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stpaulcindy 68F
532 posts
8/23/2006 4:27 am

Last Read:
8/24/2006 8:43 pm

I Quit!!!!!

Today I quit smoking!!! Last night as I smoked my last cigarette (so I wouldn't have any when I got up this morning) I felt good about my decision. Talked myself out of going out (for just one more pack) in case of emergency, brushed my teeth and went to bed. This morning as I sit here drinking my coffee am not feeling so good. I know it will get easier, just have to think of something else to do to get my mind off it. I've noticed I can't do as many things as I used to because I am short of breath and want to take better care of me. I've smoked since I was 16 years old only quitting when I was pregnant, NOT going to do that again. LOL

Wish me luck. Any suggestions to make it easier and help me succeed this time????

Okay, I'll just growl to myself. Take care and say a prayer for me.

simpleladyb 74F

8/23/2006 5:18 am

Good luck!

From AZ With Love!

Abelle2 83F
31253 posts
8/23/2006 5:30 am

Just take it hour by hour for now, then day by day. DO NOT think, I will just have one, that is one too many! You sound determined to do this! Good luck. The first day is the worst, make it through it and then try another. If you gain weight, so be it, it will go away in time. Get up and do something when you want a cigarette, go for a walk or even take a nap, buy a bag of those little carrots and make a bunch of celery sticks. I have recently passed the 10 year mark. This time was easy...I was that determined! Keep us posted on your progress!!! Ann

Maudie50 74F

8/23/2006 5:57 am

Good luck Cindy.

LucyLuvsYa 78F

8/23/2006 6:05 am

Just keep thinking about how good you feel not being a slave to the addiction, you'll start feeling great. You can picture yourself being free from the smell and the hardship it places on your body and wallet. Good Luck !

Getts 83M

8/23/2006 6:30 am

It only takes about three days to get the nicotine out of your system...after that its all in your head....go places you can't smoke, use a smoking aid if you want to, I used gum. Just take it one hour, one day, one incident at a time. Good luck. It will be the best decision you ever made in your life.

moon2u 73F

8/23/2006 6:53 am

Bravo! ok I have done this one before and here are some helpful hints.

1. give up your coffee for a bit, drink some tea or something else
the coffee is associated with the ciggies, dont go there!

2. get yourself a nicotene patch and let your Dr. know what you are
attempting to do. He or she can help you.

3. sometimes the nicotene gum helps

4. directily after a meal, go for a walk or occupy yourself with
anything that takes your mind off that ciggie.

5. deep breathing in through your nose and out slowly through your
mouth when you have that craving

6. there is a med. I believe called Zyban helps some, but can cause
wrestless sleep.

7. take the money that you would normally buy ciggies with each week
and reward yourself with something you love

8. keep yourself busy, boredom makes you want a smoke.

9. walking reduces stress....stress makes you want a smoke

10. analyze when it is that you smoke first, then replace that time
with something else. anything but a ciggie.

Good Luck!

love moony

gauch652 87M

8/23/2006 7:50 am

Excellent advice from MOONY ! I suggest you use the technique I used when I gave up my addiction to alcohol. I developed what I call "TEFLON Tunnel vision" . I focused all my thoughts and energy every hour of the day on my SOBRIETY.I know for a fact that some people will be envious of what you are trying to accomplish . Some are in the same boat as you but don't have the COJONES to Quit,They are Jealous and they will try to sabotage your efforts. The reason I call it Teflon tunnel vision is because I let all the crap that would jeperdise my sobriety bounce out of my thoughts and REMAIN FOCUSED on my sobriety and the wonderful world with out an insidious addiction . My Sicerest CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to quit smoking. HANG TOUGH and keep your eyes on the light at the end of the TEFLON TUNNEL !!

LapKittie 61F

8/23/2006 8:09 am

Lots of good hints here that I can't add to, but just want to say CONGRATULATIONS on taking care of yourself!

dlw78216 70F

8/23/2006 8:42 am

i wish you all the luck in the world. quitting smoking is not easy. i did it (with the help of strep throat) about 15 years ago.

learn to appreciate the way the carpet and the curtains and the inside of the car smells without 'smoke.' start walking, even if it's at the mall. brush your teeth a lot....go to the dentist and have them cleaned. enjoy the feeling of clean teeth. remember that apples taste awful after a cigarette......and, if you do have a set back and smoke again, immediately after the last puff, bite into an apple. eat the apple. feel really sick to your stomach.

best of luck......

Lexxie 68F

8/23/2006 8:56 am

GOOD LUCK HON, I know you can do it. I used to smoke 2 to 3 packs a day for 10 years, and then I had an asthma attack that almost killed me. I quit March 23 1981, 25 years ago. Don't get me wrong at times I still want one, but I enjoy breathing better. Have a delightful day hon, keep yourself busy. Take care and God Bless You.
Love and Hugs~Pam

and ~Pam & Sunshine

Pain & suffering are inevititable, but misery is optional.