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dusty117 73M

1/27/2019 3:43 pm

Wrong Block .. Trump refused to pay 800,000 federal workers.

Mexico refused to fund the wall. Maybe write this blog in Mexico.

Did you forger we make decisions to build things through three equal branches of government .. we're nor Russia Russia Russia.

hobsonschoice 75F
3600 posts
1/27/2019 5:47 pm

Hey Big, have you ever checked out the website "Media Bias/Fact check"? It rates news sources from the extreme Left to the Conspiracy Pseudoscience / Questionable sources. You might find it interesting.

dusty117 73M

1/27/2019 7:41 pm

    Quoting  :

Sure Hiramhankwilliam lets get ridiculous. Here's a civics lesson. Cars are like borders. .

When your car breaks down, who do you get to repair it .... a bankrupt television game show host or qualified mechanic?

dusty117 73M

1/27/2019 10:31 pm

    Quoting  :

Sure Block, everybody knows it .. the birds crappen on your car know it … Trump doesn't have the power to "fund or spend". Trump does have the power withhold his signature from a bill. Block it's not like you to play dumb.

Trump can't fund it … of course he can't .. why do you think he lied about Mexico funding it. Coffee brewing

dusty117 73M

1/27/2019 10:45 pm

    Quoting  :

Fair enough my friend.