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starwomyn 70F
5422 posts
4/14/2021 1:44 pm

Last Read:
4/17/2021 7:38 am


God is the biggest conceivable existent, which is the totality of existence itself. In a word, God is Nature. Not “nature” referring to trees and shrubs and rocks, but “Nature” referring to the entire system, the universe, in which we live. With this definition, many theological claims start to make concrete sense.

]It is ironic how Herself says that women of faith have no connection to nature. I recall taking a class in Native Spirituality which taught "Understand God, Observe Nature. I have spent a lifetime studying the happenings of the stars (The Celestial World) , growing scared herbs (The Terrestrial World), and wearing magickal stones (the Telestial World). It is by incorporating these three aspects of nature that I feel a connection to God.

When I study the stars, I know that we have a lot of energy from Uranus and Pluto along with Aquarius. Uranus is sudden change which knocks us out of our comfort zone but ultimately liberates. Pluto tears down old structures but ultimately transform them into something better.

Historically, there were many old ideas that really needed to be taken down. The United States was created with a vision of equality for all but it has taken centuries for the people to catch up with that vision. Saplings turn into trees, ducklings turn into ducks, and become adults. We all progress and so does the United States. There is disruption but we are getting closer and closer to that vision.

My world has been disrupted at a closer level. I don't suspect life as I knew it is coming back. Gracefully surrendering the things of youth?! Yeah Right!!! It's not like I have much of a choice. Once upon a time, I ran three miles a day. Now it's a challenge to walk three blocks. I worked in retail and loaded fifty pound boxes of merchandise onto shelves and flatbed carts. Now I do well when I carry 20 pound bags of groceries up the walkway to my doorstep. I order the heavy stuff on Amazon and let them deliver it to my doorstep.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, I thought I was invincible. I was reasonably certain that I would survive if I caught the firetrucking virus. Most do. A recent health scare that led to emergency surgery indicates otherwise. When I got the call for the vaccine, I opted to go for it.

It is also comforting and soothing when I wear chakra balancing stones and surround myself with lavender and rosemary. That is how I connect to Nature and God.

Corn and grain, corn and grain
All that falls shall rise again


starwomyn 70F
8872 posts
4/14/2021 1:51 pm

I usually get a Halloween pumpkin, fill it with potting soil after the holiday and watch the pumpkin patch grow in the spring. That didn't happen this year. I am opting to start the seeds in egg shells and planting them when they become shoots. It will be fun to watch them grow. The egg carton is like a greenhouse for them.


PearlsWthMyJeans 68F
1708 posts
4/15/2021 12:30 am

When I listen to the news It is hard for me to imagine a brighter future so it is uplifting to read your optimism about how our country is moving toward the vision of equality for all. I wish the change could happen faster.

Congrats on your vaccine! In my area appointments are hard to book but I finally succeeded and my first shot was a coupe of days ago. I was nervous about getting it but so far only mild side effects.

I love decorating with stone but I know very little about chakra balancing stones. Your post inspires me to do some reading.

Good luck with this year's pumpkin seeds!

A day without dance is .... just kidding. I have no idea!

Maudie1 74F
8151 posts
4/15/2021 2:03 am

Wonderful positive blog Star, fills me with hope for the future.

I have a nice collection of crystal stones which I keep in different parts of the house. I enjoy their beautiful shapes and colours.

We have a lovely shop in town that sell all kinds of beautiful healing stones and crystals. I must pay a visit there again when this lockdown ends.

lilium6 74F
4498 posts
4/15/2021 3:34 am

'God is the biggest conceivable existent, which is the totality of existence itself. In a word, God is Nature. Not “nature” referring to trees and shrubs and rocks, but “Nature” referring to the entire system, the universe, in which we live. With this definition, many theological claims start to make concrete sense.'

That description is much in line with how I view 'God'.

The addition of potting mix to a hollowed out pumpkin is a neat idea - I think I might give it a go. I also like the idea of starting seeds in egg shells with the plastic egg carton acting as a temporary greenhouse - thanks

MrsJoe 76F
17400 posts
4/15/2021 7:11 am

You are definitely a living example of the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
I'm afraid I'm not adapting to this aging thing very well at times. I need more of your positivity to rub off on me.

Be a prism, spreading God's light and love, not a mirror reflecting the world's hatred.