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"How sad, a heart that does not know what love is, that does not feel the greatness of love. If it doesn't have true love, how can it enjoy the blinding light of the sun, the beautiful colors of the rainbow and the soft light of the moon?"

Posted:Feb 3, 2016 9:02 am
Last Updated:Feb 4, 2016 11:03 pm
As the Carnival of Rio will start on Friday 5th February to the 9th Feb this year. I have hereby posted a blog referring to this yearly spectacular event of Brazil.
The biggest and most famous carnival is undoubtedly the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro.

The roots of Carnival trace back to the ancient Romans and Greeks who celebrated the rites of spring. Across Europe, people annually gave thanks by throwing parties, wearing masks and dancing in the streets.
The Portuguese first brought the concept of "Celebration or Carnival" to Rio around 1850. However, in Brazil, the traditions soon became different. Over time, they acquired unique elements deriving from African and Amerindian cultures. Their Samba parade, sumptuous costumes and floats, their grandiose presentation accompanied by orchestra of strings, drums and other instruments, are real feasts for the eyes. One of the most important developments is the biggest parade the Samba Parade moved from the streets downtown to the purpose-built Sambodromo. The Queen of Carnival is chosen by a contest based on her beauty, self-assurance, sociability, ease of expression, congeniality and samba abilities but all in all she must have the "carnival spirit". The 2nd and the 3rd place candidates in the contest are named the Princesses of Carnival.

When it comes to Carnival, no city in the world is capable of attracting more limelight than Rio de Janeiro, where the fun starts just after the turn of the year. In the capital of Rio, grace is jump and sing marching behind the famous bloquinhos street, all washed down with much confetti and serpentine. Another highlight that attracts tourists from all corners of the planet is watching the parade of samba schools. The legendary samba spirit of Brazil is demonstrated best by the bandas – street .

Although Carnival is celebrated in towns and villages throughout Brazil, Rio de Janeiro has long been regarded as the Carnival capital of the world. The Rio Carnaval is not only the biggest Carnival, it is also a benchmark against which every other carnival is compared and one of the most interesting artistic events on the globe. Rio Carnival is a wild 5-day celebration, 40 days before Easter. It officially starts and finishes on Fat Tuesday with the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday after which one is supposed to abstain from all bodily pleasures until Easter.

One of the most involved groups in Rio Carnival are the poorest neighborhoods, they are called favelas. Favelas are shantytowns or slums, where residents are very poor and carnival really means a lot to them, as once a year they go out and have lots of fun as they can. Carnival and samba are their passion alongside football. For everyone, this is a time to come together as a whole and have fun together. Brazil once becomes the most tolerant society. Gender and social boundaries vanish as many paraders cross-dress. Rio Carnival is something that comes deep from the fun-loving soul of the Brazilians. It does not depend on any authority or sponsor to happen. Carnival in the streets is a living proof of this passion. It's free, and everybody's welcome to participate.

I've posted below, a few photos of the Carnival aspects, I hope you will enjoy them.
Thank you for your read and views. Happy viewing.

Posted:Feb 1, 2016 8:23 am
Last Updated:Feb 6, 2016 9:31 am
A set of septuplets were born to a couple who underwent fertility treatment in 1997. The couple discovered afterwards that the wife was carrying 7 babies but they declined selective reduction to reduce the number of infants, saying that they would "put it in God's hands". Though the couple has already a first .

The doctor's sense of wonder was tempered with serious concern. Multiple pregnancies frequently end in miscarriage or stillbirth and the risk multiplies with the number of fetuses. While septuplets have been delivered a handful of times, in no case have they all lived more than a few days or weeks. in such a situation: they could, if they chose, undergo "selective reduction", but the couple had refused abortion. Not only did the septuplets emerge from their mother's womb intact but they were healthier than anyone had dared hope. "It just strikes as a miracle." with 4 sons and 3 daughters. It had become the focus of intense international attention. The birth attracted significant media attention, both positive and negative, The achieved international headlines after they were born in 1997, with some criticizing their parents for refusing selective reduction .

The Doctors were worried they wouldn't survive their first few days out of the womb when they were famously brought into the world in 1997. But not only did the septuplets make it, they flourished, and have celebrated their 18th birthday last year and transition into life after high school.

Kenny, Kelsey, Natalie, Brandon, Alexis, Nathan and Joel - the world's first septuplets to survive infancy - had marked the milestone occasion on Thursday, November 19. 2015. They have set the world record of septuplets being still all alive. Wishing a long happy life. Photos posted below.

I hope this story has pleased you, I would like to get your thoughts on such event. Thank you for your read and views. I wish you a peaceful and happy week.

Posted:Jan 30, 2016 9:44 am
Last Updated:Feb 6, 2016 9:33 am
Albinism is a congenital defect characterized by the absence of pigment in the skin. Although this condition can be looked upon as an imperfection, it is what makes some animals unique. Here’s your cuteness overload for the day. Enjoy these unbelievable albino animals.

These beautiful animals look as if they’ve been lifted from the pages of a mythical storybook, or transported from another world not like our own. But, in fact, these creatures are of this world. However, they have albinism, a congenital condition defined by partial or complete absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes, the lack of which makes one more susceptible to sunburn and skin disease. Have you ever seen an albino penguin? What about an albino lobster? Here are some of the surprising species! These albino animals are so unique and beautiful to behold, but note that some of these “albinos” are rare breeds without the actual pigmentation condition.

Am happy to share these stunning and incredible albino animals with all of you today. Relatively, I have uploaded as many of their photos as I could for your pleasure. Many of these animals, I'd never guessed could be albino, check them out for yourself. And the 10th pic is a chuckle for you!!.
I hope you'll enjoy them.
Thank you so much for your read and views.
Sincerely yours,

Posted:Jan 28, 2016 9:03 am
Last Updated:Feb 6, 2016 9:33 am
The only rare white giraffe has been spotted roaming around in Tarangire National park of Tanzania. Experts have photographed her but fearing she could become a potential target for poachers.
Omo is her name, given to her by the local lodge guide there. Omo is Leucistic, meaning many of the skin cells are incapable of making a pigment. Some are, so she is white, with red or blue eyes, as a true albino would be. But she is not albino. She is the only white giraffe currently known worldwide.

She appears to get along with the other giraffes, she has always been seen with a large group of normally colored giraffe, they don't seem to mind her different coloring. Her unique color makes her unique worldwide, a real target for poachers in the African park. Omo is now 15 months old. She survived her first year as a small calf, which is the most dangerous time for a young giraffe due to lion, leopard and hyena preying on them when very young. Her chances of surviving to adulthood are good but adult giraffes are regularly poached for bush meat, and her coloration might make her a target eventually.

All the partners working on giraffe conservation and anti-poaching to help give Omo and her relatives a better chance of survival. Hoping that she lives a long life and that someday she'll have calves of her own.
I hope this info has pleased you. Below are some pictures of Omo, in that park.
Thanks for your read and views.

Posted:Jan 25, 2016 7:51 am
Last Updated:Jan 28, 2016 9:47 am

The Silkie is an Asian bird that makes a great pet due to its stunning appearance and great gentle nature. Their feathers are distinctively fluffy, and as a consequence they must always be sheltered from the elements as their feathers are not waterproof. Though they are poor egg layers (approximately 120 eggs per year) they are generally broody birds and are often used to hatch eggs from other breeds. The Silkie is light weight for a non-bantam breed, but there is a miniature variety. They have five toes on each foot (most chickens have four), with the outer two toes feathered. Their skin, beak, bones and meat are atypically bluish-black in color. There is a bearded variety with defined ear buff and beard.
Black, blue, gold, grey, white, partridge with the plumage being silky and fluffy.

Silkies owe their unusual black color to fibromelanosis, a rare genetic mutation of hyperpigmentation believed to have first arisen in China. Their Mandarin name, wu GU ji, means “dark-boned chicken;” the name Silkie comes from their fluffy plumage which, lacking barbicel, looks and feels like fur. Silkies have five toes, one more than other chicken breeds. A rare genetic mutation of hyperpigmentation is what gives them their unusual black coloring. Silkies have a black skin and bones and their flesh is also a bit colored, it's just natural in those species.

In addition to their ornamental good looks that class up the chicken coop, the silkies are popular because they’re friendly and docile. “You want your pets to be affectionate, Silkies are basically love incarnate and its reputation as a “lap chicken.”“Silkie hens are fantastic mothers,” the Silkie ‘mamas’ will often co-mother and work in a group to raise 20 or more chicks.”
“If families want to hatch their own eggs at home under a hen, a Silkie is one of the top choices. Silkies typically make awesome mother hens, and are great brooders.” With maternal instincts that extend even beyond species lines, Silkies will hatch eggs laid by ducks, turkeys and pheasants; because of this tendency toward broodiness, Silkies are not themselves prolific layers, producing fewer and smaller eggs than the average chicken. Silkie yield of about 3 small eggs per week per bird and can hatch them together with others from different species.

I hope my above details have given you an insight of this wonderful species among domestic fowl or poultry and below are a few pictures of them.,
Thank you for your read and views.

Posted:Jan 21, 2016 6:08 am
Last Updated:Jan 28, 2016 9:48 am
Today 21st January, is a special date in my life. It was the date, "when my mother had smiled as I cried the very first time". A date for me to remember and to celebrate, relating to that specific event for both of us..... When I opened my eyes for the first time, I saw and stared at the beautiful smiling face of my loving mother ...., she, who had since then, grown me up to the best of her abilities, to make me who I became, and now that I am growing older, I have no regret, as it's a privilege denied to many. A year added to my life today, is a year more to be counted . I am always so grateful to my deceased mother and to God for all he has willingly given me:

"A life to live, love to share, days to enjoy and days to grieve, smiles to give and tears to shed, friendship and forgiveness in my heart, passion for my loved one, emotion and lot of patience, success as well as failure at times".

Am so happy today to share this date with you and with my beloved ones; to enjoy my friendship with all of you on each given day to us. To share our thoughts, our happiness and our sorrow. How I would like to toast and share the symbolic cake with you today!!. but alas!, each of us is in different part of this world. But my kind and hospitable thoughts are for you and for my beloved ones who are away from me. Today is my Prime and Happy Day and I thank God for it.

Thank you for reading me on here and thank you for all.

Posted:Jan 18, 2016 8:43 am
Last Updated:Jan 23, 2016 12:02 pm
I have always avoided blogging on religion but today I am and feel obliged to reveal some true facts about Egypt. I must clarify and assure first, that am not anti-Muslim nor any other religion, I've never been also.

But having seen 2 pics on a blog on here, about the so-called "Protection Christian and Muslim during prayers in Egypt". It has astounded me and also incited me to reveal the true facts. These photos are just a hype and propaganda, an eyewash to conceal the true facts and for those who are not or may not be well aware of the reality in Egypt. Therefore I have posted this blog revealing the exact situation through which Christians in Egypt have been and are still going through, since many many decades ago up till now.

May I apologize to the blogger in particular, as the photos posted on there controvert the pure verity in Egypt which he may not be aware of . Of Course, I am not against that blogger, neither of his blog. He may have found these photos striking or prominent, thinking the scene represent the truth. But they are certainly not. As I am fully aware of occurrences in Egypt, because my Christian husband is originally from there. Born, educated, worked long ago there but he had no other choice than to leave his country when he was much younger, for Holland first and then to USA, because of religious persecution, subjection, injustice and despotism in Egypt. His relatives, friends and all those from Christian faith and community, were and are still enduring such oppression and wretchedness.
I am certain of these facts, I have been with my husband to Egypt, more than 20 times on holidays, stayed with his relatives too.

If I should mention all the injustice and persecution against Christians in Egypt, the list would be too long but I'll just mention some facts which will give you the true insight of the oppression endure by those Christians over there.

Here is a brief account on Christianity and Islam in Egypt.
Copts (Coptic): are native Egyptian Christians, usually Orthodox, who currently make up around 10 to 20% of the population of Egypt, the largest religious minority of that country. While Copts have been there since AD 284 when Christianity was tolerated in the Roman Empire and St Mark was their first Patriarch. The Muslim conquest of Egypt took place in AD 639. Despite that , Egypt remained a mainly Christian land, although the influx of Arab immigrants and gradual conversions to Islam over the centuries changed Egypt from a mainly Christian to a mainly Muslim country by the end of the 14th century. This process was sped along by persecutions.Even in the Modern Era, the Muslim dominant sectarian prevents conversions from Islam to Christianity; but allows from Christianity to Muslim. And all born from any interfaith marriage, are forced to be Muslim, given Muslim names and Muslim education too. WHERE IS THEN THE FREEDOM OF CHOICE!!?.

Growing religious intolerance and sectarian violence against Coptic Christians are all over Egypt,though the Christians there are a quiet community. Egyptian government being under Islam influence, fails to effectively investigate properly and prosecute those responsible. The abduction and disappearance of Coptic Christian women and girls remains a serious ongoing problem. Christians are never free in their deeds and religious actions. Lots of churches have been burnt by the Muslims there, even people attending prayers, religious ceremonies, funerals, have been attacked in their churches, they were killed and even burnt alive inside too. Christian homes were destroyed by fire, abducted of women and girls, are forced into conversion and marriages were forced upon them too and born out of those forced unions, were classified as Muslims.

President Sadat had exiled the Coptic Pope for confessional strife. It was a worldwide dismay. Then later President Hosni Mubarak under International pressure, had restored that Pope to the Copts. Same dreads were under recent President Morsi and now the actual President El Sisi, tends to cool down the situation as he can but yet under the majority sectarian.

All along the past decades, Copts have been attacked, abducted, forced to convert and to marry Muslims men by force and killed innocently since 1980 onward, I have records up to 2013, how the Christians have always been the target over there. Christian Churches with devotees mainly during the Christian feasts, celebrations, prayers and gatherings, shops, pharmacies, schools, Religion offices, Libraries, Bible societies, hotels and homes have been burnt to ashes. CHRISTIANS THERE ARE LIVING IN FEAR AND IN UNEXPECTED EVENTS DAY BY DAY. I cannot mention all of the dreadful facts on here, as it's too much really.

But all has always been overlooked and punishments have been just an eyewash. These are the REALITIES in Egypt. Lots of my husband's relatives had left Egypt since long ago but there are still some of them and also close friends, who are still living there and undergoing such oppression till now. I wanted just to give you an insight of the endurance of the Copt Orthodox, Catholic, Evangelical, Baptists Atheists and all others from the Christian MInority still living in Egypt.


Sorry for this long blog but It's good to know the REALITY hidden under PROPAGANDA. Below are many proven pictures in collage which I have done as much as I could to show you real facts, left for you to ponder upon. Thank you so much for your read and views.

Posted:Jan 16, 2016 8:09 am
Last Updated:Jan 23, 2016 11:55 am
Dear readers, I am hereby seeking your opinion and recourse to a dilemma. It happened yesterday that a blogger on here, had visited my recent blog, just posted yesterday. At first, that person could read my blog freely. After a few minutes, it happened that my blog got missing or it disappeared to reappear later on. When that blogger tried to go again on my blog page, but couldn't enter my page and it was written as follows:
"You do not have permission to view this blog".
Consequently, the blogger had stated and I quote:
"I can not see the blog as you have again banned me. Why?".

While I have NEVER banned this blogger at all, neither in the past nor yesterday eventually. I am very frustrated to be accused of such thing which I didn't do!!. I have even tried to check my ban list and for sure that person's handle has never been on it.

Would you please, tell me how someone can be banned or doesn't have the permission to read my blog, when I haven't banned the person and neither modified any of my settings??. Would you accept to be accused for things you haven't done?. Please I would to have your views and explanation on this matter.

Thank you so much to enlighten me on this awful dilemma.

Posted:Jan 15, 2016 6:20 am
Last Updated:Jan 16, 2016 9:10 am
Single-minded stability is all that stands between a slip and tens of kilos of bricks falling and perhaps even a snapped neck. Should the load shift while being carried, this can lead to serious and often irreparable cervical spinal damage. Amazing balance, precision, skill, strength and courage,

This feat of skill, endurance and equilibrium looks inconceivable to us, but for this man, who is a brickie/ brick carrier, it is all in a day’s work. After this initial effort, he still needs to carry his pile some distance, and when on site, climb several flights of stairs to the rooftop where the bricks will be be laid.

Usually such workers carry a maximum of 12 such bricks on their heads but this special brick carrier sets a record by carrying 22 of such bricks on his head and this is his daily task too. It's so amazing to watch him loading all these bricks on his head and when the height is without the reach by his hands, he just throws them up the height, two by two, with precision. Without breaking any!!. Then he walks along the boat with this load and goes down on a plank up to the dry land to unload the bricks.

Average weight:
1 brick of 3 kg = 6.6 lb.
22 bricks x 3 kg = 66 kg = 145 lb
1 brick of 4 kg = 8.8 lb.
22 bricks x 4 kg = 88 kg = 194 lb.
It's equivalent to a full grown man standing on top of his head!!.

Without wheelbarrows, The workers face harsh and uncertain condition. Yet despite the apparent danger of bricks being stacked, the sight is common place in Bangladesh, where people use their heads for carrying heavy loads a lot. But this man is an exceptional. Supple postures and seemingly superhuman feats of balance are all well and good, he has perhaps more means to stand in rigid defiance. It is truly stunning but also sad to see and ponder how such humans are being used as forklift, just to survive regardless their daily hardship.

I hope you can watch the short video ( though flickering) and a few pics, I have uploaded for you below, to see how the man stacks all of these on his head and his movements as well. It's really incredible!!.
Thank you for your read and views.

Posted:Jan 5, 2016 6:12 am
Last Updated:Jan 6, 2016 8:13 am
A stunning and unbelievable case!!.

Brandon, whose his wife, Brittany, was expected their first , knew something was wrong. During her 17-week ultrasound, the couple learned the sex of their baby but also got the unexpected news no first-time parents want to hear: The baby wasn't developing correctly. Doctors said he would likely die in the womb or stillbirth, because of the rare condition that caused his brain to develop abnormally. Doctors said he would never speak, walk, see, hear, smile and understand, so no motor skills. Medical professionals suggested terminating the pregnancy because the baby was at a high risk of dying in the womb or being still born. But the mother refused any idea of abortion, preferring to leave her pregnancy to continue until birth time.

When the blonde-haired, blue-eyed was born in Aug. 27, 2014, Doctors found out he had "Microhydranencephaly", a severe brain development abnormality. It stunted his brain's growth and kept it at about a fifth of the normal size, and his head was flat. His story has touched the hearts of millions around the world. Jaxon, now 1 1/2 yes old,. He has been nicknamed now as "Jaxon Strong" .

Instead, he's thriving and reaching new milestones every day
Even with the piles of gifts delivered daily from followers around the world, his parents say no gift could be greater than keeping Jaxon's remarkable progress going.

Brittany, said "I was certain he was going to be born alive and fine. He is my , and I'm going to love him the way God created him.",. There has been huge worldwide, to raise Jaxon and for his treatment. His parents said they're giving the cash to the hospitals researching similar conditions and various medical facilities that have helped them and can help other families going through a similar situation. "His story is going to benefit the medical world and help benefit other families that will walk in a similar path as us in the future."

Jaxon loves morning snuggles, playing with toys and trying to crawl on the floor. But he is often constrained by a feeding tube and a cocktail of medications he takes four times a day. He sees a variety of doctors to make sure he's on the right track. "The vast majority of who have had Microhydranencephaly either were aborted or died shortly after birth, so there isn't a lot of similar cases to compare Jaxon. The miracle little boy is doing and progressing well, contrary to what he was supposed to be. Wishing him an enjoyable long life. BUT....... I really wonder what sort of life he will have in the future!!. Only God knows.

Thanks for your views, Hope the story of this miracle little boy has pleased you.


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