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starwomyn 70F
5429 posts
9/13/2008 6:34 am

Last Read:
9/14/2008 9:48 am

I'm Not Lost - I Just Don't Know Where the FiretrUCK I'm At.................

When Mr. Joe was showing me the route to Sam's Club - He showed me two different routes. The Stright Way and the Short Way. I usually opt for the Stright Way because I can very VERY directionally challenged.

I DID find a short cut to the Stright Way. Lover's Lane to Route 33 to Route 120 which is to Road to Sam's Club. It saves me from driving through Downtown Gordonsville which is a very good thing.

I did find an even different route via the Triple AAA Site. I decided to take that route home last week. It goes through the busy part of Charlottesville which is more city than I am used to but sometime the only way out is through. Dispite missing one road (Mr. Joe advised that missing that road was a good thing) - I made it home with no problems.

The next day going to work, I missed the Lover's Lane Shortcut and eventually realized that I was going to work a different way. Oh Well! I been on this route before. I'll make it to work with time to Spare. - That would have been the case - If I would have turned on Rt 120 North instead of Rt 120 South.

Instead I went through More City than I am used to - The University of Virginia and finally BumFiretrUCK!!!! - I don't know where the heck I am.

Thank God for Cell Phone - I called work to explain the circumstance and that I would be late. In the olden days, I would have to find a telephone booth - get out a bunch of change in order to give them a call. I found a Service Station and asked for direction. Get on I-64 West to exit 118B to 120 NORTH and the road to Sam's Club.

My second day on a Cash Register Solo went much smoother than the first Day. They asked if I wanted to work until closing to make up for the lost time. No Problem. Later that night, I got on the Cell Phone to tell Mr. Joe that I was working later than expected so would be home later. Gotta Love them cell phones.

I don't usually look at being lost as being a negetive because it introduces me to new places that will make sense at a later time. Still I don't like being late for work. I'll NOT Be missing Lover's Lane this morning. I will be taking the Short Route home this evening.


LadyNAds2 75F

9/13/2008 9:46 am

Cell phones how did we ever live without them!

alwaysnemo55 72F

9/13/2008 10:01 am

Star, everything happens for a got turned around and then found your way...that seems to be your life doesn't it!!!
You are too strong of a woman to let any set back stop you...rock on!

Life...ya gotta love it!

starwomyn replies on 9/13/2008 5:20 pm:
I never looked at it that way but you are absolutely right. Thanks for pointing it out.