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starwomyn 70F
5429 posts
4/19/2017 2:52 pm
Atlanta Driving Adventures

Last year I went to Atlanta for a Grant Writing Class. My had recently purchased a house in Stone Mountain thus I had to rent a car. I am directionally challenged in the best of circumstances and carry my GPS when I plan to rent a car. The car I rented in Texas already had a built in GPS so I assumed the car in Atlanta would also have a GPS. I assumed wrong. My told me that the phone has a GPS. The problem is that the phone was picking up on every internet signal and getting confused.

So on the last day of the class, I parked in the wrong garage. Upon leaving, I was told, a seven dollar fee, check or cash. All I carry is plastic. I had to run out and find an ATM machine.

Upon leaving, a cop sensed by confusion - so on goes the lights and the challenge of finding a place to pull over. " Can't you drive," he demanded.

Sure I can drive in West Virginia - my plan is to take this FiretrUCKING vehicle to back to the rental place and my is going to pick me up. He muttered about the FiretrUCKING Out-Of-Staters but I didn't get a ticket. The GPS on the Cell Phone DID send me several miles in the wrong direction.
