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rusty740 84M
1725 posts
7/25/2012 8:48 am
Example of the corruption created by Obama!!

I want to introduce two men that truly represent the corruption created by Obama (not his staff, but Obama). These two men stole $533 million and got away with it.

Obama held his 110 fund raising event in Southern California this week. The dinner was a $35,000 a plate fund raiser. Steve Wesley attended the dinner. Steve was part of the Obama's finance committee for his 2008 campaign. Steve was also one of Obama's major blunders.

The second man is Matt Rogers. He also attended the fund raiser.
Matt worked as a federal employee in the Energy Department. Does it not seem strange that a federal employee can afford $35,000 to attend Obama's fund raising event. Once the pieces are put together it will not seem so strange.

Need to go back a few years. The Energy Department was given $16 billion of the stimulus to use for GREEN ENERGY projects. One of the chosen projects was $533 million to Soylandra. By the way, that is even more than Mitt Romney has made. Valeria Jarrett, White House Staff, and even Joe Biden warned President Obama that the numbers did not add up for the Soylandra project and that the Energy Department needed to take another look at the project.

You guessed it. Matt Rogers approved the loan and gave the $533 million loan to Soylandra. I do not believe for a minute that Matt made that decision on his own. We may never find out the truth, but this one has Obama's approval on it. Now take a closer look at Steve Wesley. In addition, to serving on Obama's 2008 finance committee, he is a major Obama blunder. It does not stop there. Steve is also a major investor in Soylandra. He was a major part of the Soylandra's investor. A like lot Bain Capital, but they lost $533 million of taxpayer's money - not their money.

I wonder if the FBI will look at Matt Rogers finances or trace the Soylandra loan back to Obama. I seriously doubt that Matt made sufficient money as a federal employee to afford a $35,000 meal at Obama's fund raiser.

It is for certain that the Justice will never investigate any of the over $7 billion of taxpayer's money that has been lost in failed GREEN ENERGY projects.

Talk about corruption and getting away with it!!!


dusty117 73M

7/25/2012 11:35 am

Rusty, there’s no question that green energy is an industry with great products. It will generate huge profits and provide jobs and healthcare for millions in future generations .. but apparently not in the USA.