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sparkleflit 76F
5179 posts
3/16/2017 4:38 pm

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/16/2017 4:49 pm

Maisie says that the Left is driven by emotion.....that they are bleeding hearts.......I wonder how she characterizes the motivation that drives her and the rest of the Trumpeters that makes them sympathize with handing the wealthy and privileged more wealth while cutting basic care for the poor and disadvantaged? Greed is an emotion last time I checked.......but a heart hardened with greed and xenophobia probably doesn't just calcifies........

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/16/2017 6:49 pm

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Speaking of effort......At least I allow you to comment on my blog......Just blocking someone you disagree with requires so much less effort.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/16/2017 6:53 pm

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Are you really gonna blame this mess on Obama?......

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/16/2017 7:14 pm

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I did state some FACTS.......Maisie calls Liberals emotion based and bleeding hearts when they express compassion for those who are struggling........Them's the Facts Mam.

Also, we don't have to wait for the finished product in order to see the trend of Trump's budget. He wants to spend on the Military, the Great Wall of Trump and giving tax breaks to his super wealthy buddies and cut spending on infrastructure, environmental protections, education, Science, Medical Research, Healthcare, housing and food for the middle class, poor and aged.......Basically, prop up the strong and kick the weak........That's this government's MO and we don't need to wait to see it. You said give him a chance think he;s going to change? You think he's going to stop throwing chaos out into the world, stop lying, gain a sense of ethics that he has never had before?........He tweets some idiocy and people have to respond.......everyone........How much has his idiot tweets about accusing Obama of a felony cost so far?........Have you forgotten how he manipulated the press 10 years ago when he kept saying that any moment there would be word from Hawaii that Obama was not a citizen?........He is just preening......licking his own feathers while ruffling everyone else's ......."look at me, squawks Trump in his golden cage.....look what pretty feathers I have.....squawk".........How long will you fall for it?

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/16/2017 7:57 pm

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Going by what you have said here for the last many years, the chances that you will ever comprehend intellectual curiosity beyond your little bubble are indeed very slim......Let alone your comprehension of the effects of us politics outside the the way, the US has been blamed for the airstrikes on the Syrian mosque today that killed and maimed hundreds and destroyd the historic mosque....

Trump is systematically shutting down environmental protections ......but that has nothing to do with anyone outside US borders, because, hey, wind and rain, rivers, oceans, waves, and marine life stay within politically defined borders......and of course, It's impossible that Canadians could have friends, family or business interests in the US........Your comprehension is extremely limited...........

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/16/2017 8:05 pm

Take a gander at Maisie over there.......writing nasty poems about lulu.......she must be obsessed with that name because she repeats it over and over and over again......lululululu........but no lulu responds to her taunts....hmmm.....I wonder why that is?........

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
3/17/2017 7:20 am

Two facts about Trumpcare..
First fewer people will be insured.
Second the plan is designed to lower cost for the people who can afford it. It allows people who can afford it to pay for only their own specific coverage and not provide general insurance assistance to others.
These two ideas are not out of the realm of "normal" thinking. Greedy and not compassionate are traits that can't be dictated. You either are or you're not.

Singularly there is a bigger issue in the Trumpcare plan, that goes beyond "normal" thinking.
The issue of whether the Federal Government should even be involved in healthcare has been the crux of the matter. Yet some, people go way beyond that.
The Trumpcare plan., does service a segment of the population. which provides it some merit. But those in Washington. who do not conform to ideas of either helping people in regards to healthcare or Federal invention into healthcare. They do things to oppose State run Medicaid.

The Federal government support of State run Medicaid would go a long way to provide the additional Insurance coverage for those who are going to lose it.

Again with the conservative irony, as the conservative position is to allow States to make determination about everything from education, to "religious freedom" to even bathroom usage, but then refuse to allow the States to utilize Federal money as they see fit about healthcare.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/17/2017 7:47 am

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You continue to make generalized statements about large gtoups using anecdotes about one or 2 people people in order to back it.......means nothing............

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/17/2017 7:54 am

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Lulu got herself blocked? No, you blocked and your hubby and tail-waggers practice nastiness around here constantly.....but you have different standards for those that agree with you....double standards. You have ranted many a time about other bloggers who use your name in their blogs when they have you blocked, Cowards I think you call them.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/17/2017 8:09 am

    Quoting  :

Your belief that emotion is inherently wrong or weak is not surprising to me at all.......but it's very naive of you.......Humans have many and varied makes us Human......a lack of emotion is a sure sign of being a Sociopath.......Empathy is an emotion that is essential for the success of any Human civilization.......Lack of empathy makes for cruelty and violence...a hardened heart makes for a flat life experience.......eliminates joy from your life.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
3/17/2017 8:17 am

Doesn't anyone find it offensive that the invasion of the Federal government in our lives has now turn from law making to blackmail? Want to control healthcare, hold back federal funds? Control education, hold back federal funds. Control infrastructure, hold back federal funds? Control elections, hold back federal funds? I'm calling it the Trump "New Deal".
'Trump and Bannon's, President De Jour is Andrew Jackson. They called it the spoils systems, and pork-barrelling. Trump is just taking it further. Trump's power and his power of government lies in the money.

Withholding Federal funds. to blackmail City and states to conform to federal ideas. It's a new invasion, much worse than the old.
Those who oppose Federal government, dictating our every move, should find that doubly offensive.

hobsonschoice 75F
3600 posts
3/17/2017 1:26 pm

I find the cartoon to be hilarious.

hobsonschoice 75F
3600 posts
3/17/2017 1:45 pm

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Who do you think will be picking up the bill for those people who choose not to purchase health insurance? The people who would rather spend their money attempting to keep up the Jones, or buying cigarettes, alcohol, vacations, or new cars rather than to pay for health insurance because they know they will not be turned away at the emergency room are the true free-loaders. These are the people who make our healthcare insurance rates rise. Why should they be allowed to do this? The AFHC/Obamacare had it right, you either buy it or you are fined for making the rest of us cover you. If you're capable of paying then you should pay, if you're capable of paying and choose not to pay then you can get the Trump coverage pictured above.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/17/2017 7:17 pm

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Yup.......Maisie is so far up the hole of her hypocrisy it looks like home to her.........But what can you expect from someone who is incapable of empathy to the degree that she sees it as a fault in others.

hobsonschoice 75F
3600 posts
3/17/2017 7:20 pm

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Who's going to be paying for all the unwanted children born to mothers who can't afford to feed the children they already have?

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/17/2017 7:24 pm

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You are confusing me with your wife.......For one thing, your comment is meaningless, as you have no knowledge of my emotions.......for another, it is your wife who consistently expresses disdain for emotion.....I'm getting a bit concerned about this new degree of delusion you are displaying, believing you can detect other peoples emotions.....I suggest you seek professional help inmediately.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
3/18/2017 7:48 am

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I got what i wanted.

The swamp we are in , the quagmire of facts and fiction, the ends justifying the means. All have been brought to light. We have to deal with it now.
That's what I wanted

To you the ends matters. To me the means matter and with that the ends will take care of themselves. I'm fighting for the means now, not the ends

So i wanted to flood the find out if we are still worthy to swim out of it.......
Or just drown in it!

Either way, I get what I want. This country to self identify.

I'll be voting, in the next election against ALL Trump supporters. I'm going to do my share to try and swim out of it.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/18/2017 12:17 pm

    Quoting hobsonschoice:
    Who's going to be paying for all the unwanted children born to mothers who can't afford to feed the children they already have?
Women who dare to express sexual passions and desires should be punished......Yea unto the 7th generation.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/19/2017 7:06 pm

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sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
3/24/2017 3:33 pm

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I don't deny that Humans have emotions. I'm saying that emotions are integral to our Humanity..........By the way, stress and anxiety are not emotions per se, they are Physiological responses to Emotion......The idea that we can just dismiss and/or deny emotions goes against everything we know about the role of Emotion in our lives. Ethics are based on Emotion, for instance, Empathy being an emotion necessary to living a full life and to Society. These ideas have been expressed by those who sought Wisdom for many Centuries and all Cultures......... Ayan Rand was not Wise...........She was missing a heart, poor dear. Wisdom is where Heart and Mind meet......take away heart and what you have left is of little value.........

When a culture seeks to suppress Emotion, it gets pushed to the back burner and neglected. That way, our Heart, our Emotions don't get educated......people don't learn about their emotions......they don't allow their Emotions to be examined in the light of day so we can make sense of it all.....So we can integrate those powerful feelings with our thinking and our physical bodies.

Emotional Wellness, Emotional Intelligence.......If we don't take Emotions into consideration in our ideas, opinions, decisions, actions, relationships, communities, countries..........We are going to self-destruct.....I'm not saying we should be controlled by Emotion, or that Emotion should be running the system........but we aren't going to get the crucial knowledge we need to ameliorate our situation unless we admit that we need to educate ourselves about our Emotions.