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60minman 84M
14577 posts
1/25/2010 9:10 am
"To the Best of my Ability".......

.......I will watch and listen with great interest even more so than yesterdays football games, this Wednesday nights State of the Union address. It will be President Obama's 3rd occasion of speaking before a joint session of Congress. His last one was marked by how he wanted to hold the health care pillow over the face of Americans in hopes of subduing them(us) into a Government takeover of one sixth of our economy. A defining moment of that speech was the heckle "You Lie" uttered by Rep. Joe Wilson. Liberals were outraged and Conservatives were shocked at the outburst but not the message, as what was stated by the President was a "Lie". I do not expect a similar outburst tonight but I do expect some untruths for being truthful to the American people has become a lost art in Washington. So 60minman what will we hear?.....OK from the President previous speeches one could wager with some certainty the following.....
"let me be clear"
"make no mistake"
"back from the brink"
"signs of recovery"
"restored our reputation"
"fiscal restraint"
"greed on Wall Street"
"affordable health care"
"relief for working families"
"job creation"
"inherited" as in "I inherited this mess"...**

Probably its not quite a safe bet but the following phrases are the ones he ought to be uttering.....
"The Constitution says"
"Our founding fathers were"
"Restore Self reliance"
"Individuals desire liberty"
"Make the Bush tax cuts permanent"
"Congress is out of control"
"relief for the tax payers"
"School vouchers for poor families"
"Investigate union bosses"
"My dwindling poll numbers"

Perhaps the phrase that will not be said and has the highest odds of the President to utter is...

"Islamic Terrorist"

I will listen to the President and "hope" he "Change" direction that he wants to take America. I will listen with renewed interest to the Republican response for its a pretty safe bet they will not sugar "coat" and soft "pedal" the failures of the President's Administration this past year, Nobel Peace Prize non withstanding.

** phrases taken from M. Alexander, State of Disunion article.

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind."....T. Paine

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
1/25/2010 11:52 am

That which the negative mind will always find!

It a simple fact that no matter happens Weds. night, your bone will grow. It is what you crave. It is your reason, and your justification. Salivate as you will, with no light to shine, you'll gnaw at the remnants of your soul.

In the twilight, It's but a dream
those partaking in self-served ice cream
with no cone, to catch the dripping
and no chocolate for the dipping
for what feeds you in the end,
is but hate, on which you depend

You can fool some with rhetoric
especially those with the same -ic
and when the last foe, is on the shelf
you'll discover, you just fooled yourself

60minman 84M

1/25/2010 4:10 pm

Jiminy does seem like I am having fun doesn't it? I deserve a little fun for all the times I had to endure the Bush bashers for their were plenty......Problem is it really is not funny on where he has taken us in one year.....Have a nice day amigo......didnt know I could speak Spanish did you?

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind."....T. Paine

WillyMakit 70M
2745 posts
1/25/2010 7:40 pm

I won't be watching...oh maybe I will...I so want to ask him in person sometime if he and Michelle met in speech class...or should i say clash...she talsh kinda funny when she doeshn't follow the teleprompter too well...or she getsh ahead of hershelf...they are very fine shpeakersh they are...when they have their promptersh...I hear William Tellsh daughter had the shame problem...come to think of it her name was Michelle too...oh wait...that's not it...that was what she said when ashked about the apple on her head..."mish hell...he hit me right 'tween the eyesh!!!"

Any Fool Can Criticize and Complain...and Most Do...

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
1/26/2010 5:58 am


Let me ask you specifically, what Obama has done this first year that makes you sure he's a failure? Of, course he is a Democrat, which means he spends money, and any democrat elected will do the same thing. You certainly should have expected that.

You can attack, parts of what he's done, as not the best choice. But I'm more interested in your explanation, of the reasoning behind what he has done. Why that reasoning is wrong.

I understand that we are headed for a period of high inflation. That inflation will have been caused by the Democrats. Republican fiscal policy will be better suited, when that time arrives. But until then, the positives of inflation, will cure some this country's problem.

You need to understand it's not about what's right or what's wrong. For, from evils there can come good.

We obviously think differently, I try an see the "big picture" and see if the parts fit. While you judge the parts, in hopes of creating your own "big picture"

60minman 84M

1/26/2010 9:02 am

Jiminy, any Democrat spends money? The last one didn't. In fact the last one was fairly non-partisan and balanced the budget. I know different times and different circumstances. Actually my friend his legislative/administrative failures I applaud so its his character failures that I do not like.

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind."....T. Paine

ackman1465 73M

1/26/2010 11:17 am

60min: I think this is a pretty level-headed blog submittal....

Let's listen to the Prez and see what he claims is his past and future.....

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
1/26/2010 11:31 am


Different times, determine different circumstance. FDR spent his way out of the depression. similar circumstances exist today. They may change tommorrow, then a sounder fiscal policy will be necessary. I don't think we know exactly, what will work and what won't. However before Obama took office, we were in deep sh*t (still are, but things are being done). I doubt, very sincerely, that Republican fiscal policies would have lead to any type of recovery. Simply not the time and place. When the benefits of government spending are realized then certainly a return of the Republicans, should be mandated.

You misthink to believe, I am liberal, because I disagree with you. I see the value of both sides.

Specifically what are Obams's "character failure?"

60minman 84M

1/26/2010 1:51 pm

Jiminy he lies....

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind."....T. Paine

1gasilverhead2 83M
4003 posts
1/26/2010 3:09 pm

Specifically what are Obams's "character failure?"

Closing all of his past including where he was born so no one can find out about it.

The beginning of life, conception..

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
1/26/2010 7:34 pm


there are two kinds of lies.....One where the person, saying it, knows it's untrue. and one where the listener knows it's untrue.

Sometimes the listener, confuses, the lie, with the intent of the lie.

If that was case...I'd have no problem calling you a liar too!

60minman 84M

1/26/2010 8:35 pm

Not so Jiminy. You know better than that.

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind."....T. Paine