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pinkpaws1 71F
1548 posts
4/19/2015 5:52 pm
~~~Update on my squatter/ roomie~~~

It just keeps getting better & better..... the mom wasn't here yesterday so I asked the for my other office chair that was in their room.... come to find out, he had torn it apart so he could use the seat to sit up in bed so his back doesn't hurt from playing computer games 18 hrs a day...... I very calmly asked him why he did not feel he needed permission to do so.... well don't you know I am the one with the problem because he didn't ruin it..... he then follows me into the kitchen and needless to say the conversation got heated and he tells me to shut up!! His mother comes home in the middle of this and starts telling some woman she had with her that I am the psycho b*tch of roommates.... so of course that added a little more fuel to the fire.... to make a long story short she left and her is pounding his fist on the counter.... I went to my room and called 911.... they couldn't do much but I wanted to make the point that I am just not going to take this.... police came out talked to the ... he started getting a little huffy with the police and the cop put him in his place....I took advantage of the being here and used the police as witness that I was giving 20 day notices to both of them.....

Okay.... I have to say that if I were living somewhere that I was not wanted and my presence was causing this much trouble I would leave.... simple as that....... she is not leaving and on top of that it doesn't seem to embarrass her to continue using washer / dryer... running the electric and gas bills up......

Last night before going to bed I posted a note on the fridge saying that I will not engage either one of them in verbal communication and that if they try to talk to me I will call the police and seek a no contact order if necessary..... uuugggghhh I HATE stuff like this

hobsonschoice 75F
3600 posts
4/19/2015 7:33 pm

Washington state does seem to protect the tenant's rights over the landlords. You can't lock them out or turn off power or water, they have rights...

It's almost as if you don't own the home isn't it? Sorry about all the stress.

pinkpaws1 replies on 4/19/2015 9:15 pm:
hobson, you have that right.... all the rights are to protect them and to heck with me... even though they continue to live here rent free, use my utilities and verbally attack me if we talk at all... It has really gotten ugly and I don't like that.....

shuel2002 65F
5537 posts
4/19/2015 8:27 pm

I hope to read on a future post of yours that your nightmare is over. Like Liszt said, it does teach the rest of us to be careful of who we help. It might come back to bite us.

Elaine Shuel

pinkpaws1 replies on 4/19/2015 9:26 pm:
Thanks shuel... I hope this is going to be over sooner than later.. if I have to wait the 20 days that is only the beginning... if they don't leave before 20 days then I have to take them to court and who knows how long that would be... I can't stand to look at either one of them right now...

hermitinthecity 70M
1698 posts
4/19/2015 11:42 pm

Pull out the fuses, leave them without electricity. Put them in when you need it only.

Judgment Day will be interesting - and all paths lead there.

pinkpaws1 replies on 4/20/2015 2:00 am:
hermit, believe it or not but I did actually turn off the circuit breaker for their room and washer & dryer.... the son went over to my neighbor's to tell him what was going on... neighbor leaves me a less than pleasant email....something about growing up....omg... than the son asked me if he needed to call the police... told him to go ahead.... anyway, mom comes home and flips breakers back on... I had to let it go because if I didn't I could end up in jail because I would like to knock the crap out of her.... that is not my temperament normally and I don't want to stoop to her level....

hermitinthecity 70M
1698 posts
4/19/2015 11:48 pm

If you have circuit breakers, just turn the power one off for a few seconds each time he is near the end of a level in his video game and walk away.

Judgment Day will be interesting - and all paths lead there.

GavinLS2 69M
1525 posts
4/20/2015 12:25 am

I rented rooms for 15 years. I did okay, but you can get some real loonies. Never rent rooms during good economic times. When people have jobs they usually get their own apartment or house. But during good economic times, the only ones not working are 99.99% junkies or other scammers.

In Michigan, eviction notice is based upon the rental period. If it's weekly, you only have to give them a week notice. And I kept a stash of official eviction forms (you have to get them from the courthouse for a small fee) so I could fill one out and file it as soon as possible.

Most people renting a room don't have the money to contest an eviction anyway. Keep your paperwork safe but handy in case you need to call the police if they aren't gone. The cops will need to see it before they can physically remove the former tenents from the premises.

But to be honest, most people don't possess the odd personality I do, and it's necessary if one wants to rent rooms in their homes. Few people can cope with it unless they're odd-balls like me.

Good luck and GBU Pinky, I'll keep u in my prayers!


pinkpaws1 replies on 4/20/2015 2:05 am:
Gavin, having roommates is difficult for many different reasons...and to be honest I think I would prefer a male roommate over a female anytime. I actually considered waiting till they are both gone at the same time and changing the locks on the doors....but, police told me that if i did that they could kick the door open and there would be nothing I can do about it because this is their residence as well makes me wanna puke!!

Archer62 83F
7121 posts
4/20/2015 2:28 am

How glad I am to be living in such a small apartment. No way anyone can stay with me more than a few days.


4/20/2015 4:21 am

Hi Pink: OMG you poor thing. I wish we could help somehow and I can just imagine the stress you are under. Keep calling the police every time they do something to scare you, because you'll probably need to have a record of all the scary incidents to take to court when the squatters appeal the eviction notice.

In my very first apartment after I left home I had a room mate. She moved out as she couldn't afford her half of the rent, but after she left I got the phone bill. The phone was in my name (big mistake) and as a parting gift to me she made hundreds of dollars of long distance calls. I sure learned a lot about life from that experience, and ever since then I consider all the 'what ifs' before making any important decisions.


4/20/2015 8:29 am

    Quoting hermitinthecity:
    If you have circuit breakers, just turn the power one off for a few seconds each time he is near the end of a level in his video game and walk away.
Great idea Hermit. One landlord I knew got so fed up with all the rights of tenants, so when a tenant didn't pay their rent or did something really disgusting he would remove their door saying it needed to be sent out for repairs or keep turning their hydro off and on.

Rocketship 80F
18604 posts
4/20/2015 8:49 am

Please be careful!!

I worry about your safety and the security of your paperwork/files, etc.

Hope this all works out quickly!!

Frankly, I've never heard of not being able to have non paying guests kicked out asap.


Artmany 107F

4/21/2015 4:04 pm

I would take: pictures of damaged property, get the police report copy, and their names as witnesses. then get legal advice: abuse, harassment, vandalism/delinquency, safety...If you don't talk to them anymore, I would only communicate through letters as another proof of their disturbing behavior. And next time, get proper information, legal that is, in regards to anyone you host in your home, or for sharing services, there must be some legal rules for that as well. And make contracts with rentals, etc...Get thoroughly informed first....