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starwomyn 70F
5429 posts
11/29/2021 12:29 am

Last Read:
12/2/2021 9:30 pm

Intuition and the Doll in her pocket

Vasalisa has a secret, a gift from her dying mother, a tiny doll she carries always in her pocket. “Hide her. Feed her when she is hungry,” her mother had said. “And when you are uncertain or afraid, ask her to guide you.” At each turning of the forest path, at each fork and crossroad, Vasalisa touches the doll, and the doll guides her surely through the darkness. Women Who Run With Wolves

I frequently transport neighbors to the food pantry, medical appointments, and shopping. So earlier last week, when a neighbor asked me for a ride. I didn't think anything of it. I have driven him to the post office before. I was a bit surprised when he asked me to turn on a narrow uphill road to an abandoned house where he dropped off a package and we left. That seemed kind of weird.

Later on, he knocks on my door telling me that he needed to go back again. My girlfriend/neighbor was also there. We had been out and about all day. We didn't feel like going anywhere else. Maybe later. She texted me that night telling me that she agreed to take him on Monday.

"That Doll in my pocket" started jumping up in down and red flags started waving all over the place." I went outside and noted that my girlfriend's apartment was pitch black. I worried about it all night and in the morning, I check to see if her car was still there. I knocked on her door. She was still in her night grown. I told her how I drove Rodney up a narrow uphill road to an abandoned house where he left a package. I had a really bad feeling and neither of us should transport him anywhere.

We are both "12 Steppers" and have been around the block a few times. She mentioned that if we even have an "inkling" that he is doing something illegal, we would liable. I was thinking more in terms of personal safety while she was thinking about legal consequences. Different experiences and perceptions. We decided to head to the local coffee house and get out our tarot cards for more insight. Ironically, my neighbor on the other side was in the coffee house. She mentioned that she read tarot cards at one time. I asked her which ones and she said she forgot. Dang, if she wasn't so germophobic, she could play cards with us.

Apparently, Rodney asked another neighbor who gets around on a rickety old bicycle to deliver the package. He took one look at that hill and declined.

Our cards confirmed that something shady was going on that could lead to potential incarceration. We did the three coin toss which is Yes or No answers. No No No!!!! Don't drive Rodney up that hill.

We were walking back to our abodes when Rodney stepped out of his apartment. "NO ONE wants to drive up that hill." You got that right, I responded. Especially in the snow. "By the way, what's in that package?" "Something", he tells me.

Something is a nebulous word. I really don't want to know but neither my girlfriend or I are willing to go to jail over it.


starwomyn 70F
8876 posts
11/29/2021 12:33 am

Three Coin Toss
Three Heads - Absolutely YES
Two Heads One Tail - Most likely YES
Three Tails - Absolutely NO
Two Tails - One Head - Most Likely NO


PearlsWthMyJeans 68F
1715 posts
11/29/2021 5:23 am

They say to listen to your intuition. I think it's good advice!

A day without dance is .... just kidding. I have no idea!

MrsJoe 76F
17453 posts
11/29/2021 6:32 am

Whether a person calls it a check in the spirit, red flag, a doll in the pocket, a gut instinct, intuition, or any other term, it is a good thing to listen to it.
Please be observant for any situations around you that make you uncomfortable or fearful for your safety now ..... after all, you did take him up there once, and may be perceived as a threat since you seem suspicious.
I know I may seem like a fraidy cat or worry wart, and maybe I am.

Be a prism, spreading God's light and love, not a mirror reflecting the world's hatred.

Abelle2 83F
31250 posts
11/29/2021 6:34 am

Pearls is absolutely correct!

Hawkslayer 88M
13354 posts
11/29/2021 6:36 am

I'd say that you have made the correct decision not to drive up the hill.

It only takes a drop of ink to make a million people think. There are many stories.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
11/29/2021 10:40 am

I always loved the Vasalisa story......It is odd and creepy to ask you to drive them somewhere out of the way and not tell you why......You are wise to listen to Vasalisa..........

Maudie1 74F
8151 posts
11/29/2021 12:18 pm

You made the right choice for sure.