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Life on Life's TErms

Posted:Mar 18, 2022 9:13 am
Last Updated:Mar 20, 2022 8:37 am
Scantily Clad Burt - I was hoping to get a big poster but got this little photo instead. My Landlord likes to periodical inspect the place. One time my bedroom was a mess so I locked the door assuring him that there were no unauthorized males in my bedroom He said that he was an authorized male. So I put Scantily Clad Burt on my bedroom door for his benefit. I like him there so he stays.

Spring is on the horizon. Yippee! Our town is getting a community garden and I am getting a plot. I am hoping that sunflowers will grow there. There is the three sisters. Corn, squash, and beans. The corn gives something for the beans to grow on. The squash protects them both from the ground . The Sunflower and pumpkins are just cool. I am looking forward to planting.

The Story of Sushi. It's raw fish which equals bait. Dip it in Wasabi to lure passion. Lure Passion and GET LUCKY.

Senior Activist - Now that I am retired I can follow my true passion which is taking the train to Washington DC and trying to talk sense to the politicians. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't't but I keep trying. Since the pandemic, most of the lobbying is done on zOOm.

SAYMA Bookstore - SAYMA equals Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting (Quaker Gathering)
I found Neither which most the most adorable 's story about a creature that was different than the others. He went to the land of Neither where he was accepted and all the other creatures liked it better and moved there. I sent it to my adorable grandson.

Ice Cream for the Good Neighbor/VeggiesForProblematicWimmin
Posted:Mar 16, 2022 5:58 pm
Last Updated:Mar 17, 2022 4:35 pm
Earlier this week - my GF/NextDoorNeighbor suggested that we drive the local beauty college get our hair done. I've been wanting be a bit more adventurous with hair color. As we were heading the Beauty College, I checiked the site and learned that they were closed for the . Heck, Darn, Blast but is always Plan B.

We decided to go shopping instead. We called our neighbor and offered pick him up go with us. When we arrived, I went next door to Wal-Green's and picked up some semi-permanent hair coloring. No of that wussy spray on temporary coloring. Valerie decided that she wanted her hair colored too. Our Neighbor Ed offered to do it. He said that he was a care provider for a woman and would put blonde streaks in her hair.

He put blue and pink streaks in our hair.

Today I decided to reward Ed for his kindness by purchasing him some Ice Cream. I called him and asked him what kind he wants. He suggested French Vanilla and said that he would be happy with anything. I called Valerie and asked what kind of Ice Cream that we should get Ed. She suggested Cookies and Cream. I took the riding cart over to the Ice Cream Section and found a coupon on top of the Chips Ahoy Ice Creme. So Ed got three cartons of Ice Cream.

I picked up Cauliflower Rice and Veggies for me. I have to lose weight in order get my problematic hip replaced. Valerie also has to eat Veggies. Ed invited her over for an Ice Cream Eating Party but he declined.

Tomorrow, The three of us are going to a St. Patty's Day Concert. I plan to have a beet salad and replicate when I get home. No Green Beer or Green Ice Creme. Just Beet Salad. Life is good.

Photo Friday Refugees and Rations
Posted:Mar 10, 2022 9:32 pm
Last Updated:Mar 11, 2022 9:09 pm
Every year is a fundraiser for Syrian Refugees with a Ration Challenge. The challenge is survive a week on the rations that the Syrian Refugees survive on.

I done twice even though I had made a few changes because of my own health issues and dietary needs.

They get rice - I used quinoa
They get white flour - I used teff
They get sardines - I used Spam (not exactly healthy but sardines (Ugh!)
We both got beans but I used Beano especially after last year's surgery.

It brings light that I options that folks in other parts of the world don't.

I did manage raise a good amount of $$$$$ and that is ultimately what is most important.

Photo Friday - Q for Quaker Potlucks
Posted:Mar 3, 2022 5:48 pm
Last Updated:Mar 5, 2022 12:25 pm
We usually have a potluck once a month. I am not known for cooking or baking but one of the first potlucks, I won a cake in a raffle to took it to the potluc

We had gone to an event in Alabama and went to an Ethiopian Restaurant hence came the brilliant idea of doing Ethiopean cuisine for our next Potluc

My friend Deni and I volunteered to make the Injera Bread which is quite the challenge for two European American women. I finally started making Teff Waffles for our potlucks. It's much easier than Injera Breads. It turns out that the natives usually just buy it in the store.

My Jamaican friend taught me how to make Jambalaya Jamaican style> It a tad too spicy for some in the crowd but my teff waffle seem to be popular.

Happily, teff waffles are easier to make than injera bread/

Photo Friday - Philadelphia and Pay Day!!!!!
Posted:Feb 24, 2022 5:38 pm
Last Updated:Feb 25, 2022 1:46 am
My Goal has been visit one place that I've never been at least once a year. That hasn't happen since the pandemic. I different Meccas and one of them was Philadelphia. This is Quaker Haven.

William Penn was given Pennsylvania along with Delaware by the British King. were many part of the colonies where religious choice was dictated by the King or the local Government or Dominant Clergy.

I Quaker ancestors were booted out of Massachusetts by the Puritans. This is often dangerous because they were subjected the dangers of the wilderness and Indian attacks. Fortunately, my Quaker Ancestors landed in Virginia where they started own community.

Pennsylvania and Delaware became a safe haven for Quakers and other religions practice their faith in safety.

In 1776, the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights was drafted and ratified assuring Religious Freedom for all United States Citizens. This happened in Philadelphia.

Photo Friday Old Girl Panties and CRYSTALS!!!
Posted:Feb 17, 2022 6:58 pm
Last Updated:Feb 18, 2022 4:34 pm
One year my sister told me to put on some Big GlRL Panties and get a life when I was dealing with intense grieving. I sent her a pair of Old Panties. She was not amused.

O'Malley is the Elf on the Shelve that I adopted about five years ago. One of the Oakhurst women kept doing be mean O'Malley posts. I was not amused. Everyone must be nice O'Malley ALLways!!!

When the Pandemic , my younger lost his job, girlfriend, car, and home. He eventually started living on a friend's farm and was able replace his car courtesy of generous unemployment benefits and the stimulus checks. One day, a black German Shepard jumped into his car. They tried to find the owner to no avail so Billy acquired a dog. He named the dog "Ole Fred." Later, he found out that the dog's owner died and the got lost and forgotten in the chaos. Billy and Ole Fred were very bonded so the family opted to let Ole Fred stay where he was. Now Billy is back to work on the road and Ole Fred goes with him, living the good life. They saved each other.

And ALWAYS is Opera, Opera, Opera!!!!

Directionally Challenged Friends, Road Trips and CRYSTALS!!!!!
Posted:Feb 17, 2022 5:50 am
Last Updated:Feb 18, 2022 6:18 pm
Last month, a friend asked me if I would accompany her Charleston, WV for a medical consultation with the surgeon did my surgery last year. She has many of the symptoms that I had last year. The difference is that I had to be ambulanced to Charleston and met the surgeon before visiting his office.

Ironically, she had a hip replacement which I am waiting to get done this year. It is so ironic how we understand each other's struggles.

I was navigating the route courtesy of the GPS feature on my phone. Of course, we got off course and had to call the doctor's office for directions. I looked at the time on the clock on her vehicle thinking - OMG! We are late and it's totally my fault.

We did manage to get back on course and make it to the doctor's office. I looked at the time on my tracker and we were 30 minutes early. What a relief. The clock on her vehicle was off. We were called into the examination room. When the doctor walked into the office. He introduced himself. I mentioned that he did my surgery last year and I was the one advised him about the magick!!! of sushi. My friend was offered a choice between the Nissen Fundoplication (the surgery that I had) or Bariatric surgery.

Contrary what a certain SFF Troll likes declare, I am not morbidly obese but like so many do struggle with weight. The Body Mass Index BMI over 30 is considered obese. A BMI above 40 is considered morbid obesity.(Obese Class II

Generally qualify for Bariatric surgery - a person must a BMI of 40 plus or a BMI of 35 with a obesity related health conditions. So my friend has some decisions make. I won't influence but will support her no matter what.

Either way, the relationship with food is forever changed. I was not offered Bariatric Surgery but the Nissen Fundoplication had made volumizing impossible. A few different food choices and VOILA! Weight loss.

I am really looking forward watching her on this journey. A whole new world is going open up for her. I just forward the day when my world starts opening up again. Sometimes I don't see . I am currently in "No Man's Land" and don't see any prospect of being different. are grown and I don't work anymore. The health challenges suck swampwater but I am working on them.

I still feel like I am in the tunnel and that light is so far away. Perhaps by seeing the light for my friend, I can find for myself. Life on life's terms.

Posted:Feb 12, 2022 12:45 am
Last Updated:Feb 17, 2022 5:50 am
Quite a few months back, I saw my Primary Physician for the usual blood works ad Infinium. She advised me that my cholesterol level was too high and wanted to prescribe medication. I told her that I did not want the medication and would prefer to find a lifestyle change to fix it. She suggested Red Yeast Rice and drumroll.................. weight loss.

I picked up the Red Yeast Rice and started researching about dietary changes. I was surfing the web and connected with a XII group that deals with food addictions. The suggestion was no sugar, flour, or wheat products. There are no face to face meetings in West Virginia. There are telephone groups, an internet group, and a virtual group with live meetings on zOOm.

It is recommended to not skip meals but I am used to intermittent fasting. So earlier this week, I wasn't feeling well. My digestive system is temperamental. I didn't eat the first day and the second day, I stayed on a liquid diet.

On the third day, I WANTED Steak. Eggs, Hash Browns with Ketchup. I drove to the local Breakfast Diner and ordered Rib Eye Steak, Two Eggs, and No I didn't want grits with them. I wanted to be BAD and have Hash Browns with Ketchup. Skip the biscuit with butter and jelly. (This diner is famous for having the best) I asked for Hot Tea, I ditched the Tea Bags and replaced them with my own Dandelion Tea.

They were out of the Rib Eye Steak! Dang! I order another protein. (Not Bacon!) I left the diner and drove to Food Lion to purchase some ribeye steaks. Now I can measure them and cook them at home.

I am looking forward to the doctor's visit next week. I am reasonable certain that her scales will show a significant weight loss and hopeful that the blood works will find an acceptable cholesterol level.

Photo Friday "NATURE"
Posted:Feb 10, 2022 10:06 pm
Last Updated:Feb 17, 2022 9:42 am
I don't have the sophisticated photo equipment like Koffla but I do love taking photos. My favorite is NATURE photos. West Virginia is surrounded by Raw NATURE>

It Grows in Containers on my patio. It grows around my abode and the Greenbrier State Forest. I've showcased my dreamcatchers in NATURE scenes.

NEW YEARS EVE 2021 was Spooky Nature

There are schoom and a pond at a Quaker Pot Luck

Jung, Tarot, Archetype of Creative Emptiness (The FOOL)
Posted:Feb 5, 2022 12:06 am
Last Updated:Feb 12, 2022 1:17 am
Last month, I did a blog using the terms Higher Self and Shadow Self. Lulu pointed out that these terms belong to Jung and not sure that folks should be using them differently. So I decided to RESEARCH.

I delighted to find an online class connecting to Major Arcana of the Tarot to Jung Archetypes so I purchased the cards and the book that goes with them.

All I have is a humble TW0 year degree and reading this stuff makes my head spin. What better way to learn than to utilize the cards and blog about it.

So I ask a question - pull a few cards using the Major Arcana as the signifier.


The Fool = the Archetype of Creative Emptiness. This is an individual with ideas ahead of their time, which will not bear fruit until the next generation. They lay down foundations for the advancement of human welfare.. The nonexistent roots of the collective unconscious.

Past Lesson = Six of Cups This is an individual who sees themselve in terms as to a group and submerged in the collective consciousness. Self Reliance may disappear. Following the crowd may not be in their best interest.

Current Lessons = Two of Wands Idea that is absolutely brilliant and original product with support as no precedent exists for their wor

Future Lesson - One of Wands - New Beginning and able to stand alone and stand alone - taking action to a successful conclusion.


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