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starwomyn 70F
5429 posts
10/6/2008 6:56 pm

Last Read:
10/9/2008 8:35 am

So Many Men? Where are the Women?

It happened to me AGAIN!!!!! I walked into a 12 Step Meeting. LO and Behold, I was the only female in the meeting.

This happened to me last year when I went to a meeting in BumFiretrUCK - Nevada

So..............I started making cOOkies for the Guys. I think I'll let Sam's Club bake them this time. At least I won't have to worry about FLAT Cookies because of the High Elevation.

When I moved to West Forgotten By Santa Virginity, there were very few women in recovery. Now that group has all kinds of women getting well. It happened there and it will happen here.

I was looking forward to finding a girlfriend to go to Montecello with. It looks like I might have help one sober up first. Life on Life's Terms.


50TallandBuilt9 70M

10/6/2008 9:12 pm

I agree with your grove going babe!!

missioncontrol 76F

10/6/2008 10:36 pm


With more men than woman I would be in my glory.
Now isn't that just like a Leo woman to say something like that.

I'm looking to the future and it's out of sight,
only in the end shall I take flight.

Robyn5 83F

10/7/2008 6:06 am

Star, That often happens to me but doesnt worry me any more. The only thing is that you are sure to be asked to share, being the only woman there. Some groups just seem to have men, and sometimes I enter into the holies of holies, only to be given a great welcome. After awhile it doesnt really matter.

bikenski 80M

10/7/2008 7:50 am

Two reasons I can think of:

- women drink less than men so there are fewer of them in AA
- many women only go to closed women's meetings

If you want to see lots of women go to Overeaters Anon, Emotions Anon, or Alanon.

starwomyn replies on 10/8/2008 4:47 am:
Actually, there are just as many women Alcoholics but not as many who are willing to reach for help. Some women feel the shame more intensely.

gauch652 87M

10/7/2008 6:56 pm

STAR ..Funny ..I was asking the same question ..WHERE are the WOMEN ??

starwomyn replies on 10/8/2008 4:25 am:
You'll have to find yourself one of them "IRON BUTTERFLES"