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jiminycricket1 74M
5533 posts
9/30/2018 6:08 am
The Hypocrisy in Accusations..

It's hard to be here as a "loner".. And discuss things that nobody want to hear.

I said it before.. I don't care about the WHAT... I don't care if Trump builds a wall, deports every single illegal....reduce taxes for the wealthy...or tries to become a dictator... I don't care if Democrats raise taxes. spend more on entitlements, regulate business, and give amnesty to "illegals"
However, I do care about the truth
I care about HOW one goes about getting what they want

Most people here only think about the WHAT...once they make their conclusion about the What... then HOW simply becomes a tool to get what they WANT, or prevent the other guy from getting What he/she wants.
That is the first of many Lies and hypocrisies.... I see happening.
HOW one thinks,, and HOW one does... shouldn't change... It's a matter of integrity and honesty with oneself.

There are two things about this hearing I need to explain MY OPINION..

First is that.. WHAT happened 36 years ago.. when Kavanaugh was a .. has NO bearing on this for me. It says nothing to me about him NOW.... For me it's never been a "He says.. She says"... it's only been a "He says" that matters... On two fronts about that..... Kavanaugh has failed to convince me, that what COULD have been then isn't what still is NOW. Not in his actions.. but in his mindset..

Second is "innocent until proven guilty" when someone is confronted with an accusation. Not in a court of law, but in a hearing for a promotion to the highest court. MY OPINION is that.. it doesn't apply.. but Let's assume it does..
A judge should adhere to the premise that when applying a legal situation.....It's needs to be applied equally.
Kavanaugh....does not apply the law equally.. his presumption of innocence for Dr Ford's accusation... does not apply to his accusations against Democrats.. He has made accusations against Democrats.. that HE KNOWS can not be held up in a court of LAW.
What I heard from Kavanaugh... was do unbelievably Trumpian... Deny, Deny, Deny....
Accuse the accusers.....and the whole time "pat yourself on the back"..Forget the WHAT... That was Kavanaugh's HOW

So the "How" of this.... makes the decision easy.. You can believe that Kavanaugh is a choir boy, and has NEVER done anything like he's accused of.....His accusers are Liars, falsifiers, conspirators, and witch hunters..and against all evidence and logic, believe Kavanaugh, under oath, has told the whole truth and nothing but the Truth
Or, You still DON"T have to find Kavanaugh guilty.... you can just believe that Kavanaugh doesn't belong on the SUPREME COURT.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
9/30/2018 6:36 am

Most of you have heard of Kavanaugh ruling in regards to illegal teenagers request to have an abortion..
Kavanaugh's ruling did not unconstitutionally disallow the abortion.. but in essence circumvented Roe V Wade to prevent the abortion from happening.. by NOT making a decision.

A couple of notes about it.. The Texas court, one of the strictest against abortion was allowing it.. No government funding for it. It was a done deal until the government presented it to the appeals court of Judge Kavanaugh.. who ruled against the Texas Courts, as he was allowing a delay which would have negated the Texas Court ruling.

Judge Kavanaugh.. by a panel of Appeal Judges was overruled...

It is not up to a Judge to circumvent a Law.... he doesn't agree with... The law MUST BE APPLIED EQUALLY

This ruling alone, disqualifies Kavanaugh from holding a seat on the highest court.
When a judge does not apply the law equally... and determines their rulings not by the Law... but by the desired outcome. Then the "Law of the Land' becomes the "Law of the Elite".

My favorite Supreme Court Justice statement is by Justice Scalia....."if you want me to change my ruling... then change the law" ...... Kavanaugh is NO Scalia

Rocketship 80F
18625 posts
9/30/2018 7:26 am

I always read your blogs with interest, Jiminy~~

You give me points to ponder!!

sewg1941 82F

9/30/2018 10:41 am

Good Blog!!!

Katie_au_lait 78F
7026 posts
9/30/2018 11:47 am

Yes, a very good blog Jiminy... Long may they continue!

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
9/30/2018 5:06 pm

    Quoting  :

Well, The WHAT of it is abortion.....I ain't talking abortion..

I'm talking about applying a law.. Don't care what the law is..

Judge Kavanvauigh circumvented the LAW, as a judge, for his own personal reasons, this action was NOT judicial..

Every single teenager in this country is vulnerable.. but not every single teenager is illegal..... not every single teenager is in the custody of the US government..
the US government was denying it's own LAW... And it was denying a medical procedure, to an illegal, as stated in that law ...From the standpoint of a medical procedure..... from the Standpoint of ROE V WADE and from Roe v WADE it was denying the LAW. The judge did not have the right of making excuses, for not upholding the Law....Whether YOU think the LAW is right or wrong.. doesn't matter...

Judge Kavanaugh may have the power to help change the Law, by legislation or cut the law judicially.... but he doesn't have the right to deny the current law to anybody in this LAND

brightsmile003B 84F

9/30/2018 5:20 pm

Hi are not a loner here and some folk do want to hear what you have to say. I read your blogs sometime but I do not comment on political blogs. I am not saying all of yours are political because I do comment sometime on those that are not.

I really like this blog because I think the way that you do on this matter. I do not think this man belongs on the Supreme Court for many reasons. I will be surprised if he is nominated.

brightsmile003B 84F

9/30/2018 5:22 pm

oops....he has already been nominated what I wanted to say is if he gets the job.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/1/2018 4:35 am

    Quoting  :

Yes.. this is the problem.. of what you see and how you see it..
Yes there is no guaranteed rights for illegals.. for Human rights, due process, justice, and fair play.
Yes, illegals aren't AMERICAN.. THEY are criminals.. and CRIMINALS lose their rights.. Just Like Black People...or Christianity disbelievers, or all Mexicans, or others from "shithole" countries, Muslims, or women, or Liberal conspirators, or other UnAmerican people.
So what we know, NOW, is there are more American "ill eagles"... than America use to have.....and that those .. "birds of a feather, "fluck" together"

Who made you .. "THE PRESIDENT"? decide what and who is AMERICAN.
That's already "been there done that"... Trump has made what should be AMERICA and AMERICANS "perfectly clear"...
"Love him.. or Leave it.".
Republicans call it a "big tent" .. but you are just living in a "sleeping bag"
Your "Constitution" is more about taking a "dump" and diarrhea of the mouth..
Than ideas and "Ideals"....... and anybody who jumps in that "sleeping bag" with you.. refuses to see, hear and "smell" it....even though it has no other place go.. but surround them... OOH... HOW NASTY!

AMERICAN RIGHTS........??????????.. someone needs to tell me what that is.. Because I don't have a fricken clue! .....but I do think it has something to do with "Making America GREAT Again"


Think about it... then think.... WTF's wrong with me?

The Irony is beyond my imagination.. That YOU would even consider yourself an ELITIST..
Can I get an "AMEN"... for ELITISTS... they need our prayers..

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/1/2018 5:56 am

When you have the RIGHT.. You are always in the "Right"

It's a Trumpian world... we live in..

To WIN.. you got to take their rights.. before they take Yours

And You have the AMERICAN RIGHT to do that...

"America First".. and "Make America GREAT"...
it's so obvious... to buy into Trump idea of leadership.. is NEVER it's own reward..
We have been the "leader" of the free world.. the most powerful country on this Planet..
But what do we have to show for it?

Being taken advantage of?
Not receiving the HONOR that should be bestowed on US.
Other people not praying and thanking GOD for Us.. but preying upon US
We always got to pay the freight.. on the "gifts" we give them.
WE police the world.. in the name of peace...But ironically just like we "police" our own country. Protect the wealthy and punish whoever we think is "criminal".. including the "poor", the disadvantaged, and the unGREATful... especially the ungrateful... And Those "criminals" are going to pay for it .. Whether you're here.. or you're just "a-broad"...

Trump has waited his entire life for this.....Put the "power" in his hands....and HE will pay them back for their insolence, dishonor, and lack of respect for the power we have.. He will show them, and show US.... Not just in the Macrocosm of the world....but also show US... in the microcosm of his own Presidency.
The world needs to learn a lesson.. but so do WE!
Trump is going to show US.. what NO other President has done.. he's going to show US.. what you're suppose do .. when you have the POWER...
Trump isn't a despot and a LIAR.....He's a TEACHER...

The Trumpian World of "leadership".. isn't free.... the measure of your leadership is not what you give .. but what you get in return..
BECAUSE can't eat Ideals
You can"t spend Ideals
You can't "accumulated" ideals..
So what the Hell... good are they?

So the truth is????......
Well ...that is the question about TRUMP and for US..
Trump will NEVER tell YOU.....Because as with POWER and "LOVE"
"Truth is never having to say you're SORRY"

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/1/2018 6:33 am

    Quoting  :

No.....I haven't changed my blog .. You have..... As stated in the beginning my blog is about the HOW..... You've try to change it to the WHAT...

It's Not because .. I confused YOU...
That would be nearly impossible.. since you are already "confused".

You see I'm talking about HOW Kavanaugh did it... How Trump does it.. How Dr Ford did it.. How the Democrats do it... and now... How you do it..

So.. Your understanding need not be about the WHAT , but about the HOW.. It's not a test... You can't pass or you can't fail....
You just got to agree or disagree with the How and Why they do it and you do it.. Without any consideration about "What" they are doing..

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/1/2018 7:49 am

Let me give you the easiest example...

The Why and How we go about telling the Truth..

You can try and define the truth by WHAT is said..... the opinion of a falsehood.. or EVEN the PROOF of falsehood..

My definition of the TRUTH.. only matters in the WHY and HOW we tell it.. NOT WHAT you happen to think of it. Or the proof you may have...
It works conversely too... the why and how you prove a lie.. determines if YOU are being truthful.
So WHAT is the truth?... It's the How and why we tell it, and in the how and why we disprove it.
So you see... FOR ME... the WHAT it is, doesn't matter... The TRUTH is only the How and why.

That's because The Truth is a humanly evolved necessity.. it's embedded in us, by 10,000 years of survival.. we could NOT have survived without the tells Us everything we need to know.... from a fire is hot, to ice is cold..the sky is blue and the grass is green. The truth has evolved for it's OWN purpose.. Many of Us never realize it... The Truth is the most natural thing we do. It needs NO other purpose.. To deny the truth is to deny one's self, and deny every human who has come before us
So as soon as one gives the Truth..a different "purpose" than it's own......It becomes a LIE.
That "purpose" may justify and allow us to Lie......But it NEVER allows us, in our own mind, to tell the truth. Because if you have to make a choice about it ...It's not the truth.. And if you judge others by their truth, but not your own.. then it not the truth..

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/1/2018 8:00 am

The irony .. of course is that people do judge the truth of their own truth.

The problems is their own truth is a LIE..
and so it is... that everybody LIES

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/1/2018 10:29 am

well you've mixed up two things..

First my "comment" is not about criticizing Kavanaugh's ruling about an illegal seeking an abortion.. It's about the TRUTH of Kavanaugh's ruling

My comment is about the how and why Kavanaugh made that ruling.... which brings us to your second mistake My main blog, on top, has nothing to do with illegals and abortions.

I have tried to explain it six ways from Sunday..

So let me be blunt.......I HAVE NO PURPOSE.. BUT THE TRUTH and YOU ONLY GIVE PURPOSE TO THE TRUTH.. I think I have already defined what that means pretty clearly.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
10/1/2018 11:44 am

Again with the irony... WE are the only living creatures on this planet.. that know something ..other than the truth.

If there is a GOD... what a strange joke he played on us give us that..

But from evolution......It made us.. what we are......
because the greatest discoveries and advancement of man, have resulted from the lies we told ourselves. Maybe this Lie will be our greatest challenge so that we may Lie no more.

The earth is the center of the universe.
The earth is flat
And one, yet to be acknowledge.. there is GOD....not that we were created in his image... But a GENDER GOD .. that HE..HE was created in ours.
The hypocrisy of it.. that somehow we have create GOD as Human and MAN is divine.. As so you ask.... And so it is......that humans are subservient to the divine nature of a Kavanaugh and a Trump... and there's no such thing as sexual assault or sexual harassment or sexual abuse.... Unless they say there is..and define it for US. As to who can do it... and who can't.. Who's the conspirator and who isn't.. Who deserve it and who doesn't... and finally What is the Truth and What isn't.
We've come a long go backwards.