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starwomyn 70F
5429 posts
11/4/2021 10:21 pm

Last Read:
11/5/2021 6:44 pm

Grandma versus Granny West Virginia

I had plans Biloxi and Atlanta afterwards but realities and life on life's terms had other plans. So I took the plane to Atlanta. The itinerary is Lewisburg to Washington D.C. to Atlanta with 45 minutes to each connecting flight.

I got a message from my older s0n, Would I like to join him in his running club that night? He advised me that there were some folks walking the route. Yeah Right! He hadn't seen me in a few years. I now walk with a four prong cane. When I got off the plane, it was strongly suggested that I get to the connecting flight via wheelchair. It was humbling but I would have never made the connecting flights by foot. I have to be grateful.

I spent the first day with abdominal pains. I have a temperamental digestive system and had surgery in February. The next day, my problematic hip was in really bad pain. There is a surgical consultation later this month. The next day, I caught my grands0ns common cold and the medication made me sleep two day.

Gadz00ks! My mind wants run, dance, hike, and be a wild woman. My body says "You've got be kidding!" Gracefully surrendering the things of youth? Bah Humbug!

I send my grands0n gifts from Granny West Virginia. I was hoping he would not be calling me "Grandma." My mother was Grandma and that's what my s0n called her. Thus my s0n taught his s0n me Grandma.

We were telling jokes and I called him a silly b0y. He called me a silly Grandma. He says it so cute that my heart melted. I don't care what he calls me.

Yesterday evening, we were playing chess with his Dad giving him lots of advice. It turns out that I am a much better chess player than I thought I was. I am telling the grands0n, I want YOU in checkmate. He tells me, I want GRANDMA in checkmate. Soon, he lost interest in the game. He's only F0UR years . My s0n took over the game. GRANDMA went into Checkmate.


starwomyn 70F
8876 posts
11/4/2021 10:23 pm

I taught my son to play chess when he was five years old. He quickly learned to beat me in chess. I suspect that his son will do the same.


Maudie1 74F
8151 posts
11/5/2021 12:24 am

Lovely that you were able to visit your son and Grandson. I'm sure he was very excited to see Grandma. Enjoy the rest of your time there .

Archer62 83F
7121 posts
11/5/2021 5:52 am


sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
11/5/2021 9:04 am

Grand kids are the best.....Sound like you made a lovely connection...

Koffla 68M
12429 posts
11/5/2021 5:20 pm

Family is always first. We missed you in Biloxi, but you made the right decision.