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Adolpho 68M
3303 posts
10/20/2016 8:16 am
There Are No Virgin Births

Republicans have been making claims that Donald Trump does not represent their party for months. I remember telling Listz a year ago that Donald Trump was the face and the voice of the republican party. Naturally he disagreed at the time. Now he has come to see that I was correct and he was in error. He has gone still further and is now voting for Trump...strange times for strange fellows, it seems.

But Trump is not some outlier. He is the logical outgrowth of the republican party and their inane antics designed to suppress minority voting for at least the last eight years. Those claims of wide spread voter fraud have now borne fruit. The chickens have come home to roost. Try as they might to divorce themselves from Donald Trump, they can not because they gave birth to the craziness of his claims of a rigged election.

Now their craziness have torn at the very fabric of our democracy. Donald Trump has said that he will not unequivocally accept the will of the people. If he were elected, we have no assurance that he would accept the constraints placed upon him. We have no assurance that he would accept another election in four years.

Thankfully polls show he has virtually no chance of victory. But what will happen after the election or when the next Donald Trump is born from the parentage of the republican party?

Conservatives have been in concert with Trump on the issue of President Obama's legitimacy to serve. Virtually none of them disputed Trump's craziness over the "birther" issue. No matter how much proof that was offered to them, they clung to the issue like an infant to its pacifier.


10/20/2016 11:30 am

Here's a list of some of the people and organizations Trump claims are:


President Obama
Hillary/Bill/The Clinton Foundation
The Emmy Awards
The U.S. Elections
The Media
The State Department
All the Debate Moderators
Paul Ryan
All of Trump's nine women accusers
John McCain/Ted Cruz/Marco Rubio/Jeb Bush etc etc
Judges of Mexican ancestry
Syrian refugees