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Calliecat2013 67F
91 posts
5/5/2013 12:13 am
What Faith Were You Raised In--;And Are You Still Following That Belief System

I was Raised Lutheran--:The Frozen Chosen as we so

Aptly called them later lol

Now for 40 Yrs I've Been a Charasmaniac lol

Quite Different in beliefs -ne talks about walking on water -+ the other-- Does it--- HaHa

So what about You??

Rocketship 80F
18582 posts
5/6/2013 4:16 pm

I was raised Lutheran. I played the organ and piano for two churches.

I am now an atheist.

GavinLS2 69M
1525 posts
5/5/2013 4:38 pm

I was raised in a traditional conservative Baptist home. Typically Fundamentalist. Very good loving Christian parents. Got my early learning and faith there.

However, altho I'm still a Christian and very devout, I no longer identify myself as a Baptist (I still respect them tho) and I ESPECIALLY don't identify myself as a Fundamentalist.

To each his own I say.




5/5/2013 9:48 am

Loaded question for me. I was raised by my grandmother who was the Strega of her generation. She was an Italian Immigrant. In the old Italian society each family and / or village had a Strega, sort of like a medicine man or shaman. The practice was passed down to a chosen relative in the next generation. She practiced her beliefs at home but attended the Catholic church. I suppose for social conformity and probably becasue our pagan practices survived underground for centuries as most openly pagans were persecuted and often murdered first by The Romans, then the Catholics, then the Christians. As long as I can remember I had spiritual gifts which my mother and society scoffed at so I learned to hide even deeper.

On some level I still searched. I investigated just about any church synagogue or temple I could to see if they could explain what I felt. I even have one of my degrees in theology. Then came the 70's and the introduction of information on eastern religions and the occult. Lots of stuff to investigate. The eastern religions like Buddhism and Taoism came close but none matched. Then came the proliferation of New Age stuff. Parts rang true for me but I found them to be trendy and shallow. I found Native American beliefs to most closely match mine and with a friend who is a Cherokee practiced many of their traditions for several years.

Finally, through one of my nephew's girlfriends, I found written information about Stregeria, which validated most of what I learned from my grandmother, though hers was cloaked with Catholic overlay and early feminism (Carrie Nation and Margaret Sanger). I learned all I could, dusted off the things my grandmother taught me and finally felt at home. I became a practitioner which included becoming ordained as an interfaith minister so I could legally perform weddings. I never hid my beliefs but did not openly call attention to them either. Remember, paganism in any form is still not all that acceptable and I just didn't want to hear others negative crap about it. I have been cursed, damned and sprinkled with holy water. None of it hurt but wasn't pleasant.

About 8 years ago I "came out of the closet" about my practices and beliefs. I decided that since generations of my ancestors died for their beliefs the least I could do was take a little social ridicule and harassment from narrow minded people. Surprisingly the harassment is minimal, probably becasue I have found a social nitch where I do not have to allow unpleasant people in my life on a regular basis.

Spiritwoman ^i^

Abelle2 83F
31232 posts
5/5/2013 5:23 am

I was raised Catholic. I didn't attend for over 20 years, tried to find comfort in it when I decided to go back. Unable to, I went to the next church up the street, a Christian Church. I liked it and for the first time in my life, felt comfortable. When I moved to Georgia I went to a Methodist Church with Alfie (he belonged to Church of England before moving to Georgia). I now feel like I am home. I like everything about it and joined, so consider myself a Methodist now.

By the way, our Minister's wife is a Catholic. She still occasionally goes to Mass but also is active in the Methodist Church.


5/5/2013 4:11 am

Hi Callie: I was raised Catholic, but became a devout Agnostic early on, because after all there's no proof either way. The only 'religion' that makes any sense to me is Buddhism, although I don't know why it's classed as a religion because Buddah was just an ordinary man and they don't worship any gods or people.