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Posted:Jan 8, 2019 9:15 am
Last Updated:Jan 9, 2019 5:45 pm

Well the topic of discussion today was the Likeability of Elizabeth Warren, as is relates to Hillary Clinton.... Women seeking power.....and her own being..

The one thing about politics and likeability it's not about policy.... there are similar choices in policy, but different likeabilities. so it's some thing different.. like looks and speech and not about what you say... but the way you say it. The sense of connection..

So I'll take one issue.. that expresses all the issues about likeability.
Women seeking power? How does that effect their likeability?

All the factor of likeability.. still are in play... but there is a huge underlying difference in gender.
The sexist... both for the culture's good and bad..
Likeability is sexist..

Heterosexual men are lying.. if they say.. they never look at women as sexual objects.
Initially that all they ever see.. that's all their judgement is about.
Likeability for men is the fantasy of who they want, in all the aspects of likeability. but with a predominant subconscious idea of sex..A powerful woman rarely conforms to that likeability aspect.. so a woman who seeks power, are behind the eight ball, with almost ALL men when it comes to likeability... if they see them as a Woman.
For some of women... likeability of other women.. has a lot to do with sex too.. like competition, attraction, and comparisons... woman in power do not raise these type of women. but lower their own self worth. Women seeking power for SOME women are not likeable
So women, like in almost everything in a sexist society, are behind the eight ball.
Marginal Tax rate.. the Wealthy, the Economy and the Boondoggle
Posted:Jan 7, 2019 7:46 am
Last Updated:Jan 7, 2019 4:05 pm

Well the whole idea HAS to change......

The whole idea that with capitalism... the "skies" the limit..Once you get off the ground there's nothing to stop YOU.
The idea.... that more one has..... The MORE one is entitled to
The idea of the reverse MARGINAL tax rate......The more you make, the less percentage you . Now I know you don't realize that's what we have now...and in the tax law it may not appear that way....But in reality that's the way it is.

The ideas we now have.. has been a boondoggle by the wealthy..

You to understand both capitalism, the economy, wealth, incentives, and wealth growth.. to understand the benefits of a high marginal tax rate..
First of all only the top one percent are subject to it.. So for Us peons.. It means nothing... Except greater government benefits..
The idea of a 70% marginal tax is that for every dollar over certain HIGH amount is taxed at a seventy percent rate....for example if someone makes over 500,000 per year.. then the rate below that is the same... but each ADDITIONAL dollar made is taxed at the higher rate... You ask how is that fair?..... Well if you made 500,000 a year you'd realize you are not rowing the same boat as the rest of us...Additional income comes a heck of lot easier. it's levels the playing field for ADDITIONAL INCOME...
WE now live in a country that's bought into the boondoggle... that if you make it.... Additional income is not only easier...You get to keep more of it.
Because.. that wealth is made off of money that's already been taxed WTF?.. You people are just stupid to buy into that boondoggle.
You also buy into the idea that somehow... that helps the economy...You know like "trickle down economics"?. WTF? Wealth begets wealth.. just for the individual.. We have NO control of whether or not that helps the economy..Giving People money, who don't have it and have to SPEND it... guarantees helping the economy..
Finally the idea that if someone has a high tax rate... then the marginal increase in wealth.... will no longer matter....When just the opposite is true.. those that search for wealth.. will just search harder...30% percent of something is better than 70% of nothing.
It's inherent that "gift" of Capitalism is given to the wealthy.....But even so...if one is wealthy.. That doesn't give them the RIGHT to that gift.. And the rest Us.. don't need to be Santa Clause..
Posted:Jan 5, 2019 11:47 am
Last Updated:Jan 6, 2019 6:48 pm

We have entered the "Twilight Zone"... Politically it doesn't matter if it's honest, bi-partisan, and best for the country....If.. whatever a political person does has political gain.. The perception of the opposition is the only reason it's being done is for political gain.

What we sometimes ignore as the proponent.. is what's best for the country.. is also best for the opposition...even if they don't realize it......But as soon as the proponent allows it to be political.. that realization will NEVER happen.

Second, and far more dishonest to realize the opposition eventually sinks itself by not doing it.

Things like healthcare, fighting for DACA's, and social security and medicare.. As much as Democrats want to fight for these things...The dishonest polical way.. is just let Republicans do them..

There are two stories about impeachment....
Fox news... saying ALL democrats are for impeachment.. and want Trump impeached

Democrats saying.... They are not willing to take impeachment action NOW.... because they don't think impeachment should be political.

Well, both stories are true.........

Democrats believe they are doing the right things and it's non political
Republican believe Democrats are doing the wrong thing... because it is political

The irony ...Republicans are "wronger".. it's redundant to say they are more right..

Democrats who believe in the right thing... need to Do the wrong thing.. so it is POLITICAL

The Republican "Wall"
Posted:Jan 4, 2019 4:12 pm
Last Updated:Jan 5, 2019 12:35 pm

Of course, They had almost two years.. with complete control of congress to pass a wall funding bill.. and couldn't get it done.... because a wall alone..... wasn't good enough..

Trump got the Democrats to agree, for DACA's ............but backed out because DACA was too much to give..he wanted legal immigration reform too..

But it seems it good enough now.. to shut down the government..

It's amazing how this country has existed without a southern wall for 200 years.. And it just NOW became a crisis.

So Trump and Republicans baked a "blackbird pie"... Took it out of the oven...but wouldn't eat it without the ice cream......"Ice cream" that was never going to come......Now, they are trying to convince everybody.... that eating the pie, now, is not just eating "crow".
Who thinks a woman should make the first move?
Posted:Jan 4, 2019 8:29 am
Last Updated:Mar 30, 2023 11:39 am

If one believes they have the right to ask a stupid question.

Then don't I have right to give a "stupid" answer?

Does it seems improbable on this site.. that one can be deleted for giving a stupid answer?

"Well..... it's all a matter of perception.. Yours and theirs.
They do enough to tell you if they are interested, for some men that not good enough... They simply want to get "paid" without having to do any work

So your fragile male ego.. needs stroking....
Most women know..... you don't pet a whipped DOG.. and expect not to get bitten.

So... if your looking for a back scratcher.. May I suggest Walmart..
Try the bamboo ones...and you'll solve half your bamboozle problem."
DACA's for WALL funding...
Posted:Jan 3, 2019 9:48 am
Last Updated:Jan 4, 2019 6:57 am

How many time do you go to the well and come up with an empty bucket?

You can't fair with untrustworthy people.....

So... no compromise with that..unless you shove it down their throat..

DACA's... immediate Amnesty that's irrevocable...immigration reform that allows immigration for asylum and immigration from "shit hole" countries. No family separations.. And the allowance of sanctuary States and cities..

All For a WALL....

Then watch their balls get sucked up into their throat.. For fear you're going cut them off..

Don't Democrats understand ... that's the ART of the Deal!
So "they", "those", "them" and "you folks" when it comes down to IT... are to give you nothing for somethings..... but Democrats don't to be that "bad".... They can still be MORE fair and just make sure when they give up something they get a whole lot more in return, than they are giving.

Final OFFER!
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Words have Meanings
Posted:Jan 3, 2019 7:08 am
Last Updated:Jan 3, 2019 2:03 pm

Words have meanings that thoughts convey
That sometimes don't mean what they say
Words made to matter.... if one tries
To hide the truth., with believable LIES

Find the part that people fear
find the words they can hear
make them all.. one in the same
give them someone else to blame

Stop it from coming to your door
Stop it from making you insecure
Stop the crime and the drugs
Stop the r*pists and the thugs

Stop it before all is lost
Stop it because of the "cost'
Stop "those People"..we to do
Stopping them.. protects YOU

Words have meanings that thoughts convey
That sometimes don't mean what they say
Words made to matter.. if one tries
To hide the truth., with believable LIES

When the truth confronts all of US
the words and reasons become obvious.
for ourselves... it's all indifferent
but for "them"... it is all different

Build a Wall for border security.
Build a wall for national purity
Build a wall to keep them out
different language, different color, and "the poor"
It's what it's about.
Mitch Miller.. Sing Along
Posted:Jan 2, 2019 5:16 pm
Last Updated:Jan 3, 2019 6:04 am

The New "Mitch" show.......Sing along with Mitch and follow the bouncing ball..

Mitch McConnell stated he would not put a bill up for vote in the Senate that the President will not sign...It would be a "non starter"....

A "non starter" is no such thing.. when everything has to be finished before it gets started.

It just seems to me to be Un-American.. for a non starter bill to not be voted on.

I'm tired of the political leverage.

What that means is.... The Senate only gets to vote on bills that will pass....
So the majority leader has the leverage....Not in just bring up the bill.. but MORE important.....The leverage against a Senator.... who voted against a bill that passes
That's the only thing we see... We don't see who's voting FOR a "bad bill". A passed bill must be a good bill.

It important that something..... like DACA....... no matter the bill itself... that a vote be taken.
WE need to know how each Senator stands... instead of how each party stands. The success or failure doesn't reside in the Party.. but with each Senator.

1 comment
The "Shutdown"
Posted:Dec 30, 2018 12:00 pm
Last Updated:Dec 31, 2018 2:32 pm

I want you to understand how I think about things..

First what I think about "The Shutdown"... My gosh.. it's the first time Trump ever did anything for me..
As you may know... I work for the IRS...and I have been put on furlough..I was trying to volunteer for a layoff before the shut down happened.. but the shutdown is better than a layoff..
I will get paid for time furlough.. when I come back up.. so I don't have to work and still get paid...Wow.. I have never been that lucky.. I have been on layoff for previous shutdowns.

Now I'm sure that pisses some of you off.. but again you get pissed off for the wrong reasons.

What you don't understand is the IRS is a year around operation...and for the past nine years there hasn't been a WORSE time for the IRS to be shut down.
The preparation for the 2018 tax year.. with all the changes.. is going to be noticeable by the public.. The preparation delay is going to delay the whole operation, during tax season, for the time of the shutdown. If it goes beyond the 15th of January it's going to be significant.

Me.. well I just work there.. so I take the free pay in lieu of the problems.
Posted:Dec 30, 2018 9:22 am
Last Updated:Dec 31, 2018 6:07 am

The WALL that Trump wants to build.
The WALL the Democrats want to put around Trump
The WALL Trump has built around himself.......

Trump finally told the truth... He said....Only because HE wants HIS wall.. the Democrats are against the WALL........Nothing could be more true..

It's never been about the WALL.. it's been about Trump and Trump's WALL.

Let's look at other... Trump THINGS

The Russian Investigation.. Is not about OUR intelligence agencies view of it..
The Syrian pullout is not about Mattis's view of it..
Foreign policy is not about the State's Department's view of it
Laws are not about the Department of JUSTICE view of it.
Criminal investigation is not about the FBI's view of it.
Court decisions are not about the Supreme Court's view of it
Foreign investigations is not about the CIA's view of it.
Climate Change is not about the Scientist's view of it.
The Economy is not about the economist's view of it.
The control of MONEY..Is not about The FED's view of it.

The WALL is not about the US Customs and Border Protection or the US Department of Homeland Security view of it.

So the Wall for Democrats is not about "THE WALL" at the border..... but the WALLS of Trump..
It's about the NEED for Institutions, Experts and Scientists, Rules of Law, Advisories, Supreme Court, and even CONGRESS ITSELF.

So yes.. If Trump and His cabal.. want it.....and DO NOT LISTEN ....and Use whatever means they can to get it.................. If they got to do it that way.....
Democrats are against it.

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