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greeneyes19443 80F
210 posts
4/11/2008 6:04 pm
"Points to Ponder"

Three things to think about:

1. Cows
2. The Constitution
3. The Ten Commandments

Cows - Remember when the government, during the Mad Cow Disease, did the amazing task of tracking down a single cow, born in Canada nearly 3 years earlier, right to the stall she was in in the state of Washington? And they tracked down her calves to their stalls. But, they are unable to locate the 12 million illegals wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of the illegals a cow?

The Constitution - Remember all the discussions about drafting a Constitution for Iraq? Why didn't we just give them ours? It was written by some really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we don't use it anymore.

The Ten Commandments - The real reason we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this. You cannot post "Thou Shall Not Steal",
"Thou Shall Not Commit Adultry", and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of awyers, Judges, an Politicans. It creates a hostile work environment.

greeneyes19443 80F

4/11/2008 6:35 pm

kieralyn-Thanks, glad it did what it was supposed to, make you laugh

flirty4u-Like your response about the cow plan. May have to add it!

valentinefeb14 76M

4/11/2008 7:36 pm

lol! this is pretty darn good

greeneyes19443 80F

4/11/2008 8:02 pm

valentine Thank you. I thought people could use a laugh.

greeneyes19443 80F

4/11/2008 10:17 pm

dallas Glad you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by.

happymimi Thanks. I hope it gave you a chuckle or two. Like to make people laugh. Good to see you. lynne