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*~*~*~*The Sound of Music*~*~*~*
Posted:Mar 7, 2021 2:58 pm
Last Updated:Mar 9, 2021 4:35 pm

*~*~*~* Sign of Love *~*~*~*
Posted:Mar 3, 2021 7:47 am
Last Updated:Sep 27, 2022 10:55 pm
At times when you feel that your little world and the big world are getting out of control, when what was true yesterday is falling apart, strong family bond and friends are the source which makes us regain new strength for the challenges awaiting us.

Last Saturday around noon the door bell rang, and I was wondering who could that be. When I opened the door, I saw a big package on the doormat and the postal car at the end of the driveway just leaving. What a surprise, a package from my .
Although we are in contact daily, she had kept it a secret. It took 5 weeks across the pond to its destination. A green tape across the package let me know that the contents had been examined the US Customs and Border Protection. Don't they see what's in there when they screen packages?

Wow, a hand-knitted sweater, chocolates, a small booklet titled "Where is God in this World". We had talked about it a year ago when it was first published.
The words she had written in the card touched my heart and "put smoke in my eyes".
I don''t get emotional easily, at least I rarely show it.

Added are some photos of what brought me joy and a picture of our youngest family member helping in the kitchen...... lol He will be 2 years old end of April.

~~~~~~~~~~~~A Taste Of Home~~~~~~~~~~
Posted:Feb 23, 2021 10:42 pm
Last Updated:Feb 26, 2021 10:23 am
Once or twice a year I go online shopping the International Food Shop for German products that I don't find at our local markets. It's a little taste of home, especially now with the ban due to the virus. Many products are of stock as the never ending lockdown in almost all European countries forced factories to stop production, and international supply chains are interrupted as well.
My foray was smaller than usual. Last week the order was delivered..... Hurrah!
Meanwhile I found a 2nd online shop for German food that still had German potato dumplings in stock. I ordered 3 different kinds, each carton contains 6 dumplings. Expected delivery March, 2nd.

The pictures show canned herring fillets in different sauces, curry ketchup, and Pflaumenmus (plum spread). Also an image of a dumpling carton, hearty meals: "Sauerbraten" with potato dumplings, pork knuckle........ and German beer. There are breweries all over the country...... north, east, west and south. LOL I am not a fan of beer, I have to admit.

If anybody would like to know how to make the original potato dumplings from scratch, I have the recipe.

*~*~* 'Conspiracy' not a Theory*~*~*~
Posted:Feb 10, 2021 8:02 pm
Last Updated:Mar 2, 2021 8:15 pm

In the morning, with my second cup of coffee, I check online Swiss "Worldweek Daily", a political news channel that brings up to date the latest events worldwide. Today the speaker presented an article in Times Magazine which is also published in Wall Street Journal that caught my attention. is a helpful tool to find articles and download them.

Time Magazine just dropped a bombshell report that CONFIRMS that the elites were working to manipulate the 2020 Election.

The Vast Anti-Trump 'Conspiracy'

Time's Molly Ball happily describes a "conspiracy" among the progressive left, big labor, big business and the Washington establishment to counter Donald Trump and suppress unwanted elements of US political conversation before and after Election Day.

Like the various actors she describes at the heart of this vast campaign, Ms. Ball presents it as a virtuous effort to protect democracy from Mr. Trump and Covid-. The participants in this conspiracy alleged Ms. Ball certainly have influenced the outcome.

She writes:

Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies fight viral smears.

She later adds that "the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream, a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information."

In a way Donald Trump was right.
*~*~*~ First Snow *~*~*~*
Posted:Jan 5, 2021 2:52 pm
Last Updated:Jan 8, 2021 8:23 pm
Last weekend they had a good amount of snow in the low mountain ranges in Germany.
Everybody who could went out enjoy hiking and playing in the snow. My granddaughter, her husband and friends were very excited take little Fredie out into a nature he had not seen before. First he was perplexed, I was told. LOL But then he enjoyed building a snowman with his dad........ Below some impressions of the white winter scene.

*~*~*Happy 2021Wishes*~*~*
Posted:Dec 31, 2020 10:27 pm
Last Updated:Sep 27, 2022 11:05 pm
......... with love from me to wherever YOU are!

This New Year's Eve was just as weird as 2020 itself, thanks to something they call Covid.
Fireworks explode over empty streets in some countries, others cancelled all celebrations. Below are pictures that remind me of what we enjoyed all the years before.

1) New Year's Eve 2021 New Zealand

2) Australia

3) Russia

4) Austria

5) Israel

6) Dubai

7) Berlin

*~*~*How The Christmas Tree Came To The United States*~*~
Posted:Dec 24, 2020 8:44 pm
Last Updated:Sep 27, 2022 11:13 pm
The tradition of using evergreens and trees in celebration began in the northern parts of Europe. Evergreen plants were part of the annual pagan celebration of renewal.

To the earliest American Puritan communities, Christmas was sacred. The Plymouth Colony governor tried to halt the use of evergreens and decorations. He considered them
a "pagan mockery" of the holiday observance. The outspoken Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell preached against the "heathen traditions" of singing carols and using decorated trees. He feared that might distract from that sacred event.
In 1659 The General Court of Massachusetts declared that any form of celebration on Christmas, other than a church service, was a penal offense. People could be cited for hanging decorations of any kind.
By the first half of the 19th century one still could not find a Christmas tree in any American town square or home. This began to change with the influx of German immigrants who brought their own traditions to the new country.

The first record of a Christmas tree being displayed in an American home was in the 1830's by German settlers. The trees had been a tradition in German homes since the 16th century. Outdoor, community Christmas trees are recorded in use in Pennsylvania by the mid-19th century.
In 1846, German Prince Albert and his wife English Queen Victoria of England publicly embraced the Christmas tree. Their popularity led to the tradition becoming established in England and the United States.

*~*~*~*Ice and Snow Art*~*~*~*
Posted:Dec 23, 2020 8:00 pm
Last Updated:Sep 27, 2022 10:13 pm
There are several international snow and ice sculpting events every year around the world. The largest events are held in countries with very low temperatures, almost exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere - Russia, China, Alaska in the US, Canada, and Scandinavian countries. Ice artists from these countries regularly appear at international ice sculpture events.

The below pictures show their great skills and creativity.

*~*~*~* Good Morning *~*~*~*
Posted:Dec 7, 2020 4:41 am
Last Updated:Dec 8, 2020 3:38 pm
Without breakfast my day would not be good. We have a saying: In the morning eat like a king, at noon like a farmer, in the evening like a beggar. I enjoy the quiet morning hour thinking about what I have today later on, what I want to do, and what I can postpone. LOL
How do you start your day?

*~*~*~* Highlights in December (2)*~*~*~*
Posted:Dec 6, 2020 1:51 pm
Last Updated:Sep 27, 2022 10:17 pm
Today is the 2nd Advent and Nicholas Day. It is a tradition in Germany that the put a pair of shoes in front of the door before they go to bed on the 5th of December. Of course, the shoes have to be CLEAN, and they are busy rubbing shoe cream on, brushing and polishing their shoes. Next morning, the 6th of Dec. they run to the door to see what St. Nicholas has put in their shoes....... they are filled with sweets, nuts, cookies and small presents. It can happen that mum and dad find a surprise in their shoes also.

I wish you joyful, festive days this Christmas season.


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