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jiminycricket1 74M
5533 posts
2/5/2020 6:36 am

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
2/5/2020 6:48 am

Lies don't tell us a whole lot.. because they are lies.
Last night we saw and heard the full blown Lie and propaganda Commander and Chief.

We got Twitter, rally speeches, and the State of the Union as comparables. As to the targets of Trump lies and propaganda.. How Twitter is designed for Trump personal attacks, how his rallies are designed to rile his base, and how the State of the Union was the kickoff speech to his 2020 campaign, a combination of both illusions and disillusionment..

The Statements made that conflict with each other.. like he can make them stand alone..

The disrespect of "Black folk" ...That handing out a few jobs, plaudits and prizes, could convince them out of something they know to be true. How that wasn't design for support but to create division within their support of Democrats.. He plays on "black folks" own APPEARANCE of disillusionment with the Democrat Party. Truly the ways and means of slave holders... a piece of bread for your soul.

His creation of an anti-socialist movement. As America GREATEST threat.

His taking credit for some of those things he deserves none.. In fact taking credit from those who deserve it..Like passing the Criminal justice Act, Getting through Congress the Trade agreements, Like protecting Medicare and social Security. Like keeping
Pre-existing conditions..and lowering prescription costs. Like infrastructure repairs

He threw bones to his base on immigration and abortion.
HE confirmed his ability and design to control and manipulate the Judicial branch
He confirmed his ability and design to control the Legislative Branch

There is nothing beyond this man that he wouldn't do..
WE got the first inkling. of what he will do to CONTROL the election.. There is nothing beyond him he wouldn't do.

And that is the rub of combating the Lie and propaganda Commander and Chief.
You can't do anything about those who are willing to believe lies. try as you might. Trump gets to tell them and we get to believe him.

WE need to make sure that the election isn't reflective of only those that have fallen into the trap. We need to prevent Trump from allowing only those people to vote.. We need to stop Trump from controlling our election by a DIRECT effect on vote counting.

Rentier2 79M
951 posts
2/5/2020 8:36 am

The thing that got me was his crowing about the NAFTA replacement.
Dunno about Mexico, but Canada has not been affected except in theory.
The US has more access to the Canadian dairy market, but in practice there will be no difference.

US dairy products have additives that Canadians don't like, for starters.

LeafReport 73M

2/5/2020 11:17 am

It was an astonishing thing to witness Cricket. I don't even know what I can write that describes how I felt.

TxJW_D 81M

2/5/2020 1:25 pm

I have vowed not to listen to anything that liar says.
I will vote for anyone who is not running as a republican.
All news channels bring that liar on so I MUTE.
I have heard enough lies to last a lifetime.
It's over with that lying blankety blank blank.
The ____is a non person where I am concerned.
Just show me the opposing warm body. He or she has my vote.
AND I will then be voting FOR one as corrupt as the one I want to get rid of.
They are all clones in DC & the SHIT HOUSE.

There are better things in life than his constant lying bullshit.
The bas--rd has us cutting each other to pieces. AND FOR WHAT??

Why guess, argue, and put down others over that ass hole and our corrupt government?

Damn all of the whole corrupt situation and those who keep it going.!

You guys come down and we will go fishing.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
2/5/2020 1:48 pm

Trump is a silent farter.....Have you ever known one of those?...One of those people who have bad digestion and poor sphincter control......they walk around oozing a horrendous stink. They move around a gathering, making gestures blaming others for the stink......

TxJW_D 81M

2/5/2020 3:57 pm

In a news clip I saw the first stripper pin a medal on that guy and immediately thought---WOW does she actually think Ubangi lips are attractive???
The botox lips reminded me of Ubangi tribal pictures in National Geographic Magazine way back in history. LOL

They wore something to stretch their lips to enormous proportion. It would be like kissing a goose. LOLOL

She could do a new series of Afleck commercials. LOL