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dinty3 80M
530 posts
8/26/2017 4:51 pm
When were you told?

We have all been told at one time or another to "Shut Up" . At least a million times on my part anyway. But which one to you really stands out that the person who said it really meant it?
Picture this, 1967, Ottawa Ontario. My young wife had never been to see Walt Disney's Bambi, so we decided to go to the movies and see it (Bambi). I had watched it a few times and was making comments and laughs during the flick. In front of us were a couple of young and their parents. You could tell the were getting irritated with my comments. Then comes the part where Bambi's mother gets shot. Quick to the thicket, run Bambi, don't look back..........BANG. Mother... Mother? Then the grand prince of the forest shows up. My wife is crying, the in front are crying. then I say at the same time as Bambi's father.... Your mother can't be with you any more! I started to laugh, my wife punches me and the little girl in front of me kneels on her seat looks at me and say's......HEY MISTER SHUT UP.
Yes, I was quiet for the rest of the show and I have never lived it down to this very day.
I am going to watch Guardians of the Galexy 2 for the 3rd time, first time for my wife and and was informed not to give away any plots. In other words shut-up.
Just wonder of any one else was ever told to (lets say) be quiet.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
8/28/2017 1:32 pm

So what happened to your latest blog?......It seems to have disappeared.

MrsJoe 76F
17386 posts
8/27/2017 6:42 pm

Well, not in so many words, but I've had a few teachers in my time tell me to be quiet..... zip the lip..... hush..... etc.
And of course, there are those in the blogs who basically tell me to shut up.... but I don't give them any credence in my life, so it doesn't bother me.
Oh, and I have been told to "shut up, Mother" by a few of my daughters when I start to tell their spouses or boyfriends a story from the childhood. LOL

Be a prism, spreading God's light and love, not a mirror reflecting the world's hatred.

dinty3 80M
3364 posts
8/26/2017 4:56 pm

Galexy.....Galaxy who cares, it's out of this world anyway.

dinty3 80M
3364 posts
8/26/2017 4:52 pm