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The Supreme Court and Abortion
Posted:Nov 4, 2021 2:47 pm
Last Updated:Nov 6, 2021 12:35 am

First, one needs understand that the Supreme Court can not outlaw abortions.

The Supreme Court can not make laws..

the Supreme Court can remove a Women's RIGHT an abortion. can not outlaw abortions.
Outlawing abortions will take an additional legislative step do so.

would become a State's Right determine the level at which an abortion would become illegal.

's a huge difference in talking about what you can do.. and actually doing .. Whether you be Conservative or Liberal most are ignorant of what that means. the idea of maintaining power as a legislator is either you do what MOST of your constituents want .. or you eliminate their ability to remove you from office.

I doubt many of you understand how our Democracy works.. And what is the one final safeguard.. THE RIGHT OT VOTE.
Voting Rights..
Posted:Nov 4, 2021 4:36 am
Last Updated:Nov 7, 2021 8:46 am

There's a huge difference between restricting voting and excluding voting..

Although the States have had control over election...The voting rights bill, need to make it clear.. That voting restriction, can not exclude voters....nor can voting restrictions be use to deny blocks of votes.. nor can restrictions be use to NOT count legal votes. That any denial of vote counting based on restrictions.. must be done on an individual basis.. With the rights of any individual to challenge that denial.

That need to be the Voting Rights Law.

It once went unsaid, now it needs to be written in stone
Faith or Logic?
Posted:Nov 1, 2021 4:19 am
Last Updated:Nov 2, 2021 3:20 pm

Some people are born programed to have faith..They believe in stuff they can't see, feel or touch..
No one is born with logic....just with our senses...and the things we can see, feel and touch, and how they apply creates our logic.This is not something some people do..everyone does it..And it happen every moment of every day..

So what's the difference?

Everyone at least should understand logic is essential...Logic is survival..

There are certain thing in which logic doesn't apply...for example..What is death and is it logical? Mostly understanding one's feelings, defies logic. But not for everybody..Logic does answer all questions.

But not everybody is capable to do that.. and faith comes into play..

When one cannot use logic to explain a circumstance.. they use faith, and Those circumstances creates a different kind of logic....... a logic based on faith.

For example, God is faith based attempts to explain the unexplainable..
Morally Liberal, Fiscally Conservative
Posted:Oct 30, 2021 5:38 am
Last Updated:Nov 1, 2021 3:49 am

I know the title of my blog makes so people cringe...
I use c myself... Mory Liberal and Fiy Conservative..I could define each term with reasonable assumptions as what it ant. It wasn't so much about right or wrong, It's was trying understand..It was about MY Choices
I can rec that many people accused of "copping out".. That I could not be that way. Those people went out of their prove wrong, they succeeded.
In my mind, I was the majority....A silent majority.. That wasn't backed by a Political movent, Political financing, Political agenda, or actual representation. I was never a single issue voter, Argunts required two sides, and I always tried see both sides.
Needless say things have changed, I can no longer reasonably define Mory Liberal and Fiy Conservative..Argunts no longer have two sides, and right or wrong is no longer generated by ISSUES.
Uncommon Folk
Posted:Oct 27, 2021 5:34 pm
Last Updated:Oct 28, 2021 8:50 am

Us common folk don't understand the "the art of making "
What rich folk understand.. Is that it takes MAKE ..

Us common folks look at the rich as increasing their wealth by the amount of they avoid in paying taxes..It's their they Made
That's not the way real rich folks look at it.

The right way look at it.. is using tax payer increase the real rich own wealth.
It not the they save that matters... it's using that . and the increase in wealth, that creates.

Our tax structure has been purposely designed allow rich people the use of taxpayer make more
Posted:Oct 27, 2021 11:11 am
Last Updated:Oct 27, 2021 5:11 pm

As FaceBook becomes a point of contention...It's important to try and understand who you blame and what you blame..

50 years ago, influences were requires to shotgun their influence.. limited outlets created non-specific influences.. Advertisers of all sorts.....Advertisers preferred more outlets with less viewing that could specify their audience to make their advertisements more effective

It began with audience demographics.. for advertisers to target a More specific audience..

FaceBook took targeting to a new level..Algorithms .. were specific to a specific audience.
You not only got demographics.. but even a more specific audience to engage..From FaceBook's point of view.. as is every other media outlets..expanding profits

FaceBook doesn't do anything different, in how they do it, than any other medium. They just do it better. Advertisers that are political, social, economic and the corrupt flock to FaceBook.

Our democracy depends on an informed public.. But when information is targeted. it limits the kind of information one receives. In a way, we all live in a different bubble..That's really hard to break.
1 comment
the Unvaccinated Truth
Posted:Oct 26, 2021 1:55 am
Last Updated:Oct 30, 2021 10:49 am

a response to "widower'

The vaccination doesn't prevent you from catching the virus.. Not being exposed to the virus prevent you from catching it..The vaccine prevents sickness by attacking the viruses ability to reproduce.
In evolutionary terms that spells a fricken disaster.
Every organism on the planet can overcome a reproduction disadvantage.
Covid, given time, will overcome the vaccination,, cell that can reproduce the best will survive, and ones that can't won't.. over thousands of generations only cells that can survive.. will survive

Being a Fascist whoremonger.. maybe you can understand how other fascist whoremongers think..

The only way to end to immediately kill off all people who have not been vaccinated.
Destroy the Mutants!
The Conspiracy of Normalcy
Posted:Oct 24, 2021 5:16 am
Last Updated:Oct 25, 2021 4:26 pm

We use to believe that being "normal"was good thing..
People would do thing because it was normal..and struggle with doing things that weren't.
When I was younger I questioned .. what is normalcy, and who decides that?
Many people have answered that question. Believing that the creation of "normalcy" is a conspiracy.. We live in "The Matrix" made of normalcy. That someone else gets to decide..

Voting Rights
Posted:Oct 22, 2021 5:06 am
Last Updated:Oct 23, 2021 12:59 am

It's should be clear that restricting voting is an advantage to Republicans
And increasing voting rights is an advantage to Democrats.

This is a FACT

Republicans, by can try to justify their side by with fraudulent voting
Democrats try to justify their side with the Constitution.

Neither case changes the FACT.
The justifications are prejudiced by Party affiliation.
Posted:Oct 21, 2021 2:25 am
Last Updated:Oct 23, 2021 12:05 pm

lilium6........ another note, I would express my sincere condolences on the recent passing of former US State Secretary, Colin Powell. He struck me as a decent individual who strived do his best; not more can one ask of another. May he rest in peace.

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