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60minman2 84M
4461 posts
5/26/2011 4:54 am
Reid and the Democrats....Irresponsibility personifed

.....I cannot fathom the sheer irresponsibility of Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate yesterday, in their defeat of a Budget plan. It mattered not whose plan it was be it Republican or President Obama's. Zero Democrats voted against either one. The demagoguery and political positioning to ruin this Country has got to stop. What is it about 14 trillion dollars in debt don't people understand? A responsible budget that would cut 6 trillion in Government debt was rejected........
.....The small town I live in has 4 family practice doctors, 2 of them will not accept Medicare patients right now. Obamacare will cut medicare payments even further and install rationing panels for seniors. Medicare is rife with fraud and abuse and is proof that the Government cannot effectively run a program. Something has to be done and the Republican plan is the right thing to do. Instead of fixing it Democrats have chosen to demagogue it for personal political gain at the expense of ruining the program altogether......
......Liberals who regard "entitlement" programs as sacrosanct, and regard anyone who want to cut them back as calloused or cruel, picture a world very different from the world of reality. The desperately poor elderly conjured up in political and media rhetoric just happen to be the wealthiest segment of the American population. The average wealth of older households is nearly three times the wealth of households headed by people in the 35 to 44-year-old bracket, and more than 15 times the wealth of households headed by someone under 35 years of age. 80% of seniors own their own homes. The goal of Democrats is not the welfare of seniors but to create a dependency which translates into votes. We don't need to send this country into bankruptcy, in the name of the poor seniors, by spending trillions of dollars on seniors who are not poor. Seniors do need help with their medical expenses but they are not entitled to it. Democrats were quick to say Warren Buffet should pay more in taxes but he also should not receive Medicare. If he cannot pay his own Medical who can?......

Its time to start reading the Bible, It will scare the Hell out of you...

1gasilverhead2 83M
4003 posts
5/26/2011 6:13 am

The bible says, "do you not have eyes to see or ears to hear?"

Sadly we have a portion of America who does not.

The beginning of life, conception..

B00Radley61 74M

5/26/2011 8:40 am

    Quoting 1gasilverhead2:
    The bible says, "do you not have eyes to see or ears to hear?"

    Sadly we have a portion of America who does not.
When His disciples asked Jesus how they would know who His followers were, His answer was simple: "By their deeds, ye shall know them." Makes me wonder about deeds that attack the weakest and least able to defend themselves..."the least of these..."

Just because you have silenced a man does not mean you have changed his mind.


5/26/2011 10:16 am

Hi 60: Not knowing the details, maybe the government could give health insurance, and even Social Security pensions for that matter, based on financial need instead of giving it to all seniors?

Hawkslayer 88M
13351 posts
5/26/2011 10:57 am

This Dumb and Dumber sums up what most ordinary working class people think about the current situation. Sad, ain't it?

It only takes a drop of ink to make a million people think. There are many stories.

60minman2 84M

5/26/2011 6:22 pm

Bijou Its called means testing, if a person has the means their entitlement is reduced. Exactly what I said in my Social security blog where nearly everyone jumped down my throat about....

Its time to start reading the Bible, It will scare the Hell out of you...

60minman2 84M

5/26/2011 6:27 pm

AneMac good let them walk off, get some non-union types who will do the work of re-building......

Its time to start reading the Bible, It will scare the Hell out of you...

60minman2 84M

5/26/2011 6:31 pm

Hi Alfie just saw that mis-leading cartoon you posted and it was sad that the artist chose to demagogue responsible ideas.

Its time to start reading the Bible, It will scare the Hell out of you...