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jiminycricket1 74M
5533 posts
10/30/2021 5:38 am
Morally Liberal, Fiscally Conservative

I know the title of my blog makes so people cringe...
I use c myself... Mory Liberal and Fiy Conservative..I could define each term with reasonable assumptions as what it ant. It wasn't so much about right or wrong, It's was trying understand..It was about MY Choices
I can rec that many people accused of "copping out".. That I could not be that way. Those people went out of their prove wrong, they succeeded.
In my mind, I was the majority....A silent majority.. That wasn't backed by a Political movent, Political financing, Political agenda, or actual representation. I was never a single issue voter, Argunts required two sides, and I always tried see both sides.
Needless say things have changed, I can no longer reasonably define Mory Liberal and Fiy Conservative..Argunts no longer have two sides, and right or wrong is no longer generated by ISSUES.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/30/2021 5:40 am

I believe we are all on the same side now.. Save America..
I have become a single issue voter.
Reasonable is no longer defined by sides and arguments, but by the RESULTS...What are the most likely results?
Those who can not define the results of their actions as to how it will Save America... I am against...America is under attack, freedom of choice is under attack, democracy is under attack, the rule of law is under attack.... I certainly don't need to blame TRUMP for it. It's not his fault..It's the fault of anyone not willing to condemn any of Trumps actions. Trump no longer matters to me.. Yet he singularly personifies everything that does.
So now I am a single issue voter.. you can't sit on the sideline, you must make a choice. Any candidate not willing to CONDEMN Trump for SOMETHING, for ANYTHING.. will never get my vote.

starwomyn 70F
8875 posts
10/30/2021 10:12 am

Politically, I am a moderate no matter what party I am. Right now, I am more useful to the cosmos as a Republican. If I were still in the Democratic Women's Club. I would still be waiting for a seat at the popular girl's table and accomplishing nothing. I am a constitutional conservative which means that I don't have to agree with someone else's prospective to respect their right to have it.


jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/30/2021 10:43 am

    Quoting  :

You think this blog is about my voting for Biden? Biden is 100% a transition President. just don't know what we are transitioning to..

I don't care who you support.. makes no difference to me..but maybe you should wait until you know what that choice is.

But I have drawn my line..
Anyone who cannot see SOME negative in what Trump has done..I will not vote for..
Anyone who supports Trump against all-comers I will not agree with..
I would not vote for Pence, unless he was running against Trump... You have no fricken clue why Pence did what he did...
You fear what he could have done....Was to reinstate Trump as President? WTF...?
That was not possible, and Pence knew it.
You think it possible.. I think if Pence did it.. This whole Charade would have been over a lot quicker.
Yes, Trump has a plan, a fricken plan. You give that asshole too much credit.. to believe he could make that plan work.

typical crap,, about how people think and see things without considering other possibilities....
For example, when is an accusation Evidence?
Is an insurrection that fails..really an insurrection?

I once said the handling of Jan 6th.. went perfect..
What i meant by that was we got evidence of an insurrection , without having an insurrection.
I was wrong...we didn't get enough evidence of an insurrection..We obviously needed more

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/30/2021 3:37 pm

    Quoting  :

.. Since i'm a "Star" I can answer this.. i doubt the other star would have the same answer...
I am a believer that republican should control Democrats...It okay if it takes on the way Manchin and Sinema are doing.. Democrats should expect that. But it always been a truth.. that Democrats do not have bad ideas.. they just have bad application of those idea. Republican need to reign them in, and not try to destroy the idea.

starwomyn 70F
8875 posts
10/31/2021 7:35 am

    Quoting  :

The local Democratic Women's club is cliquish and I would never get an active role in that group. As a Republican, I managed the GOP headquarters during the election period. I've been a poll worker. I know most of the local legislators personally and can easily discuss important issues with them. I am an officer in the local GOP club and I lobby. I go where the cosmos indicate that I am more useful.
