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The Word For Life.

If we meet and you forget me, you have lost nothing:
but if you meet JESUS CHRIST and forget Him,
you have lost everything.

Feeling Insignificant
Posted:Jun 2, 2015 4:29 am
Last Updated:Jun 2, 2015 4:31 am
Read: Psalm 139.7-16 |

Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 17.“18; John 13.1-20

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139.14

We are among seven billion people who coexist on a tiny planet that resides in a small section of a rather insignificant solar system. Our earth, in reality, is just one miniscule blue dot among millions of celestial bodies that God created. On the gigantic canvas that is our universe, our beautiful, majestic Earth appears as a tiny speck of dust.

That could make us feel extremely unimportant and inconsequential. However, God's Word suggests that just the opposite is true. Our great God, whoœmeasured the waters in the hollow of His hand Isa. 40.12, has singled out each person on this planet as supremely important, for we are made in His image.

For instance, He has created everything for us to enjoy 1 Tim. 617. Also, for all who have trusted Jesus as Savior, God has given purpose
Eph. 2.10. And then there's this: Despite the vastness of this world, God cares specifically about each of us. Psalm 139 says He knows what we are going to say and what we are thinking. We can'™t escape His presence, and He planned our earthly existence before we were born.

We don'™t need to feel unimportant when the God of the universe is that interested in us!
Lord, I look out into the vastness of the heavens and I see the grandeur of Your infinite power, yet You look at me from heaven and see someone You know, love, and care about. Thank You that You find value in me.

The God who created the universe is the God who loves you.

Light In The Darkess
Posted:Jun 1, 2015 4:06 am
Last Updated:Jun 1, 2015 4:09 am
Read: John 12.42-50

Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 15.“16; John 12:27-50

I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. John 12.46

During a trip to Peru, I visited one of the many caves found throughout that mountainous country. Our guide told us that this particular cave had already been explored to a depth of 9 miles ”and it went even deeper. We saw fascinating bats, nocturnal birds, and interesting rock formations. Before long, however, the darkness of the cave became unnerving ”almost suffocating. I was greatly relieved when we returned to the surface and the light of day.

That experience was a stark reminder of how oppressive darkness can be and how much we need light. We live in a world made dark by sin ”a world that has turned against its Creator. And we need the Light.

Jesus, who came to restore all of creation ”including humanity ”to its intended place referred to Himself as that light John 8.12. I have come as a light into the world, He said, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness 12.46.

In Him, we not only have the light of salvation but the only light by which we can find our way ”His way ”through our world's spiritual darkness.
How have you seen God's light displayed in our broken world? In what ways have you shared His light?

When we walk in the Light, we won't stumble in the darkness.

Misterious Ways
Posted:May 29, 2015 1:56 am
Last Updated:Jun 1, 2015 4:06 am
Read: Job 40:1-14

Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 7-9; John 11:1-29

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways. ”Isaiah 5,9

When my began attending Chinese language classes, I marveled at the papers he brought home after his first session. As a native English speaker, it was difficult for me to understand how the written characters related to the spoken words. The language seemed incredibly complex to me almost incomprehensible.

Sometimes I feel the same sense of bewilderment when I consider the way God operates. I know He has said, œMy thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways Isa. 55,8. Still, there's a part of me that feels like I should be able to understand why God allows certain things to happen. After all, I read His Word regularly and His Holy Spirit lives inside of me.

When I feel entitled to understand God's ways, I try to recommit myself to humility. I remember that Job did not get an explanation for all his heartache Job 1.5,8. He struggled to understand, but God asked him: Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? 40.2. Job contritely responded, œWhat shall I answer You? I lay my hand over my mouth v.4. Job was speechless before God'™s greatness.

Although God'™s ways may seem to be mysterious and unfathomable at times, we can rest confidently that they are higher than our ways.
Father, please help me to trust You even when I don'™t understand why things happen as they do. Please comfort my heart and remind me of Your goodness and love.

If you know that God'™s hand is in everything, you can leave everything in God'™s hand.

Posted:May 28, 2015 1:59 am
Last Updated:May 28, 2015 2:01 am
Read: Proverbs 30:1-4

Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 4-6; John 10.24-42

I am afraid that . . . your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 2 Corinthians 11.3

The riddle stumped me: What is greater than God and more evil than the devil? The poor have it. The rich need it. And if you eat it you will die.

I missed the solution by allowing my mind to be distracted from the obvious answer: Nothing.

That riddle reminds me of another test of wits that would have been far more difficult to solve when it was originally posed. An ancient wise man named Agur asked: œWho has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His '™s name, if you know? Prov. 30.4

Today, we know the answer to those questions. But sometimes when we'™re in the middle of the questions, worries, and needs of our lives we may lose sight of the obvious. The details of life can so easily distract us from the One who answers the most important riddle: Who is One with God; more powerful than the devil; the poor can have Him; the rich need Him; and if you eat and drink from His table, you'™ll never die? Jesus Christ, the Lord.
Father, in the details and distractions of our spiritual journey, it is so easy to look right past You and Your . May we see You today in a new and fresh way.

Focusing on God helps us to take our eyes off our circumstances.

Marked By His Name
Posted:May 27, 2015 3:21 am
Last Updated:May 28, 2015 2:00 am

Read: Acts 11:19-26

Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 1-3; John 10:1-23

The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Acts 11.26

In July 1860, the world'™s first nursing school opened at St. Thomas Hospital in London. Today that school is part of the King'™s College, where nursing students are called Nightingales. The school like modern nursing itself ”was established by Florence Nightingale, who revolutionized nursing during the Crimean War. When prospective nurses complete their training, they take the œNightingale Pledge, a reflection of her ongoing impact on nursing.

Many people, like Florence Nightingale, have had a significant impact on our world. But no one has had a greater effect than Jesus, whose birth, death, and resurrection have been transforming lives for 2,000 years.

Around the world, Christ'™s name marks those who are His followers, going back to the earliest days of the church. When [Barnabas] had found [Saul], he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch Acts 11.26.

Those who bear Christ's name identify with Him because we have been changed by His love and grace. We declare to the world that He has made an eternal difference in our lives and we long for that in the hearts of others too.
Father, give me the grace and wisdom to honor You. May my life be so marked by the person of Christ that His great name and salvation ”will be embraced by others as well.

Followers of Christ Christians ”are marked by His name.

Calming The Storm
Posted:May 26, 2015 3:52 am
Last Updated:May 26, 2015 3:54 am

Read: Mark 4.35-41

Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 28-29; John 9.24-41

He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, Peace, be still! And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. Mark 4.39

While Hurricane Katrina headed toward the coast of Mississippi, a retired pastor and his wife left their home and went to a shelter. Their pleaded with them to go to Atlanta where she could take care of them, but the couple couldn't get any money to make the trip because the banks were closed. After the storm had passed, they returned to their home to get a few belongings, and were able to salvage only a few family photos floating in the water. Then, when the man was taking his father's photo out of its frame so it could dry, $366 fell out ”precisely the amount needed for two plane tickets to Atlanta. They learned they could trust Jesus for what they needed.

For the disciples, trusting Jesus in a storm was the curriculum for the day in the dramatic narrative of Mark 4.35-41. Jesus had instructed His disciples to cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee and then He went to sleep in the boat. When a quick and violent storm blew in, the disciples dripped as much with fear and anxiety as water from the waves. They woke Jesus, saying, œTeacher, don'™t you care if we drown? v.38 . Jesus stood up and with three words, œPeace, be still! He muzzled the storm.

We all experience storms persecutions, financial troubles, illnesses, disappointments, loneliness ”and Jesus does not always prevent them. But He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us Heb. 13.5. He will keep us calm in the storm.
Are you in a storm? What do you know about God'™s character that could help bring calm to your heart?

In the storms of life, we can see the character of our God.

Our Strength And Song
Posted:May 25, 2015 3:45 am
Last Updated:May 25, 2015 3:48 am
Read: Exodus 15:1-2,13€-18

Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 25-27; John 9:1-23

The Lord shall reign forever and ever. €”Exodus 15.18

Often called €œThe March King,€ composer and band director John Philip Sousa created music that has been played by bands around the world for more than a hundred years. As Loras John Schissel, music historian and conductor of the Virginia Grand Military Band, said, Sousa is to marches what Beethoven is to symphonies.€ Sousa understood the power of music to motivate, encourage, and inspire people.

In Old Testament times, the people of Israel were often inspired to compose and sing songs to celebrate God'€™s help during times of need. When the Lord saved His people from certain destruction by Pharaoh'€™s army, €œMoses and the of Israel sang this song to the Lord . . . €˜I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously! The and its rider He has thrown into the sea! The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation€ (Ex. 15.1-2).

Music has the power to lift our spirits by reminding us of God'€™s faithfulness in the past. When we'€™re discouraged, we can sing songs and hymns that raise our eyes from the challenging circumstances we face to see the power and presence of the Lord. We are reminded that He is our strength, our song, and our salvation.
Trust in Him, ye saints, forever€”
He is faithful, changing never;
Neither force nor guile can sever
Those He loves from Him.

Songs of praise raise our eyes to see God'€™s faithfulness.

Wisdom Seekers
Posted:May 22, 2015 1:53 am
Last Updated:May 22, 2015 1:54 am
Read: Proverbs 3:1-18

Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 16-18; John 7:28-53

Blessed are those who find wisdom. ”Proverbs 3.13

Every spring colleges and universities hold commencement ceremonies to celebrate the success of students who have completed their studies and earned their degrees. After the students cross the stage, these graduates will enter a world that will challenge them. Just having academic knowledge won't be good enough. The key to success in life will be in wisely applying everything they have learned.

Throughout Scripture, wisdom is celebrated as a treasure that is worth seeking. It is better than riches Prov. 3.13-18. Its source is God, who alone is perfectly wise Rom. 16.27. And it is found in the actions and attitude of Jesus, in whom œall the treasures of wisdom are found
Col. 2:3. Wisdom comes from reading and applying the Scripture. We have an example of this in the way Jesus applied His knowledge when He was tempted Luke 4.1-13. In other words, the truly wise person tries to see life from God'™s point of view and chooses to live according to His wisdom.

What'™s the payoff for this kind of life? Proverbs tells us that wisdom is like sweetness of honey on the tongue ). So seek wisdom, for it is more profitable than silver or gold!
Lord, strengthen my resolve to live by the wisdom that comes only from You. Give me the discernment to live all of life from Your point of view that I might know the blessings of a life lived wisely.

Blessing comes from seeking wisdom and living by it.

New Start For A Broken Heart
Posted:May 21, 2015 1:56 am
Last Updated:May 21, 2015 1:58 am
Read: Isaiah 61.1-3

Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 13-15; John 7:1-27

He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted. €”Isaiah 61:1

The Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb, Croatia, is filled with anonymously donated remnants of love gone wrong. There is an axe that a jilted lover used to destroy the furniture of an offending partner. Stuffed animals, love letters framed in broken glass, and wedding dresses all speak volumes of heartache. While some visitors to the museum leave in tears over their own loss, some couples depart with hugs and a promise not to fail each other.

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah wrote, œThe Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted
Isa. 61.1 When Jesus read from Isaiah 61 at the synagogue in Nazareth, He said, Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing Luke 4.21. Extending far beyond help for an emotional wound, Isaiah's words speak of a changed heart and a renewed spirit that come by receiving God's gift of œbeauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness Isa. 61.3.

All of us have experienced regret and broken promises in our lives. Whatever has happened, the Lord invites us to find healing, hope, and new life in Him.
Lord, You are the promise-keeping God who has said He will make all things new. Today we give You our ashes in exchange for Your beauty, our mourning for the joy of finding comfort in You. Thank You!

God can transform tragedies into triumphs.

Guard Your Focus
Posted:May 20, 2015 4:02 am
Last Updated:May 20, 2015 4:04 am
Read: 1 Corinthians 3.1-9

Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 10-12; John 6.45-71

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 1.:2

That's my disciple, I once heard a woman say about someone she was helping. As followers of Christ we are all tasked with making disciples and sharing the good news of Christ with people and helping them grow spiritually. But it can be easy to focus on ourselves instead of Jesus.

The apostle Paul was concerned that the Corinthian church was losing its focus on Christ. The two best-known preachers in those days were Paul and Apollos. The church was divided: œI follow Paul.Well, I follow Apollos! They had begun focusing on the wrong person, following the teachers rather than the Savior. But Paul corrected them. We are œGod'™s fellow workers. It doesn'™t matter who God can give the growth. Christians are œGod', God'™s building
1 Cor. 3.6-9. The Corinthian believers didn'™t belong to Paul nor to Apollos.

Jesus tells us to go and make disciples and to teach them about Him (Matt. 28:20). And the author of the book of Hebrews reminds us to focus on the Author and Finisher of our faith 12.2 Christ will be honored when we focus on Him; He is superior to any human being and He will meet our needs.
Father, I confess that it is easy to shift my focus from You to less important things. Thank You for putting people in my life that help point me to You. Help me point others to You in a way that makes You more and me less.

Put Jesus first.


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