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The Head of Housing
Posted:Jul 10, 2022 6:22 am
Last Updated:Jul 11, 2022 3:43 am

Two construction workers were given an assignment to build a house.. One was A Republican and the other a Liberal.
After they were done.. People praised the house building ability of the Republican.. He build a fabulous house.the finest house they has ever seen.. almost perfect in every way.

The Liberal built an average house . not very special...It looked like a tract house.

People praises the Republican as a great house builder..And dismissed the Liberal construction worker as not a very good house builder.

An election was held for the head of the Housing Department and the Republican won hands down
Breathe In... Breathe Out
Posted:Jul 7, 2022 5:05 pm
Last Updated:Jul 31, 2022 5:35 am

In a moment we find the meaning of life
The meaning of God and the search for love
But amidst the toil, the strain and strife
we become grounded never rising above

And life passes Us by like tides upon the shallows
Seeing the beauty of a butterfly, as it wings past
Then experiencing the pain of slings and arrows
Never the same, the picture show that never lasts

What should we do... that tells it so well
So Beauty and the beast are held at bay
God and peace and love in one magic spell
that can last throughout everyday

To realize life's miracle to breathe in and out
Each breathe battles the hate and pains
It's what peace, love, and beauty's about
not to be pass by, but steadfastly remains
27 Comments   (Page:)
blogs and blog responses getting denied..
Posted:Jul 6, 2022 4:18 pm
Last Updated:Jul 8, 2022 4:08 pm

Well the site is getting ridiculous.. there is obviously a few people who have the power to get blogs denied..

There appears to be no rhyme or reason for it. my last blog after receiving 14 responses has been denied.
What prompted it was my last response to TX.. I have reposted it exactly on this response. It too was also denied.

Tx,. Twilight, sparklefit and crazyhorse had repliedto my blog "Gun laws and Mental illness. the blog no longer exists.
Sink or Swim.. Row Versus Wade
Posted:Jul 4, 2022 6:48 am
Last Updated:Jul 5, 2022 1:34 am

For 50 years...I have always said Roe V Wade was the greatest issue of our time. Not that the issue was about abortion...But because it's an issue that identifies people..who they are..What they are.. and how easily they can be manipulated.... How one can make the truth not matter. How it identifies that separation of church and State.. Women's rights,and men's power...and most important, the role of sexual conduct in a society.
i don't know the right that applies too. what makes it important is not knowing what the right answer should be..
So the question becomes the most import issue.
But again the answer makes it's truly the most important question of our time
As the answers fall somewhere between never and whenever i want. No individual choice will be the same. This makes Roe V Wade an impossible political decision. It is the least political decision one can make. Everyone must compromise their choice to have a choice.
The irony of the solution is it requires faith and trust. Faith and trust in God, or faith and trust in your fellow human beings. The irony of that is, if you really think about it. They are one and the same.
A poem for a crazy ... How far go can you go
Posted:Jun 30, 2022 7:26 am
Last Updated:Jul 1, 2022 8:21 am

I can tell You the truth, but you can not hear
I can show You the light, but you can not see
I gave You distrust, but you turned it to fear
I gave You a "good" life, but it costs you what's free

Without "Hearts" you were short suited honesty
Too many "Diamonds" and the lure of greed
Too many "Clubs" for what hate seems to be
Too many "Spades" that Trump's them all,
and digs the only grave you need.
August 2nd....the final straw.
Posted:Jun 29, 2022 9:07 am
Last Updated:Jul 5, 2022 1:36 am

On August second the people of Kansas will be the first to vote on a referendum about abortion..
Currently the State legislature of Kansas does not have the power to ban abortions.

This referendum will give them that power.

Of course we will find if the people of Kansas accept being hoodwinked into a referendum that doesn't say what it means. There are restriction to abortions in Kansas.. that conform to Roe v Wade. There is a Kansas Supreme court ruling that the State legislature can not ban abortions. That abortion in Kansas is a women's right.

Who's have thunk it in the State of Kansas?

Typical Republican strategy to over turn the Kansas Supreme Court. Is to use any and all means to disguise what the referendum actually does.

Although they appeal to the people Kansas that the referendum will give the legislature the ability to restrict abortions..... they do not need the referendum to do that. They need the referendum to remove the right of women to be offered an abortion....or to ban abortions, not restrictions.. unless the restriction acts like a ban.

Their biggest promotion is to state the number of people from other states that will come to Kansas to get an abortion.....this is true. as surroundings States ban abortions.. but the only way to stop it, is to ban abortions not restrict them. In reality what is means is it worse to accept people from other States or to force your own citizens to go to another State.
And the most ridiculous Statement is.. Kansas will have too many abortions.... How many is too many abortions? When it's restricted to .. one to a customer.
Tomorrows hearing
Posted:Jun 27, 2022 7:31 pm
Last Updated:Jun 28, 2022 12:19 pm

It's hard to imagine what so important about a special session given the house is not in session..
We tend to think it's about information.. but information will hold..
We tend to think it's grandstanding.. as Roe V Wade is taking all the thunder.
We tend to think it something we now don't have an inkling about..or to supplement the last hearing about the DOJ.

I think it's none of those things.

I believe the hearing is for security purposes. I believe the committee does not have the right to witness protect.

i believe it will be someone like John Eastman.. who's going to blow this hearing wide open, and is under threat.
Fetal Development
Posted:Jun 26, 2022 4:10 am
Last Updated:Jun 29, 2022 9:42 am

Supreme Court Justice Alito has said he feels abortion should never have been allowed as women fail to fully understand fetal development before going through the procedure. That understanding fetal development would persuade women not to have an abortion....

I think banning abortion is a bad things.. banning any medical procedure is a bad thing.. It's like banning chemotherapy for killing off ones own live cells in ones own body..Maybe it would be better to have other restrictions than banning the procedure.. Like making sure doctors who preform abortions fully understand fetal development, instead of the patient..Instead maybe forcing the patient to read the entire bible before having an abortion.....If they still decide to have one. force them to wear a scarlet A, for the rest of their lives. and allow other family members stoning rights. Better, yet, give the father the right to take them both out.
Republican hypocrisy
Posted:Jun 24, 2022 3:25 pm
Last Updated:Jun 30, 2022 8:10 am

What's going to happen.. Republicans officials in red State will soften their stance..the ones that supported a ban will change to limited access

Don't be fooled..
they are abusive husbands.. who after slapping you around will say they will never do again.

As this issue for States become the ONLY election State issue..
Republicans will try to protect themselves to stay in power.
It will happen.
Who's accountable
Posted:Jun 24, 2022 2:35 am
Last Updated:Jun 25, 2022 7:33 pm

As we consider gun control, school safety, mental illness and try to put pressure on the Federal government and State governments to do something about what happened in Uvalde.. We miss the most important point about what was done in Uvalde..Not what did the federal government do, not what the State government did.. but what did the people and government of Uvalde do? Who's really accountable to the people of Uvalde? Uvalde's warning is not about a school shooting..It's about powerless marginalized people who have little or no control over their own local government and serving personnel. Who must exist in apathy, awaiting something bad to happen. Uvalde might as well be third world country, more Texan than American.

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