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22314 posts
6/26/2013 6:00 pm
I Can’t Believe I Did This

On my recent family get together I was sitting in a lounge chair watching everyone. A herd of , little ones, tweens and teens, young adults and some not so young. in the water paddling on boogie boards, floating on inflatable toys, the older ones exploring the lake in the boat, the littlest ones playing in the sand and mud. The adolescents hanging out, the adults relaxing between daily maintenance chores. Some are fishing even though they only catch and release.

I’m sure many of you have been in this situation, looking out at it all and thinking “I did this?” I realized that I am the “tribal elder” and the one responsible for all of this. How did all of this happen? I was always busy with day to day things giving no thought to this day or outcome. When did it all happen? It seems like only yesterday I was a little one playing in the mud.

You think I can plead senility and still play in the mud?

Spiritwoman ^i^


6/26/2013 11:54 pm

    Quoting  :

That it is. I remember when my oldest was born. I was concerned about my job and other stuff. He told me "50 years from now the only thing that will matter is that baby you are holding." How right he was.

Spiritwoman ^i^


6/26/2013 11:55 pm

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You sure can. Next time you visit CA us 2 grandma matriarch will take our pails and scoops and dig in the dirt with all the kids watching.

Spiritwoman ^i^


6/26/2013 11:57 pm

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Had there been better clean up facilities I might have. Unlike when I was little I don't like to sleep in dirt these days.

Spiritwoman ^i^


6/26/2013 11:58 pm

    Quoting SpunkyLady61:
    Amazing! I know it's a simple thing, done by millions of us all the time, but it never ceases to amaze me, how touching this scene is.

    You have a lot to be proud of.

    "Tribal Elder" I've never thought of it like that. I like the sound of it.

    As far as playing in the mud-- sounds like fun! I've heard of a mud wrestling thing-- I don't recommend it.
    "Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of life." ~Maureen Hawkins~
The term tribal elder is part of my spiritual belief system. Grandparents and elders have a distinct role. It is valued but I'd rather be a kid playing in the mud.

Spiritwoman ^i^

Hawkslayer 88M
13328 posts
6/27/2013 5:53 am

I was playing in the mud yesterday and it was great! I actually went down to the lake at the end of the street to feed the ducks and there had been heavy rain, meaning I was up to my ankles in mud, mud, glorious mud. Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood.


It only takes a drop of ink to make a million people think. There are many stories.

GavinLS2 69M
1525 posts
6/27/2013 7:21 am

"Tribal elder?" OH! I have come to feel so burned out that I thought I was a tribal "ember!" Guess I'll have to re-think my place in the family?


Nice blog. GBU,



6/27/2013 8:46 am

    Quoting Hawkslayer:
    I was playing in the mud yesterday and it was great! I actually went down to the lake at the end of the street to feed the ducks and there had been heavy rain, meaning I was up to my ankles in mud, mud, glorious mud. Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood.

you played with ducks and I played with my ducklings. Actually there was a mama duck and her ducklings up at the lake. Really neat as the youngsters were just starting to try to fly. Lots of long take offs and aborted flights.

Spiritwoman ^i^


6/27/2013 8:47 am

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Sounds wonderful since it really does never rain in SoCal in the summer and we could really use some.

Spiritwoman ^i^


6/27/2013 8:51 am

    Quoting  :

I love watching the personality traits emerge in the grands. I can look at them and say "that's so and so". Of course then I have to explain who so and so is but it is a good opportunity to pass on family history.

As for staying strong - must be a carry over from all the years as mom. Kind of like sleeping with one ear open like we did when we had little ones.

Spiritwoman ^i^


6/27/2013 8:56 am

    Quoting GavinLS2:
    "Tribal elder?" OH! I have come to feel so burned out that I thought I was a tribal "ember!" Guess I'll have to re-think my place in the family?


    Nice blog. GBU,

You brought up an interesting thought. There are far more women elders than men. I wonder if it is an extension of mothering or if it is related to the fact that women simply live longer and stay healthier longer.

In my case my dad was the previous "elder". My mom lived to a ripe old age but no one ever saw her as a "go to" person. I'm thinking it relates to who "took care of things" when we were growing up. Mom's involvement is obvious to kids. In our generation and those before us dad's was often not so direct. In my case I was a single mom for a while then the more "kinder gentler" parent they could talk to without me getting mad.

Spiritwoman ^i^