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22314 posts
10/3/2014 10:11 am

Rejection – You’d have thought it would be behind us at this age. Those still dating know this one all too well. Anyone trying to find work at our age faces plenty of rejection. In someways it is worse when we are dismissed dimply becasue we are old.

Even if we aren’t in a position to face rejection the same feelings can arise from many things. We need to look no farther than how things get going on here when controversial posts and comments get under someone’s skin.

Personally I don’t have the time and am not willing to infest the effort to go through the entire list of activities suggested here. When I get angry and refrain from responding until I have a plan and am in control of myself, then I laugh about it and take what action is really appropriate, then dismiss it and, using the wave or energy rejection and anger move on to thing that make me feel better.

I’m posting the entire list of suggestions in case anyone might see an item here that is helpful.

9/30/2014 06:09 am
We Have Your Back16 Totally Empowering Steps to Getting Over Rejection
Brittany Allen

Whether it’s a professional snub or personal slap in the face, every single one of us has been rejected at one point (except—maybe—Beyoncé). Perhaps the perfect job opportunity fell through. Or that person who definitely/totally/obviously had a crush on you has evaded your past three text messages.

But fear not, you warrior people of the 21st century! Even though the job market is perpetually fraught, and all of the people on all of the Internet dating sites seem unable to respond to a simple, ‘hello!’—we will not go quietly into that good night. If you’ve been rejected recently and feel like everything in the world is crumbling around you, consider perspective. Don’t take a write-off to heart. Instead, feel free to do any of the following self-esteem-boosting (and totally sane!) things.

1. Write out a furious response letter to the person/institution who rejected youMake this as colorful as you like. Then, very carefully, set this letter on fire.
2. For perspective, read one of these ruthless rejection letters sent to people who are now incredibly famous.
3. For perspective, watch a movie about a very winsome, exciting person being rejected
4. Still mad? Call your best friend
5. Still mad? Find a way to laugh about it
6. Feeling a little better? OK, throw a dance party
Make a playlist. Put on the disco ball. Invite NO ONE BUT YOU.
7. Take yourself out to a fancy lunch
9. Take you to a movie
10. Feeling great? OK, now perfect your award-winning Oscar/Tony/Pulitzer/Nobel acceptance speech
11. Feeling epic? OK, now make a list of your long-term goals
12. Sketch out some short-term steps
13. Now ask yourself: this person or thing that rejected you earlier—were they really going to help me with these goals? Were they really, one hundred percent crucial to how I want my life to be?
14. Still feeling daunted? Still feeling small? Sing along to a pump-up song, in your car or shower
15 Now recalibrate
16. Tell yourself in a loud, clear, thrilled voice, “HERE WE GO AGAIN!”

Spiritwoman ^i^

Hawkslayer 88M
13369 posts
10/3/2014 12:34 pm

Rejection comes in many ways and they can all be very different. I think you have to study the circumstances of each one, before taking a course of action.


It only takes a drop of ink to make a million people think. There are many stories.

9749 posts
10/3/2014 4:52 pm

# 1, writing a letter, helps to get free of any kind of anger. It works!

Speaking of jobs, in our country, a person, mainly woman, in her forties is too old to get a job. Her curriculum could be very good, but is rejected.

Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.(Khalil Gibran)

friendly133 76M
5418 posts
10/5/2014 6:27 am

As LeafTreat says (thanks LeafTreat !! ), there is absolute lack, perhaps absence, of empathy.

There comes a stage when you say - if not this, do that - it works as long as one refuses to give up, SpiritGirl.

"To fight the darkness do not draw your sword, light a candle" - Zarathustra