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22314 posts
9/6/2014 1:54 pm
Follow up to Dan's Cat Post

Just before I came to blogs this AM I read an article about the therapeutic value of cat's purrs. This caught my attention becasue I had just explained to someone how my cat snuggling next to me and purring helps me go to sleep. I have been a cat and a person as well as an insomniac all of my life. Snuggling with either makes me relax but there is something about the cat's purr that helps me fall asleep.

I read Dan's post about cats and was going to respond by referencing this article but decided it would be easier to post it separately.

We all know that the ancient Egyptians worshiped felines to a marvelous extent. There’s no question that these civilizations openly celebrated the value of cats and even glorified them remarkably. Their art, culture, and interpreted lifestyle seem to revere cats prominently. This information is well known, yet most of us have often wondered their reasoning behind this unusual behavior. Few have made speculations, but we really just haven’t been able to sufficiently verify these assumptions. Is it possible that the ancients knew something that we might have missed..? Further examination suggests this may likely be the case!

Current domestic findings have lead us to the rediscovery of many key factors. These points primarily correspond to the mystery of this “kitty loving conduct,” and as it turns out- the most critical element may most likely be obscured in a uniquely produced self-healing ability, that is exhibited throughout all feline species.


How do we know that cats have “healing powers..?”

New studies have provided evidence that the cat’s purr actually acts as a therapeutic apparatus, not only regenerating the body, but also fortifying it to resilient magnitudes. The purr has been shown to significantly accelerate the recovery of their bones and organs while also greatly increasing their density in the process. These conclusions indicate that the averagely accepted belief in which cats only purr while they are content, might very well be a misconception. One other reason this might be, is the fact that observation has shown cats to also purr in other less pleasurable circumstances, like when wounded, frightened, or when giving birth. This suggests that the purr would certainly play an evolutionary role as some kind of a survival mechanism. Many cats in ancient times commonly received admiration and had also been consequently deified, for their miraculous ability to resist harm and even reduce excessively severe impact. Regular events such as these, likely attributed to the inspiration for the “all cats have nine lives” myth we have so often heard!

Bastet: The goddess of protection against contagious disease and evil spirits. She is often shown carrying a sistrum in one hand as depicted here.

In what ways did this influence cultural history?

Through further investigation and analysis we can assume that plenty of past societies applied a very same use of vibratory healing, much like our feline friends. It’s highly probable that similar sound therapy techniques were adopted from the feline genus and later utilized by the Egyptians for medical use.

The sistrum, was a sacred percussion instrument in ancient Egypt. (Perhaps originating in the worship of the cat goddess Bastet,) Egyptian priestesses ritualistically used sistra, that as we know now, generate copious amounts of ultrasound. Ultrasound is an effective healing modality, and is used today in hospitals and clinics. Certain levels of ultrasound have even been known to treat severely life-afflicting ailments, like cystic fibrosis, and various forms of cancer. This means that it is entirely possible that ceremonies in which many sistra were used, were not merely employed only to enhance the musical atmosphere, but were likely intended mainly to amplify the healing effect.

How can we use this knowledge?

This type of alternative medicine is helpful in mending, restructuring, and realigning our vital systems. Whether technologically manifested or biologically manifested, these studies do compellingly attest to the future of musical therapy as an applicable modern health procedure. These treatments invoke alleviating qualities, acting as an energetic massage: relieving pain and restoring the body beyond its typical extent.

This may also be one of the reasons why specific techniques involving spoken mantra have been taught and implemented in the practice of meditation. The word “mantra,” is actually a Sanskrit word, that accurately translates to the phrase: “mind instrument.” A mantra is a powerful sound vibration, much like that of a sistrum, or even more so- like a cat’s purr; bearing its own extraordinary hidden qualities. This furthermore suggests that it would be most beneficial to experiment with different meditative utterances, in order to heighten our understanding in terms of how each of these tones might rejuvenate and strengthen the body.

Since we’re only limited by our power to vocalize.. that means the possibilities are Endless!!

Spiritwoman ^i^

Hawkslayer 88M
13369 posts
9/6/2014 4:55 pm

Our cat appears to be a law unto herself and only approaches me if she feels like having her belly rubbed. She loves to have a bellyrub and when I finish she begins ignoring my existence again, until the next time.


It only takes a drop of ink to make a million people think. There are many stories.


9/6/2014 5:02 pm

    Quoting  :

To my way of thinking the creator made cats to provide me and others with the companionship and comfort they give us. the creator's energy is everywhere and in everything but spiritual beliefs aside I love and appreciate my cat but worship? Probably a bit to extreme for even me.

Spiritwoman ^i^


9/6/2014 5:09 pm

    Quoting Hawkslayer:
    Our cat appears to be a law unto herself and only approaches me if she feels like having her belly rubbed. She loves to have a bellyrub and when I finish she begins ignoring my existence again, until the next time.

They are like that. Mine have always been more attached and demand far more of me - and I usually comply.

Spiritwoman ^i^


9/6/2014 5:47 pm

    Quoting  :

I guess my last comment didn't make it past the censors so I'll change the language. My current old kitty is not at all demanding. Mostly he is happy just to be, eat, sleep and snuggle but I had one that wins the prize. He was completely housebroken but every time I would be gone overnight he found something of mine to use as his cat box.

Spiritwoman ^i^


9/6/2014 7:52 pm

    Quoting  :

thank you fellow cat person.

Spiritwoman ^i^

friendly133 76M
5418 posts
9/7/2014 6:24 am

There is much to be said about the wisdom of the ancients derived from nature's bounty hidden in phenomena to which no scientific explanation has been found except empirical evidence.

Cat's purr is perhaps in that category.

There is this tale of dog's crying which is, in the belief here, a sure sign of a misfortune - a death, serious illness or a big loss. I can narrate so many incidents that substantiate that belief but there is no explanation in science.

I happen to have been a serious student of Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Geology - interaction with my friend from other streams including psychology has given no indication of scientific comprehension and explanation of this DOG's CRY phenomenon.

Thanks, SpiritGirl - have a wonderful Sunda
y !! #

"To fight the darkness do not draw your sword, light a candle" - Zarathustra


9/7/2014 10:01 am

    Quoting  :

That they do. I think this is what I find so endearing about them. Mine have always accepted the love I send them and reciprocated. One, in particular, was strongly bonded with me but would let no one else near him.

Spiritwoman ^i^


9/7/2014 10:07 am

    Quoting friendly133:
    There is much to be said about the wisdom of the ancients derived from nature's bounty hidden in phenomena to which no scientific explanation has been found except empirical evidence.

    Cat's purr is perhaps in that category.

    There is this tale of dog's crying which is, in the belief here, a sure sign of a misfortune - a death, serious illness or a big loss. I can narrate so many incidents that substantiate that belief but there is no explanation in science.

    I happen to have been a serious student of Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Geology - interaction with my friend from other streams including psychology has given no indication of scientific comprehension and explanation of this DOG's CRY phenomenon.

    Thanks, SpiritGirl - have a wonderful Sunday !!

I am an anomaly in western culture as I rely on intuition and feel my way through life rather than using western logic. the cat's purr has always felt comforting and relaxing can quiet my mind quicker than anything.

As for the dogs cry, I have experienced that too. My semi scientific / spiritual explanation? They are tuned into different energy frequencies and can sense the negative (feel bad/threatening )energy ong before it manifests itself in a way humans can detect. I am able to hear frequencies above those in the normal human range which is how I arrived at this conclusion

Spiritwoman ^i^


9/7/2014 10:11 am

    Quoting  :

Independent for sure which is what I love about them. No one tells a cat what to do. They tune in and use their intuitive feelings. I think this is what many see as their spiritual abilities.

I also see them as intelligent, but not necessarily as humans need to see it. I think this difference is what makes many see them as not so smart.

Spiritwoman ^i^