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jiminycricket1 74M
5533 posts
6/13/2022 10:46 am
Trump "the Loser"

Sometimes it's hard to understand what the attraction is.......

Almost every continuing Trump supporter is a "loser"..
That term needs to be defined
A loser is someone who see things as slipping away from them, not having control
A loser is a victim of their own doing
A loser is someone, who simply find reasons... they can believe they are loser.

In a way being a loser creates a psychotic circumstance.. that creates the ideas of suicide, murder, corruption, Lies, and a displacement of reality.

We deal with losers by trying to show them a different reality, a different way of thinking.

Take it from me.. I have tried.... There is nothing more negative to a loser than trying to persuade them they are not. You automatically lose credibility, understanding, and a method that will correct the situation. People who are hurting don't want to be told they shouldn't be.

Trump is the antithesis of this.. He is the Black Knight coming to protect you from that White Knight who thinks everything is coming up rose.. and even though you've tried to play by the White knight's rules.. You just ended up a sorry loser sucker.

Trump understand the mental and psycotic attributes of loser.. He has a tried and true method to combat the fact that he grew up a loser.
Never admit you are wrong to yourself or to others.
Winning is the only option.
Winning ends to be justify by any means.

This is what attracts these losers to Trump..
Rules create losers,
Morals create losers.
Acceptance creates losers.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
6/13/2022 11:04 am

If you can hurt those who think they have won
if you turn the winner into a loser
If you can change the rules
If you can change the score

You can't be a "loser"..
You are the winner!

Trump is way ahead of all the other losers.. He thinks way ahead.
He understands the possibilities
He understands how to prepare... so he doesn't become a loser.. he knows how to find a get out of "Loserville card"
He understands (for the most part)) how to do it without getting caught.

He is the pied piper for losers..

Just look at the people who continue to support him..
He's a God.. not to save the sinners.. but to save the losers.
The irony is is uses losers to prove he's not a loser...He pied piper's his way out of loservile,,but those who follow his tune never get out.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
6/13/2022 11:17 am

The most telling statement for today.. was from Hope Hicks..Since it was only said in a matter of seconds..most missed it.
In Hope Hicks book
She told Trump he needs to think about protecting his legacy..
His response..
"If i am a "loser" I have no legacy"

dusty17 73M
498 posts
6/13/2022 1:02 pm

Loser or thief ...

Trump was a Trojan Horse ... racist yes .. but he didn't give a rat's ass about a wall, or about bringing good paying jobs back from low wage nations, immigration, Muslim ban etc. etc. etc.

When Trump had the House and the Senate he accomplished the only thing that mattered to him and his doners .... the biggest money grab in history for Global Businesses.

Trump's Trade War with China was for Globalists ... you got any "intellectual property" in China. I don't.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
6/13/2022 1:31 pm

    Quoting dusty17:
    Loser or thief ...

    Trump was a Trojan Horse ... racist yes .. but he didn't give a rat's ass about a wall, or about bringing good paying jobs back from low wage nations, immigration, Muslim ban etc. etc. etc.

    When Trump had the House and the Senate he accomplished the only thing that mattered to him and his doners .... the biggest money grab in history for Global Businesses.

    Trump's Trade War with China was for Globalists ... you got any "intellectual property" in China. I don't.
Of course his supporters had different reasons .. why they thought of themselves as losers.. losers because of religion, losers because of illegal immigration, losers because of race, Loser because they had to work for it and other got it for free, losers because the culture was changing...losers because they needed the winners prize and not a participation award...losers because they lost their control of government loser because of taxation without their representation, losers because China was succeeding were we couldn't.. Loser because the world was their enemy. And finally because their neighbor was a loser.

Trump identifies all these things.. he was going to "fix" them. He only knew how to win...You want to stop being a loser..then get a winner on your side.

Trump promised those people all those hings that can make you a loser.. he will stop.....You don't have to change.. they will change.

Koffla 68M
12282 posts
6/13/2022 4:34 pm

I don't see Trump supporters as losers. In my opinion, they simply fell for the scams of a grifter. It was fun to watch Barr point-by-point rebuttal of Trump's fraud claims during the Jan 6th hearings this morning. Barr said that after the election, Trump became detached from reality. That all the claims of voting fraud were completely bogus and based in complete misinformation.

It was also fun to watch every Trump lawyer, Republicans in his team, basically saying Trump is nuts. Barr was laughing-out-out when he mention convicted Dinesh D'Souza's 2000 Mule movie. I was laughing so hard that now my stomach hurts.

New York Knicks vs Indiana Pacers


jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
6/14/2022 3:52 am

    Quoting Koffla:

    I don't see Trump supporters as losers. In my opinion, they simply fell for the scams of a grifter. It was fun to watch Barr point-by-point rebuttal of Trump's fraud claims during the Jan 6th hearings this morning. Barr said that after the election, Trump became detached from reality. That all the claims of voting fraud were completely bogus and based in complete misinformation.

    It was also fun to watch every Trump lawyer, Republicans in his team, basically saying Trump is nuts. Barr was laughing-out-out when he mention convicted Dinesh D'Souza's 2000 Mule movie. I was laughing so hard that now my stomach hurts.

Isn't that the point.. they are not 'losers" so why should they behave like one?

Whether you or i judge them to be losers.. doesn't it matter.. It's not what you or I think. It's what they think

Trump is a "loser" because he has to win

We have an election and declare a winner. WTF.. does that mean?
Trump was declared a champion simply because he won an election. T
Trump won the election, Trump won the election, Trump won the election....
That means something a hell of lot different to him and his supporters than it does to Us..
Winning for Trump was carte blanche..a get out of jail free, A slew of new servants and servitude. A force to be reckonned with... The power over the lives of people.. he never could have imagined before. He held all the carrots and all the whips.
Some people cheered him because of it..Finally someone who could master the masters.
His supporters won.. because he won.
Winning an election.. is winning a servitude... You think Trump believes that .. you think his supporters believe that?
Trump won his elections because he got support from 'loser' who have no fricken idea what winning means.
Trump lost an election because more people became tired of being a "loser".