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60minman2 84M
4461 posts
10/12/2010 6:25 pm
Taxes 101.......

.......Suppose a politician tells you that he will not levy a tax on you but will increase your property tax. I suspect you will tell him hes a loon because property doesn't pay taxes people pay taxes. Bill Clinton did the same thing when he raised taxes. He raised taxes on Gasoline and some other commodities and services. The Oil and other Companies did not bear the cost of the tax it was the consumers who paid those taxes........
....... We now have an Administration who want to give the middle class a tax cut. To pay for it they want to raise taxes on the upper class. Sounds great if you are in the middle class but guess who will bear the burden when you tax those who have small, medium and large companies? Those people with high incomes have 3 choices when it comes to paying taxes. First they can raise the prices of goods and services, but if they cannot because of competition they will lower dividends they pay to investors and if that wont work they will lay off workers. In all 3 cases its the Middle/lower class who bears the burden and pays the tax.......
........This is why America needs a National consumption tax the "Fair Tax". Income, Business, payroll, estate, capital gains and all other federal taxes would be gone. No more IRS, no more record keeping, no more forms. Those who try and scare you about the "Fair Tax" are just like the politician who tells you he's not raising your taxes just the tax on your property. Tell them they are loons ..........I really dont know how to make it any simpler.

....God bless America and the TEA party movement.....
....21 days left.

Its time to start reading the Bible, It will scare the Hell out of you...

Hawkslayer 88M
13351 posts
10/13/2010 7:23 am

The famous "Trickle Down" version of economics, eh? Why do you think we are now in the depths of a recession Richard? It has been proven many times over the years that "Trickle Down" doesn't work. Bush's version has worked no better than past attempts have and he put an even larger proportion of the population out of work.

When will you ever learn.... Good title for a song, eh?


It only takes a drop of ink to make a million people think. There are many stories.

Rentier 78M

10/13/2010 8:16 am

    Quoting Hawkslayer:
    The famous "Trickle Down" version of economics, eh? Why do you think we are now in the depths of a recession Richard? It has been proven many times over the years that "Trickle Down" doesn't work. Bush's version has worked no better than past attempts have and he put an even larger proportion of the population out of work.

    When will you ever learn.... Good title for a song, eh?

Trickle down does work.

More money trickles down to the wealthy.

DanTheMan56 70M

10/13/2010 8:59 am

Hello sir

It just takes a small amount of brains to understand that taxes on the upper class wage earners mean higher cost of goods and services for everyone. Our President knows that but his message to middle and lower wage earners is " Let the rich pay more". The sad part is that false message is believed and retold again and again as the truth..

The real sad part...He might be reelected in 2012 telling the same lies, blaming Bush and the soon to be conservative congress. The best we can do is keep the real power of the House & Senate out of his reach.. Stop everyone of his initiative's dead in their tracks..
And I share the deep fear of the damage his socialist agenda has caused.
Its going to take a strong US economy many years to dig out of the hole he has placed our country into..I believe we can & will move forward...I pray we do so soon!

Thanks and TC..

60minman2 84M

10/13/2010 9:06 am

Alfie suppose you tell me how "trickle up" works? ....Yes it is a good song title shall I sing it for you?....

Its time to start reading the Bible, It will scare the Hell out of you...

sleekbeauty2 73F

10/13/2010 9:29 am

More attempts at divisiveness among the people coming from this administration. This time it's "wealth envy". Stick it in front of everyone's nose that there are those who make over $250,000 (as if they didn't know) and then rub it in to make them even angrier at the price they are having to pay to exist and then you have them rooting for those who work hard to pay more while they pay less. In their minds, this is right and just. To quote one of our more infamous floggers here, it is the unintelligent and uninformed who need to be enlightened.

The Fair Tax is just that, FAIR. It shows no partiality to income, however those who spend more for new things pay more than those who are content with second-hand. Tax is only paid when purchased new and that goes for new cars and new homes. In today's economy, how many are actually purchasing new homes and new cars? Yes it's a stretch for those who are accustomed to our current method of taxation to understand, but the concept is quite simple in reality. Loopholes are "gone". Wouldn't it be great to earn $500 a week and bring that entire $500 home?

One other thing, though. This is not a tax cut for the middle class, it's strictly an extension of a tax cut put in place under Bush. It would only be a tax increase for those earning over $250,000. If Congress does nothing, we will ALL experience a HUGE increase in our taxes in 2011. There is still time to extend the tax cut between the election and January, providing those in Congress have the guts to do so in defiance of nobama's wishes, and that and that should include those who earn over $250,000.

There is only one thing standing between nobama and Marxist tyranny: We, the People!!