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60minman 84M
14577 posts
1/20/2010 5:20 pm
The President's first Year........

.....Last year at this time President elect Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as America's 44th President. Euphoria, optimism and lots of hope were clearly evident over the popularity of the new President. Not since Kennedy and Reagan before him has a political figure seemed to unite America like he did. His poll numbers were very high but over the past year have plummeted and he has only himself to blame. He cannot blame those numbers on George W Bush. It seemed hardly a moment after the inaugural benediction by a racist pastor that things seemed to unravel. The closing of Gitmo, appointments of radicals and tax cheats, the broken promises. The failure to listen to the people. Using Air Force one to take his wife to a show and dinner. The elimination of school vouchers in Washington DC which allowed poor to get a good education while he sent his to an elite private school. More recently his broken promise of having health care debate on C-Span. His elitist attitude and bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing for America has the electorate upset. Finally my friends his administration has jeopardized the safety of our citizens by the slow ever dismantling of the Bush/Cheney safeguards that had kept us all safe from further terrorist's attacks........Wow 60minman you are kinda hard on the Man. Yes I am because all during his campaign he ran as though he was up to the task. He made a few gaffes but they were easily overlooked as all politicians mis-speak. With all his mistakes and bad judgments he is a like-able fellow and has a beautiful family and has done a few things right. Just maybe as he winds down his on-the-job apprenticeship training he will get down to doing the "Peoples" business instead of the "special interests" business. I certainly hope so because I don't know if we can stand another year like this one.......God bless America.

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind."....T. Paine

60minman 84M

1/20/2010 6:57 pm

Dang Bunz I missed it.....will have to look at his web site. Was tinkering with my 66 Corvair my toy.....LOL

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind."....T. Paine

WillyMakit 70M
2745 posts
1/20/2010 8:08 pm

...all I can think of is something me and my buds said when something bad would happen in the college years..."OH bumma"...

Any Fool Can Criticize and Complain...and Most Do...

blackpool_bloke 72M

1/21/2010 1:01 am

another year like this ? ~ that about sums up what we are watching on the television news a nation with no patience at all

the parochial manner of American thinking is strange as the international crisis is still not going away, several large coutries like Spain are still deep deep in recession with little light at the end of the tunnel and devastating unemployment , Spains holiday industry is on its knees

here in the north of England we live in permenant recession compared to southern England but again unemployment is about 10% and a job vacancy attracts many hundreds of applicants , locally Blackpool has died a death with millions staying away as peoples disposable income is still very tight

mr Obama or anyone else in office would be in the same sittuation after just one year in the hot seat ~ 2010 is looking to be as tight money wise as 2009

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
1/21/2010 6:51 am

I wrote a blog about Obama, after the election. That basically states the awful position, he had been put in.

There are many people who think, that when given two choices, selecting one that doesn't work, automatically mind sets them, that the other choice would have worked.

Again this is how people think....the problem is it's not true!

The awfull position Obama was in, was that He would dash the hopes, of some no matter what he did, and allow those against him to say "I told you so" no matter what he did.

the ethic group, having finally elected one of their own, have discovered their hopes of finally get their do, thwarted.

The right wing, has the ability to point fingers, as you have done.

First, I believe that history will tell, that this election was the single greatest election event in this country. Not because of what Obama will do, but because what the people of this country are willing to do. Try as you might you cannot "marginalized" this event!

Secondly, I belive, that making a different choice would not have created a greater success, but a greater failure.

Thirdly, I believe, the country as whole is better off today, than it was prior to the election.

Fourth, I believe, that people of your ilk, have every right, to believe what you choose. Yet I also believe, that you'd rather see him fail than succeed!

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
1/21/2010 7:10 am

it is also my hope that the republican party, sees Obama as a one term President. In their arrogance, decide to have the first women president, to make history, in an 'easy' election.

Let me start the ball rollin now.....


jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
1/21/2010 7:17 am

You may think, my above statement, is in the same ilk as your feelings towards Obama.. but let me assure you it's not.

I never understood how this country could elect and actor as president. I was proven wrong. Ronald Regan, did some great things, especially in fiscal policies. I have learned not to be so judgmental before the get go.

That being said, if the aboe was to happen, and by some miracle, the first women president was elected. she would have my support for four years.

60minman 84M

1/21/2010 8:34 am

ET I have already written a blog on the failures of the Bush Presidency. Did you not read it? Anyway what is a failure? Its a matter of perception. What I consider failures of the Obama administration you may not. Also comparing Bush to Obama is not really the issue. What the current Administration is doing is......hope you are staying warm up there we still have not had any snow here in Raleigh other than an occasional flake or two. Was in the 60's yesterday.......My best to you.

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind."....T. Paine

60minman 84M

1/21/2010 8:45 am

Jiminey.....On your 3rd point I take exception to based on the numbers. On your 4th Yes you are right I do hope his policies of appeasement, fiscal irresponsibilty, secret deals to special interests and compromising our security fail.....Tuesday election I hope will tell him that. We are not a center Left Country as many of your "Ilk" seem to think we are....I may do a Blog about my "Ilk" sounds like a good sublect wouldn't you say?....Have a nice day my friend.

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind."....T. Paine

TriviaChampion 69F

1/21/2010 3:03 pm

    Quoting  :

I would suggest that the Democrats insist on beating "dead horse" (in this case by continuing to blame all the world's problems on former President Bush) because the horse they are riding is nearly dead too. I would wager paychecks with anyone that President Obama is a one-term President. Thank God, thank God, thank God.

Hopefully we can all survive the next 1000 days until he and his Socialist agenda are put out to pasture.

WillyMakit 70M
2745 posts
1/21/2010 4:32 pm

I think it's funny-YES LMAO FUNNY!!!- that this incompetent told all HIS players to have a bill before Christmas...secret meetings and everything HE swore would happen with pertaining to "transparency" did NOT happen...rather it was an in your face shove down EVERYone's throats to get it done...there are more people that matter than reps or after the Massive 2 Ships ( i switched a letter) election HE is scrambing, crawdaddying to get things back under control for HIS party stating that he thinks the thing shouldn't be "jammed through" before Scott Brown takes his well as dissecting it (as rugged pointed out) and using the parts of the bill that are more palatable to all...
give me a break...dems are as sick of it as anyone...some just aren't afraid to speak of their disapproval. Some are just simply die hards and right or wrong, they support their party...THAT is just wrong...

Any Fool Can Criticize and Complain...and Most Do...