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starwomyn 70F
5429 posts
9/16/2021 7:33 pm

Last Read:
1/25/2022 9:13 pm

Photo Friday - Letter S

Samhain is the Pagan term for Halloween - The time of the year when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. It is also the Celebration of the Harvest.

September is the beginning of Pumpkins and other produce coming to be

SAYMA equals = Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting Association

and the joy of being a Senior Activist which sometimes means staying in hostels and sleeping on the top bunk - not an easy task at my age.

When I first started going to Quaker meetings, I received a text, "Would I be willing to be a SAYMA representative for the William Penn House in Washington D.C. I had been to the WPH a few times but I had no clue what SAYMA was. I got an invite to go to the WPH - thinking I was going to a SAYMA meeting. " Dang, I didn't realize that Washington D.C. was in Appalacia," I was thinking as I was on the train heading to D.C.

When I arrived at the William Penn House, I was told that I was there as a SAYMA Representative for the William Penn House. The major SAYMA event is usually held in North Carolina. It was on z00m for the past few years.

I stayed at the William Penn House several times for lobbying adventures. We are currently doing our activism on zOOm. I miss the visits to D.C. I don't miss having to climb on those top bunks. Fortunately I usually manage to get a bottom bunk.


starwomyn 70F
8876 posts
9/16/2021 7:37 pm

The William Penn House in now called the Friend's Place. I am not happy about that change but I don't rule the Great Quaker Realm so "Life on Life's Terms." I am just glad that they let me keep my CRYSTALS!!!!


Koffla 68M
12450 posts
9/17/2021 3:31 am

I plan to have lots of fun this Halloween!

Maudie1 74F
8151 posts
9/17/2021 6:47 am

Some great "S" photos there ,Star. I remember as a child all the old people referred to Halloween as Oiche Samhain. On all souls day there was big tradition of remembering all loved ones passed. Candles burned in all the windows in memory of the dead.

I have no memory of ever sleeping on the top bunk, don't think I would risk it now.

Shartaun03 81F
6228 posts
9/17/2021 8:54 am

Lovely collection of photos for Sayma celebration. Nice photo of you Starwomyan with your windblown hair.

Hawkslayer 88M
13354 posts
9/17/2021 8:55 am

Great series of 'S' pictures, I enjoyed them all.

It only takes a drop of ink to make a million people think. There are many stories.

MrsJoe 76F
17453 posts
9/17/2021 9:29 am

Yes, September, as the garden begins to wind down it's plenty, but pumpkins, squash and gourds abound. I remember my grandmother making a relish that she called 'tail of the garden' and it was never quite the same, year to year. September is also the time when tomatoes here are picked to ripen later or for frying now.
I especially like that last picture.... Star, for the letter S!

Be a prism, spreading God's light and love, not a mirror reflecting the world's hatred.

PearlsWthMyJeans 68F
1715 posts
9/17/2021 3:19 pm

Tomato season .. love it! I have always admired people who know how to grow fruits and vegetables!

A day without dance is .... just kidding. I have no idea!

lilium6 74F
4498 posts
9/17/2021 4:17 pm

♪ I see a bad moon rising ♫ - hope those decapitated heads aren't a sign of things to come, yikes!
Really nice shots of the pumpkin and tomatoes and that's a really nice selfie - it seems to have captured your spirit :- )

starwomyn 70F
8876 posts
9/17/2021 6:58 pm

    Quoting lilium6:
    ♪ I see a bad moon rising ♫ - hope those decapitated heads aren't a sign of things to come, yikes!
    Really nice shots of the pumpkin and tomatoes and that's a really nice selfie - it seems to have captured your spirit :- )

Two years ago, I was working at the Haunted Farm running the head toss both.
