days, we could do that 6 directly after the celebration or anytime during that month.
This coming hari raya is so special to me because everybody in my family will come down to my place. Usually that honour is given to the eldest in the family, like our parents home, if the grams is not around anymore. All the siblings decide to turn up here because the holiday is very short this year...about a week only for school going , and two days for the working papas and mamas.Since 3 of us live near to each other, the rest have to come to us...happiness.
Like anywhere on this earth...once we gather...we sure will start cooking and and and eating...that is the part I like best...EAT AND BE MERRY...sorry no drinking because we were forbidden from taking alkoholic drinks...hah no matter there's a lot of others to choose from.
The merriment is double this year because the indians are going to celebrate "deepavali" or some called it "divali" a few days before us...good !! the more people celebrating the better isn't it...
surprise !!
Posted:Oct 13, 2006 2:31 am
Last Updated:Nov 10, 2006 9:26 pm
1337 Views the surprise of my life...
Just to pass the time I went around...look here, look there until I came to "check local members"...ha ha he he...there were not many women my age and I am the only one dress like that.Surprise...and yet not really because none of my friends visit places like this...not very respectable I guessed ( please! do not be offended ...I am here too remember ).They said they had 1001 things to do, no time for playing around. It is true to a certain extend...I had lot of things to do but still I like to amuse myself too, so even though it is not the done things in my circle of friend what do I care...I beg to differ.
Secondly...not many locals blogged...wonder why? when I checked, all were mine...why? why? This made me feel like I am not "normal"...usually this kind of situation don't bother me much but when it is so glaringly obvious... they have to categorise us into "someone seeking someone"...may be it is allright with the western people, they are more open and straight forward, but to us asian, it is not acceptable...not the done I get my answer. Ahhh what the heck, what do I care...I am here to write for me...if you care to read it, go ahead, you want to comment...good...don't want? no problemo.Am I looking for man? of course...but I had given up looking since I am quite certain the one I am looking for is not in this world anymore...gone with the ! no !

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