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No Looking
Posted:Nov 14, 2013 4:10 am
Last Updated:Dec 29, 2013 10:40 am

I no longer look into your eyes
To gaze upon the better me
Gone are sparkles and loving light
My unwanted sight of reality

I no longer look into mirrors
To gaze with foolhardy perception
Gone are desire and possibility
Only truth found in reflection

I no longer look at the journey
and gaze upon my destiny
For as the road nears it end
It reveals what rests in me

Truth, Paradox, and Dicotomy
Posted:Nov 13, 2013 11:20 am
Last Updated:Jul 24, 2014 3:36 am

I know, for the most part people don't understand what I say.
It is truly the essence of my arguments and for that matter any arguments in the world.
The human species has created and named many things that we as human now consider absolute truths. In all things, that degree of truth is never a fact, it only exists in our common human agreement. In is in the commonality of thought that produces truth and commonality is never absolute.
I say this not in regards to any specifics, there are no specifics.
From the color of the sky to the color of a lie.
Throw in duality and one will discover that things such as love and hate are but perceptions of the same the feeling. Sides of the same coin. God and Devil exists as one.
Those that seek the absolute truth, seek it through the agreement of all others. Yet it is a fools errand, for that which they seek does not exist. Yet they would prefer to justify their thoughts, without consideration of truth, by simply controlling the thoughts of others until all that exists is in agreement and all that exists justifies their absolute truth.

I do not see the human spirit confined as would be a colony of ants or a hive of bees. Although to have evolved from such creatures, whose singular purpose of survival, gave an unparalleled rise of a multi-purpose life.
It is not in our commonality, that we owe such a feat. It is in our differences that we have evolved to a greater purpose.
Those who would deny this, only want to return us to the work of the colony, and to the production of honey.
Although their view contains some truth, as we cannot accept the flowers of life without acknowledging the roots. A too narrow view denies that greater purpose our spirit intends.
The human spirit must rejoice in the our differences, not condemn it.
The human spirit must appreciated our commonality, yet not control it.
Those that I see condemning and controlling are those I choose to fight against. The subject matter makes no difference, because to me the subject is unimportant. I choose not to condemn it, and not to control it.
The hardest part of the argument is that those who would condemn and would control have no clue what I'm talking about.
Rose Colored Spectacle
Posted:Nov 9, 2013 5:10 pm
Last Updated:Nov 10, 2013 10:45 pm

Is life a painstaking journey into night
or dawning of the day, sun shining bright?
The glass half empty, or the glass half full
A wool sweater, over the eyes to pull?

The glasses you choose, shades of black
or rose colored spectacles, kept intact
A royal flush, that is a mirage of mind
Or a winning hand with just one of a kind

I make my own history, which birth to death abides.
Each precious moment, a mystery, on life's train that it rides.
Rejoice in moments, which never come again,
They weave lifes fabric, one of a kind.
For life is unconditional, a joyous refrain,
Other judgments just mirages of the mind.


Actually wrote this in 2008. thought I'd post it again
to remind me of what really is important

1 comment
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Posted:Nov 9, 2013 5:44 am
Last Updated:Aug 23, 2022 4:53 am

I've decided to go back to writing poetry, and other stories and not post another political blog. So this is the last.
I think it's important for people to understand where I stand on these issues. Why, I'm so adamantly against the Tea Party, even though I'm not for Obama.
I just can't take the lies, the hatred, destructiveness, and propaganda from these people. It outweighs any agreement I have with their policies and programs.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I accept that, and for the most part I have always felt that any opinion is based on some fact, and a way of thinking that even if not agreed, should be acknowledged.
I do not fault the opinions of the Tea party members, they are entitled.
I draw the line when people use any means possible, including lying, to justify their opinions. That have the kind of righteous indignation that does not permit alternative points of view.
Lying is a funny word, a word that I don't use very often because it connotes things that are in themselves, a matter of negative opinion. Yet, its like any other name calling that is hurtful. I've probably heard and use that word more in the last few weeks that I ever had before.
I'm sure that we have allowed the tea party to change the meaning of that word. We have allowed them to use it, for their own gain, and not for the education of people. To use it as propaganda, not enlightenment.
They have in essence change my opinion of the word, allowing me to use it, under the same guise they use it.
Of course calling them a liar for the same reason they call the President of the United States a liar, does very little to get them to see the destructiveness of that word. They are the righteous and are first to say that a lie is an abomination to them. However it ok for them to use it lightly against the President of the United States. It's simply that THEIR self serving opinion of the truth is sufficient to call the President a liar.
What have we come to? In the political sense a difference of opinion now makes at least one participant a liar.
How does this country come back to finding agreement, a consensus of what's best for the country, if one resorts to calling the other a liar.
They will tell you it is fact, it is the truth
I will tell you it is THEIR facts and THEIR truth, not mine, and it's a lie. Calling them a liar, is now okay with me, because it's based on my facts and my truth.
An American Tragedy
Posted:Oct 23, 2013 8:14 am
Last Updated:Aug 23, 2022 4:57 am

It's tragic how some things evolve.

I can't seems to forget the problems that every American had before social security. Not just the elderly, who social security helped, but the families of the elderly who's burden in taking care of their parents and grandparent was substantial, yet it was bonded in love and responsibility.
With the advent of Social Security, how grateful they must have felt. How grateful the parents and grandparents must have felt to have the burden lessened on their .
Somewhere along the line we lost our love, and somewhere along the line we lost our responsibility. But the most important thing we lost was being grateful. That is the tragedy.

I wrote this in response to a blog, wanted to save it and share it with everyone.

Flowers and Dandelions
Posted:Oct 17, 2013 5:30 pm
Last Updated:Aug 23, 2022 4:59 am

I look through my window
Through my pane what I see
Is I hate those that hate
but they're looking back at me

Yet I am the flower
and they the weed
although hard to tell
apart the seed

But the flower blooms
before dy'in
And the winds blow hard
for the dandelion

As the seeds of hate
spread near and far
The flower or the dandelion
Doesn't care which you are.

I wrote this awhile back thought I'd change it a little and throw it out again. I need to keep reminding myself that hating is hating regardless of the reason.

Posted:Oct 15, 2013 9:25 am
Last Updated:Oct 15, 2013 7:59 pm

The Tea Party lost all it's credibility when it stopped God Fearing and became Obama fearing
Posted:Oct 10, 2013 6:29 am
Last Updated:Aug 23, 2022 5:02 am

The other day a Arizona representative, Brenda Barton, compared Obama to Hitler. it seems it's happening a lot from the Tea Party.

The comparison is laughable, but the people who are making that comparison are not. They scare the beejeebees out of me.

The reason is they are more like the Nazi Party than any other political organization this country has known.

We assume that all the Germans, who allowed the Nazi Party to come to power, were nuts. Well news flash, they acted nutty but weren't nuts. For the most part they were decent, patriotic German citizens that bought into propaganda.

They were sold that their current government was selling them down the river. They were sold that Jews were responsible for the down-turned economy, unemployment, that they controlled the money and spending of the country. They were convinced by lies and half truths that they deserved better, that the Nazi Party would give back Germany to the Germans. All of this was orchestrated by Hitler, and his propaganda machine.
The people did not choose to hear the dissenters, they did not choose to see the truth.

In regards to ideology the Republican may not be the same as the Nazi party, but as to methodology they are exactly the same.

Love Journey
Posted:Sep 12, 2013 8:32 am
Last Updated:Aug 23, 2022 5:07 am

Life is but a journey of love
Gift and burden from God above

In the cradle of unwrapped eyes
A gift that cannot be realized
A childhood where relatives abound
A dependency of love to confound

Yet love still remains unseen
Within the journey of a
Discovery of what comes next
The confusion of love and sex

Then the journey really begins
Someone loses and someone wins
Determining if it's worth the cost
To have loved and have love lost

To see a new cradle and realize
The love you once had in loving eyes
To understand that love doesn't depend
On gifts or sex, but a special friend

The coming of age and understanding
That love becomes a time demanding
To get it right, one must wonder still
If there could be, one last thrill

1 comment
Posted:Jun 24, 2013 11:49 am
Last Updated:Sep 26, 2013 2:49 pm

The day the sun seems to grows cold
Is just the realization of getting old
And life's meaning seems to go astray
When you find your future slipping away

For some it's but a life expectation
That defines the truth and motivation
Yet never found when the day is done
If there is no warmth of the sun

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