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383 posts
11/8/2006 3:18 am

Last Read:
12/18/2006 7:54 pm

The Body Politic

Well, it looks like the pendulum is swinging back to the center. Being the liberal that I am, that's a welcomed change. When I was younger, I had greater faith in Big Government than I do now. I suppose I've grown more conservative in some respects, though I think of it as being more pragmatic. I STILL think something needs to be done with the health care system, for example, and some sort of national health care seems to be the best tack. People say that will lead to health care rationing, but we already have rationing--it's simply based on the ability to pay rather than being based on need.

But I hope liberals don't make mistake the conservatives made and act like they have a mandate to pass policies that only the fringe in their party can support. It is far better, it seems to me, to pass policies that have a liberal slant, but have broad public support: like fixing the donut hole, for example, or raising the minimum wage, or restructuring the tax system so that those who can afford it, pay their share of taxes. And CERTAINLY something different has to be done with that damned war.

Republicans in office, despite their protestations, have proven that they, too, want big government--they just want the government to grow in different areas. They want to grow the military, for example, so that invasions of countries like Iraq can be prosecuted. I, for one, CERTAINLY disagree with the decision to to into Iraq. Invading Iraq had nothing to do with 9/ll. I FULLY supported going into Afghanistan following 9/11, but we should have stayed the course THERE--we should have put in enough troops to give people there safety and security while we built up their infrastructure and convinced them that the extremists there had very little to offer, long-term.

The world is imperfect, and it will continue to be imperfect. This morning, though, for me, it feels like the ship of state has righted itself somewhat by tacking a bit to the left.

Hawkslayer 88M
13362 posts
11/8/2006 5:10 am

I completely agree with you on health care in this country. The health industry is a bigger and better organized threat to the people of this country than the Mafia and it also takes much more out of our pockets than the Mafia does! Ever noticed when you go into a doctor's office that there are usually five or six people to take your payment, but only one nurse on duty? I think that shows where their priorities lie. It's not in caring for you, but in taking your dough. Hippocrates would turn in his grave!

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