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I still feel small when I stand beside the ocean.
I've learned for every door that closes, one more opens. In my life faith is my only chance. And when I have the choice to sit it out or dance...I DANCE!!!

Calling on all the Animal Lovers among us...
Posted:Jun 10, 2009 7:23 am
Last Updated:Sep 21, 2009 2:28 pm

I have been asked to develop an event to be sponsored by the Spay-Neuter Alliance in Sumner County, TN during "The Week Of The Animal". I'd love to hear about any similar events you have attended, organized or participated in, as well as any stories or pictures you would like to share with me. The purpose of the event is to increase awareness of the importance of spay-neuter, to educate on Animal care and to have more fun with the Animals in our lives. The Alliance is an all volunteer organization and any ideas for fund raising you could suggest would be appreciated as well.
1 comment
Sexy Senior Secrets!
Posted:May 27, 2009 12:31 pm
Last Updated:Sep 25, 2009 1:35 pm

Michianaredhead always plans some wild games for the bashes and just before the NashBash I came across one I thought she would like. It gave new insights into our SFF peers! So I thought you might like to use the cue questions for conversation starters in here. I'll just reach into the bag and pull one out now and we'll see what we can learn about each other!

"The last time someone tried to pick me up was____________. The location was_________________and I _______________________."
Posted:Apr 12, 2009 7:38 am
Last Updated:Sep 25, 2009 1:36 pm

Lord, was it my face that You could see
When You hung there on Calvary?
Was it my cry of desperation that sent You on?
And am I worth the price You paid
When they laid You in that grave?
Precious Jesus, Lamb of God, His blessed .

You saw my face, You heard my cry,
You knew my need, For that You died.
You gave Your life that I might live,
You set me free.

Now You walk with me every day,
Giving me peace along life's way.

Thank you Jesus for the love You gave to me.

LBentley 2000
Posted:Apr 6, 2009 7:45 am
Last Updated:Feb 1, 2011 4:51 pm

So many of you wonderful folks responded on my last couple of blogs but my two asthma attacks last week have got me running so far behind there's just no way I can get back to each of you individually. I want to thank all of you for reading and your kind comments and hope you'll bear with me while I get my world at least back to the state of disorder I am accustomed to dealing with.

Today I have already done 4 hours of work and am just getting started. I am overdue on having my car tested and renewing my registration, it needs an oil change and cleaning inside and out and got to stop by State Farm and pay the insurance.

Supposed to call my PCP today for a follow up to Saturday's fun trip to the ER. Have already emailed my realtor and loan broker to start the house hunt again. Got to pick up prescriptions for the ladies and the rest of mine...located in two different cities. The suggestion to have mine mailed to me is a good one and will have to see how to go about that. I'm traveling with a two page list of things that have to be done, or at least checked on today. You know what I mean...all those inane things that our lives are made up of. LOL

Yesterday one of my precious friends from church came over and helped my sister and I move all the things I had stored in the spare room here to a storage unit as they are moving a third lady into the house. Yippee...another person to take care of. Wouldn't you think they'd be afraid to give me another one when I can't even seem to take care of myself? HaHa Just goes to show how much thought is put into these situations. Seriously, they tell me that Donna (my sister) and I are the best caregivers they have on staff. Kinda scarey HUH?

Well, enough of this chatter. I gotta get on the ball.
Just wanted all of you to know how much I appreciate you. When things get crazy like they are here right now it means a lot to hear from friends!
1 comment
View From A Bed In The Emergency Room...
Posted:Apr 4, 2009 8:56 pm
Last Updated:Jun 4, 2009 7:56 am

This was my weekend off and those of you who know me know how I look forward to them. The sun was shining brightly, birds were singing, friends were gathering...and I was struggling to breathe!

It started on Wednesday afternoon. I love to work in my flower beds and spent several hours there raking leaves, pulling weeds, pruning a few dead twigs,welcoming the new growth and the first buds of the lilacs. Before the ladies arrived home from their workshop I went in, showered, shampooed my hair and took a hit on my Albuterol inhaler.

We followed our regular evening routine except I was unusually tired and opted not to attend church. All three of us decided to go to bed early.

Thursday morning I got up at 5:30 as usual but was congested and still tired feeling so drug through the morning routine...breakfast, meds for the ladies, got them off on the van, did a minimum of housework and got ready to go to our ladies Bible study. (We used to have it here at the house but outgrew the space). I arrived there at 9 tired, wheezing, and barely able to talk.

Our Pastor dropped in as we were gathering and realizing the difficulty I was having prayed for my relief. A warmth spread through my body and breathing came easier, the wheezing all but stopped and as each lady noticed what was happening their tears began to flow. I was able to bring the message I had intended...HOW TO SHOW LOVE IN A WORLD THAT HUNGERS FOR IT.
In fact, I asked that question in a blog on that day, truly curious about your responses.

I left there and met with my realtor about a property I was interested in. Some of you are aware that has been an ongoing adventure for me. I have prayed about it and used every means available to me to make a long held dream of mine come true.

At one point I found a five acre spot that I became emotionally attached to, loving to walk through the woods there, watch the wildlife and commune with nature. For very good reasons that place did not pan out for me.

Later I found a place with almost 15 acres that was equally enjoyable to visit, hike through, walk along the creek. Again, it didn't work out.

Then there was a third property that the realtor found and even set up meetings with builders to build me a log cabin on it. I was overjoyed. Unfortunately, the land, over 15 acres of it was in two tracts. To be able to have good access to the woods and creek I would need to buy the cleared tract, which was fine with me as it would make gardening, an orchard and vineyard easier to establish. Otherwise I would have to spend almost $15,000 to build a bridge and driveway...something I could not afford. And once again I was disappointed because the gentleman who owned both tracts sold the cleared one before I could make an offer.

So, when I found this last property I was getting discouraged. But not one to give up on a dream I pursued it and on this past Thursday went to my realtor's office to sign the paperwork to make the offer. She had done an excellent job drawing it all up and I left there very hopeful.

Same old, Same old Thursday evening...just feeling extremely tired but got through the evening with no big problems.

And Friday went as most Fridays do. My weekend off begins on Friday morning at 8:30 but I had not quite finished up my housework when the phone rang at 9. It was my supervisor telling me that we would have a third DD in the house for the weekend.

You all may not realize this but many Developmentally Delayed individuals have dual diagnoses...schizophrenia, dementia, etc. This particular individual is extremely OCD and suffers seizure disorder. So extra plans had to be made to accommodate her issues. That ate up a lot of my morning.

Adding to that, I had to take my books in to be audited and get my checks for groceries and supplies. So there went another couple of hours.

Then my weekend relief person called and said due to an unforeseen event she would be an hour or so late coming to work so I had to be at the house when the ladies arrived home on the van. An entire day off GONE! And to top it all off, I got the word that the seller of the property I had made an offer on had already made a contract with another buyer.

And that's where this blog began. I had tried to eat a little breakfast this morning but quickly found that breathing and eating had become highly incompatible.

I tried using my inhaler but it didn't deliver enough medication to make an appreciable difference. I had actually phoned in my refill request the day before and it was ready but in my rushing around I had forgotten to pick it up.

I tried to laugh off my discomfort and thought I would jump in the Mountaineer and run the 14 miles to Gallatin to pick up my inhaler and some Mucinex, which I had run out of the night before. But I just couldn't summon up the energy to get out of my chair. I felt like I was drowning and when I would cough I would momentarily kind of black out. The next thing I knew I was being lifted onto a stretcher and into an ambulance.

So my Saturday off was spent in the emergency room, directly across the hall from the nurses' station. I had received one breathing treatment in the ambulance, and had an IV started. This was continued at the hospital along wth doses of Prednisole, an hour long breathing treatment, etc, etc, etc.

Then there were the hours that followed while they observed me observing them. This being allergy season in Tennessee there were dozens of other people with the same distress I had, a gentleman with a heart attack; a young lady who just delivered her first baby two weeks ago, suffering from the flu; a woman 8 years younger than me who was experiencing chest pain...her history included a heart attack 3 years ago plus lung cancer that had caused her to lose one lung; there was an an older guy about as big around as he was tall, that I never heard what his medical condition was but he was taken away by the sherrif's department, on and on and on. During all this the staff; techs, nurses and doctors alike remained calm, friendly and efficient.

Don't know if it was the effect of the medications or what but I promise you I saw three of the seven dwarves go by my room. Not once, but several times. Although they were dressed a little more conventionally than in the movie, their size and countenances were readily recognizable. Not only that, one of them came back by once with a female dwarf that, judging by their manner and his smile, I am sure was Happy! And I am just as certain that one of the others was Grumpy.

Oh yes, you gals will understand this one. Because the IV had been started in the ambulance, as well as leads for the telemetry
observation, I already had all kinds of wires attached to me when the nurse wanted to put me in a gown. Rather than disrobe me because there were a number of male techs and emts and nurses working in the room trying to do things to give me some relief, she decided to unhook my bra and pull it out through my tshirt sleeves. Now I know there are some of you guys who could have done this with no difficulty but she ran into some problems and the result was that the bra was caught across the lead wires and never entirely left my body. This created a very unique challenge when minutes later I was taken to the rest room and asked to produce a clean catch urine specimen. You know I could describe it in detail but you all have vivid imaginations....Just think about it....and laugh!

Other things that kept us laughing....I discovered that when you have one of those masks on that cover most of your face, and you have to lift it up on your forehead so you can take a pill, don't, I repeat, don't lean over to see what kind of pills are in the little cup. I was DRENCHED! The nurse who brought the pills said she didn't know it would do that either. We decided to write it off as an educational experience.

Later I was accused of wetting the bed when one of the nurses unhooked the IV for my second trip to the bathroom and sprayed my bed with IV fluids. She had to come to my defense.

I got to flirt outrageously with an adorable new resident...Dr Yin from Thailand. He couldn't have been 30 and cute as he could be. Among other things we discussed how much the young ladies must love his longer hair...the pic on his ID was with the typical super short bowl cut...but now he has an amazing shock of long coal black hair. He shared with me how disconcerting it was when he first learned that if he went into a smoky bar after a long day at work, drank a couple of beers, went home and dropped into bed exhausted; then woke up the next morning with his pillow smelling like that smoky bar. Said it gave him a new appreciation for what women go through.

Well, the time finally came and I was released to go home, with some very grave warnings about my attention to my own health issues. One of those being to stay inside, HEPA filters on air ducts, vaccum, etc, and take better care of myself. Life has just become a little more limited for me.

But it seems that with these new limits I have been given a new gift of easy laughter! I have always enjoyed humor, as long as it wasn't at another's expense. But I've rarely been one to laugh uproariously and loud. Suddenly I DO! And what a wonderful, liberating release it is. Right now it brings on paroxysms of coughing but that is cleansing as well but no problem as long as I don't pass out again.

I am sore and achey but so thrilled to be able to be home and write a blog. You have to understand that when I am on Albuterol I talk the way I am writing tonight. Just be glad you can close the blog and leave it. Have pity on my poor sister who has to listen to me.

God bless you, and keep you in perfect peace.
Posted:Apr 2, 2009 6:13 am
Last Updated:Jun 15, 2009 4:58 pm

How can I express a sincere, believable Christ-like love in the world?

I'd especially like to know what non-Christians feel about this. What can a person do in their day to day lives that would show a concern and compassion for you that you could receive?
Brainy Blonde Wants To Know...
Posted:Mar 18, 2009 6:19 pm
Last Updated:Mar 20, 2009 5:12 am

Brainy Blonde just emailed me saying she will be in Nashville this weekend and wanted to know who will be at John A's Saturday night. Said she would love to join us but didn't want to be the only one who showed up.
We had a wonderful turn out last month but a few who came from longer distances have said they won't be able to make it this time. I totally understand though I wish all of you could be here every month. We always seem to have a terrific time.
While we are on the subject of coming to many of you are planning on coming to the BASH here Memorial Day weekend? The theme this time is Jungle Fever and I am already wondering what sort of costumes there will be.
Everyone knows what fantastic events Michianaredhead organizes and with the able help of Yellowduck and Shay I know it will be a time to remember.
Let me hear from you, and if you can possibly make it, come out and make Brainy Blonde welcome!
1 comment
With Credits to SingToMySoul..."ON SMOOCHIN PART 2"
Posted:Mar 2, 2009 8:26 pm
Last Updated:Mar 4, 2009 11:15 am

Check out Sing's blog "ON SMOOCHIN" and see if you agree ... I think we should have a KISSING EVENT at the Nashville Bash this year. We could sign up between now and May, choose a willing partner and put in some serious practise time. This one event could totally change the averages. Then of course at the Florida Bash other couples could attempt to outdo the totals from Nashville. I think we owe this to the world of romance!
Do we have any takers?
Posted:Mar 2, 2009 11:29 am
Last Updated:Mar 18, 2009 6:11 pm

Saturday March 21st, 6PM, at John A's on Music Valley Drive in Nashville, TN.

We always have a nice dinner and spend the first couple of hours catching up on what's been going on with everyone. Then the band (Jerry, Shar, Romeo and Adolpho) gets started and things really liven up. They treat us like part of the John A family! And always ask about Belleladonna, who inspired our group's name "THE CEEDEES", as well as Michianaredhead who wows them with her unforgettable costumes.

Some of the other SFF members who have been there in recent months are Mr and Mrs Joe, Yellowduck, Forevergood2, Shay, Deska, Lindysue, her and s-i-l Donna and Bobby, Msturtlebug, Countrygirl, ThatBillguy, Sportslady, Lovebug, Indigomoon, Harleythings, Rubisleepinbuty, Lovelylady and her sister, Dan, SoccerG, MrCo and Elvis. If I have missed anyone I sincerely apologize. Let me know and I'll revise! Anyway, it's a great group and we have tons of fun. We laugh, talk, dance, (some have even been known to dance on tables, but management seems to frown on that!).

When the Grand Ole Opry is over some of those folks come over and perform as well as some young talent trying to get started in the business. And our own Bobby and Elvis have gotten on stage and sung for us.

We'd love to have all of you join us and add to the good times!
1 comment
Posted:Feb 13, 2009 12:31 pm
Last Updated:Feb 19, 2009 6:12 pm

Unlike some of our peers here I am not a shoe addict! In fact, if I could get away with it I would wear my western boots everywhere with everything. They are so comfortable but obviously don't look right with every outfit or in every situation. So from time to time I feel I have to go shoe shopping.

Not long ago I bought a cute dress, it is midnight blue with a built in black slip. It has a scoop neckline with an accent of a bit of smocking and peacock blue sequins. A simple style with cap sleeves and soft box pleats from the neckline to hem make it very comfortable while still being dressy.

I found it at Belk's during one of their famous 70% off sales and got it for next to nothing. Right away I knew I couldn't wear it with red cowboy boots so I decided to check out the sales in the shoe department.

Because of the sale every department in the store was crazy busy and especially in the shoe department. There were women sitting trying on shoes, others were roaming from table to table, firing questions at the salesladies and changing their minds as to styles and sizes they wanted to try on. I had spotted two possible choices I wanted to try on and when I got the attention of a clerk I asked for them.

She went to the back and came out with both arms full of shoe boxes and began distributing them to various customers. I had managed to work my way to an empty seat finally and set the boxes down beside me while I got my boots off and slipped on a "footie" so I could try them on. Ladies on either side of me were busily doing much the same.

I tried on the first pair and although they were cute, they didn't fit well and I knew I'd never be comfortable in them. I placed them back in the box and reached for the second pair. Someone must have knocked the box over and the shoes had spilled out onto the floor. When I picked up the shoes they didn't look exactly as I had remembered but they were cute so I tried them on and found they felt as good as they looked. Shopping isn't one of my favorite activities and the faster I can find what I want, pay for it and get out of the store the better. So I popped them into the empty box lying closest to my chair and headed for the cashier.

As I approached the register I heard someone behind me screech..."AHHHHHH AHHHHHH AHHHHHHH WHERE ARE MY SHOES?"

Everyone in the vicinity stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at her. She was standing barefoot in the middle of the department looking frantic. In her hand were the shoes I had originally asked the clerk to find for me. And as I realized what had just happened I felt the slow flame of embarrassment searing my face and neck.

My first reaction was to drop the box of shoes I was holding and bolt for the door. Somehow my better judgment kicked in and I turned back to her, opened the box and managed to croak..."Are these YOUR shoes?"

She yanked the box out of my hands and glared at me. I could hear people snickering all around me. I stammered out an apology and took the shoes she was holding. Angrily she dumped her shoes out of the box and thrust it at me. I quickly dropped the shoes inside and without ever trying them on I rushed to the cashier, paid for them and exited the store. I knew in my heart that if they didn't fit I wouldn't have the courage to return them to the store!

It was my good fortune, the shoes fit and I wore them with the midnight blue dress to John A's last month.

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