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rusty740 84M
1725 posts
9/9/2012 9:08 am
Part of Obama's Agenda to Destroy the USA!!!

What Obama Does NOT Want You To See!

All we have to do today to remind us why we should vote Obama out is to look at the price of gasoline. When Obama took office gasoline was just $1.85 a gallon, now it is approaching over $4.00 a gallon and more in certain areas. The sad part about this is the FACT that Obama through his Interior Secretary Ken Salazar shut down the world’s largest oil field called the “Green River” formation. This act was wrong by Obama but he did not care, he felt it more important to get windmills and solar power up, both by the way do NOT produce as much electricity as just one Natural gas fired Generator! To give a show of just how many windmills it takes to replace just one Natural Gas generator, I asked Lord Monckton and found out that the windmill has a factor of just .24 and when calculated against a Natural gas generator, it shows that some 660 windmills are needed to replace just one (1) Natural Gas Generator! Now that is huge, but back to the oil, Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, stated, “We hope today’s decision does not signal the administration is returning to the failed policies of the past, leaving much of America’s vast energy resources locked up while the nation’s demand for energy continues to grow,” He made this statement just before Obama through Ken Salazar shut down all the leases for Utah because they could see the oil derricks from the national park. Had this field been allowed to continue, it could very well have held the price per barrel at the $35 it was when Obama took office.

Jerry Spangler wrote in the Deseret Morning news:

“According to Mark Maddox, a deputy assistant secretary for fossil energy, the Green River Formation — located where the three states come together — contains an estimated 1.8 trillion barrels of oil. It also constitutes more than 50 percent of the world’s oil shale reserves, of which 80 percent are owned by the federal government.

Maddox said studies of the reserves indicate that more than 400 billion barrels of oil will be found in oil shale with concentrations greater than 30 gallons per ton.
And, he added, the technology to refine it exists.

“The failure of the government’s efforts in the 1980s was not due to the failure of the resource, the technology or environmental problems,” he said. “Economically it was simply too expensive.””
It has been shown through exploration and estimates done through many companies and even the Government Accounting Office that the “Green River” oil formation has approximately 3 TRILLION barrels of oil! That is about 8 times as much known oil then Saudi Arabia now has and Obama has NOT allowed this oil to be developed! Why did Obama not allow the development of this one formation? Mainly because he was much more worried about developing Solyndra and his other Failed solar companies that took Tax Payer dollars and could not do what Natural Gas and oil CAN do!

America must issue two more pink slips on November 8, 2012.

OMG - OBAMA MUST GO!! and take Biden with him!!

GavinLS 69M

9/9/2012 10:07 am

Hi Rusty

Whenever I think about the current shale oil controversy, I find it ironic that many Democrats oppose the new technologies that make it feasable. I still remember the Carter years, when he gave speeches and held up a jar of the thick oil ooze extracted from shale at great cost, and told America that we must invest in technology to do it economicly because we have ready access to so much shale oil in our own county. Today we have that technology, but now President Obama chooses to oppose its use.

I can't say whether Obama is deliberately trying to destroy the USA. But I think his energy policies are based on popular and naive notions of how best we can meet energy needs in both the immediate future and for decades to come, and under exagerated perceptions of what will or won't harm the environment.

I think windmills, solar, bio-fuels, etc. are very good things, and I don't object to a REASONABLE amount of my tax dollars going to promote further research. But it's naive to assume that we can now simply assume those alternatives will meet our energy needs simply because we demand they do.

Good blog and GBU,




9/9/2012 10:56 am

The technology for extracting oil for shale deposits has been around for a long time.

The problem is it produces very expensive oil.

It makes no economic sense to exploit this resource when you can buy crude from others for less.

dusty117 73M

9/9/2012 11:17 am

- At the end of the Bush years, spring through fall in the run up to election 2008 the price of gasoline was between 4.00 and 5.00 per gallon in Northern California.

- Do oil companies need more money at election time?

- The price of gasoline has nothing to do with what it costs to produce it.

- Chevron recently had a fire at a Northern California refinery, so they raised their prices in Northern California. If it rains in the gulf they raise prices again.

- Even while we pay 4-5 bucks a gallon ‘our’ refineries in the USA continue exporting to nations without refineries.

Railroadman3 73M

9/9/2012 2:11 pm

He's already done a very good job of destroying it. Four more years should completely do it.

Teddy-ess and hairee, We need (An update on the situation here.)


jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
9/9/2012 6:27 pm

That's like saying you should vote for Obama because the stock markey went from 9000 to 13000! What will you say if Romney gets elected and gas price don't go down? The price of gasoline will fluctuate but over time will always go up. Another leap of faith,,,,for those who want to jump to conclusions

GavinLS 69M

9/10/2012 1:18 am

    Quoting Rentier1:
    The technology for extracting oil for shale deposits has been around for a long time.

    The problem is it produces very expensive oil.

    It makes no economic sense to exploit this resource when you can buy crude from others for less.
Hi Rentier. I'm inclined to politely disagree. I'm pretty sure that now thru fracking the cost to produce oil is low enough to make it an economicly viable option.

