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Beth1949 75F
3163 posts
3/30/2016 10:42 am

Last Read:
4/7/2016 1:50 am


Let's take a short break from the blogs....differently. I felt like posting this brain-teaser for the readers, just as a puzzle or a conundrum, or a riddle, as you may take it. Today the brain-teaser is on ZEBRAS . We all know what is a Zebra, simply a bi-colored stripped animal of Africa.
To start with, I have set a few questions with "Multiple Choice Answers" next to each one. You just read each question carefully and be very attentive in choosing ONLY ONE ANSWER from each Multiple Choice Answers. You can choose as many questions as you want or just try all of them, , It's typically for amusement. Please kindly note the number of your chosen questions and their answer, to facilitate my checking. Thank you so much for your participation.


1- What are the normal colors of the Zebras?............ a)White & black;(b)brown & black;(c) grey & white;(d) grey & black.
2- What is the background color of the Zebras?...........a) white; (b) black; c) grey; d) colorless.
3- Why are their strips running in different ways?.........a) For: beauty; (b) difference style; (c) camouflage; (d) confusion.
4- How do the Zebras defend themselves?.................. a) By: barking; (b) crying; (c) kicking backwards;(d) running away.
5- How do we call the leader of the herd?...................a)The: Chief ; (b) Zebra Leader; (c) Controller; (d) Stallion;
6- At what age is a male Zebra ready to mate?............ a) At: 3 yrs; (b) 4 yrs; (c) 5 yrs; (d) over 6 yrs.
7- When is a mare Zebra ready to give birth?............... a) At: 3 yrs; (b) 4 yrs; (c) 5 yrs; (d) over 5 yrs.
8- How long does a mother Zebra nurse her baby?........a( For: 6 months; (b) 1 yr; (c) 1 and 1/2 yrs;(d) 2 yrs.
9- How does a baby Zebra recognize its mother?..........a) By: her sound; (b) her smell; (c) her stripes;(d) her steps.
10- In which position do the Zebras sleep?...................a) By: lying flat down; (b) sitting; (c) standing; (d) on their side.
11- When angry, what sound do they make?................a) They bark; (b) roar; (c) bray; (d) snort.
12- Which animals are Zebras' main predators?...........a) Leopards& Cheetahs; (b) Tigers & Lynx; (c) Lions & hyenas; (d) Jaguars & Servals.

Well, these are the questions I hope are not so difficult for each of you. It's just a game or a puzzle for amusement. You may answer whichever question you want, or even all of them. At your choice. Have fun in participating.
I hope it has pleased and amused you. Good luck in your trials.
I thank you in anticipation.
Lisa. .

looklook 84M
3928 posts
3/30/2016 11:21 am

I like Zebras when they move forming a group protecting their babies! I can reply all the questions asked if i read a publication on Zebra! But it will be cheating. So I should not do it. Thanks for this informative blog. Waiting for more information from you soon. Have a pleasant time,MLD.
Wish you all the best and regards too. look.

Beth1949 75F
2715 posts
3/31/2016 12:43 pm

Looklook, hello,

Thank you for your visit and for you nice comments. Sorry, I couldn't respond earlier due to some tiredness. Am glad reading from you on here and I appreciate your above opinion. As I've mentioned in my above text, it's only a game for amusement in a different way. Am not here to grade the intelligence of anyone on this blog but simply to indicate the correct answers chosen from above. I like to diversify my blogs, so as it won't be the same style all the time. It depends on one's choice as well.
It seems no one wants to play the game/puzzles, so I'll just reply according to the posted comments. I thought it would be fun to read to participate in the game, whatever the answers may be but it seems it is taken as a test in whichever way one might have thought, rather than a simple game. I was going to give all the correct answers, just as a matter of courtesy afterwards but I feel it's not necessary and as I was going to post another whole blog on Zebras which I intended to post just after this one and which I have already drafted, but I won't it now.
However Looklook, I thank you again and hope reading from you in the future, I prefer to take a break for some time. MBN, I wish you all my best, keep well, enjoy your time and be happy.
My kind regards to you.

Beth1949 75F
2715 posts
3/31/2016 12:54 pm

Mary Ann my dear friend, hi,

Glad for your visit and your comments, thank you for appreciating the above photos, Mary Ann. Hope reading from you again in the future when I 'll be back after taking a break from posting any blog for some time. Therefore, I wish you and all of yours, pleasant days till we meet again on here. With my kind regards. Lisa.

Beth1949 75F
2715 posts
3/31/2016 1:08 pm

JKH, hi

Thanks for you visit and your comments. May I ask you to kindly read the same intended comments as above, for Roxy , it will avoid me repeating a duplication. Thanks again JKH. I wish you my best for the coming period, until then, remain joyful and keep well too.
Enjoy your days.