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jiminycricket1 74M
5508 posts
11/1/2021 4:19 am
Faith or Logic?

Some people are born programed to have faith..They believe in stuff they can't see, feel or touch..
No one is born with logic....just with our senses...and the things we can see, feel and touch, and how they apply creates our logic.This is not something some people do..everyone does it..And it happen every moment of every day..

So what's the difference?

Everyone at least should understand logic is essential...Logic is survival..

There are certain thing in which logic doesn't apply...for example..What is death and is it logical? Mostly understanding one's feelings, defies logic. But not for everybody..Logic does answer all questions.

But not everybody is capable to do that.. and faith comes into play..

When one cannot use logic to explain a circumstance.. they use faith, and Those circumstances creates a different kind of logic....... a logic based on faith.

For example, God is faith based attempts to explain the unexplainable..

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
11/1/2021 4:38 am

However, the logic of Faith can go crazy..

We can see it throughout the world in religious fanaticism. That is not only illogical and hypocritical.. But defies the simplest kind of logic. They believe they can see, feel and touch something that doesn't exist.

Many Republican fall into that category.. Their are two types...the foot soldiers and the commanders....

Since the beginning of human existence. The single greatest conspiracy has been in power of the commanders. Those people who would choose to have YOU defy logic.

Faith based logic.. is the keys to the kingdom.. The fuzzy line between religion and politics has become more clear.
The Republican party... has become a political religion. of faith based logic....That is unsustainable. in a real world

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
11/1/2021 3:47 pm

Just wondering what your statement "Some People are born programmed to have faith" is based on.......

If it's true that some people are born programmed to have faith, doesn't it also follow that some people are born programmed for logic?.......

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
11/2/2021 6:35 am

    Quoting sparkleflit:
    Just wondering what your statement "Some People are born programmed to have faith" is based on.......

    If it's true that some people are born programmed to have faith, doesn't it also follow that some people are born programmed for logic?.......
Logic involves development..we are not born logical.... we become logical..

The part about faith being programed.. is about the negative, not the positive.. Faith is about one's lack of becoming logical. The less you can become logical, the more you are "programed" to have faith..
(It's my "nice way.. of say how undeveloped and stupid those people are)..

What interesting to me.. is in the past faith was prized. Having exceptional faith and one could become a saint...
Creating the illusion, was more important than having the faith in oneself
It's not that I'm against Faith.. but faith needs to be PERSONAL... Faith cannot be judged, explained, controlling or sanctified. Faith is not exceptional, but dismissive..By it own definition, it's something the need not be explained.
Faith, love, hope and intuition are not valueless.. They are very important.. they just aren't substantive.. to anyone else BUT YOURSELF.