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marbella3 70F
2483 posts
9/26/2017 2:50 am

Read: 2 Kings 4:1–7

Bible in a Year: Isaiah 1–2; Galatians 5

When all the jars were full . . . the oil stopped flowing. 2 Kings 4:6

A popular ’s book tells the story of a poor, country boy who took off his cap to honor the king. An identical hat appeared instantly in its place on his head, inciting the king’s anger for what appeared to be disrespect. Bartholomew removed hat after hat while being escorted to the palace for punishment. Each time, a new one appeared in its place. The hats grew increasingly fancy, bearing precious jewels and feather plumes. The 500th hat was the envy of King Derwin, who pardoned Bartholomew and purchased the hat for 500 pieces of gold. At last, Bartholomew’s head was bare; he walked home with freedom and money to support his family.

A widow came to Elisha in financial distress, fearing her would be sold into slavery to pay her debts (2 Kings 4). She had no assets other than a jar of oil. God multiplied that oil to fill enough borrowed jars to settle the debts plus care for their daily needs (v. 7).

Thank You, Lord, for paying my debt through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.ï‚™

God provided financially for the widow in much the same way He provides salvation for me. I am bankrupted by sin, but Jesus paid my debt—and offers me eternal life as well! Without Jesus, we are each like the poor, country boy with no means to pay our King for our offenses against Him. God miraculously supplies the extravagant ransom for us, and ensures that those who trust in Him will have life abundant forever.
Thank You, Lord, for paying my debt through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I had nothing; You paid it all for me.

Jesus’s sacrifice pays for our spiritual debt.

MrsJoe 76F
17396 posts
9/26/2017 5:08 am

I personally have experienced his bountiful supply in a time of great need. This was a good reminder to be thankful.

Be a prism, spreading God's light and love, not a mirror reflecting the world's hatred.